(Photo above of Bernadette in court)
This case continues to attract an audience. Earlier this year Lifetime released a remake of the movie Death of a cheerleader aka A Friend to Die for. One of the reasons I made this blog was to combat the misinformation. I first saw the movie way back in 2005. I felt so bad for Bernadette. I genuinely felt like she was victim to the times. Orinda, California in the 1980s was all about “excellence”. In a scene in the movie, you know the scene where they announce who made the cheerleading squad. The whole school was in the auditorium, watching each girl as their name was called sashay unto the stage. That really happened to Bernadette. The movie was scarily accurate at capturing the environment there at the time. But the movie got several things wrong too. Kirsten was not tormenting Bernadette. Kirsten didn’t give a damn about her and that WAS the problem. Why would Bernadette want to be friends with her so bad if she bullied her and made her life hell? Bernadette wanted to BE Kirsten. Bernadette wanted to BE in her world. When the “date” went bad she lost it and stabbed her to death. Kirsten was inaccurately represented. So after I found out the truth I made this blog.
I truly believe she planned to murder her that night from the jump. Bernadette wore sweatpants that night. She was not dressed for a party. To this very day after years of research I have never been able to establish if there really was a party going on that night. Did the police ever look into that? And let’s be real that knife was not just in the car. Her sister Virginia “Gina” Protti-Varela lied to save her sister. I believe Bernadette’s family knew from the beginning. Bernadette had possession of the pinto that night. She was a chunky blonde teenage girl who was a Bobbie. The police released a description of the pinto and the attacker the very next morning! They knew Kirsten was meeting with a member of the Bobbies. Bernadette matched the description to the t.
The morning Bernadette wrote a letter confessing to her mother, she told her to wait 30 minutes after she left for school to read the letter she wrote. Her mother read her bible with a timer set. Her Mother knew before she opened that letter what was in it.
Use your sense. What could have happened that was so bad Kirsten fled the pinto to run to a neighbors house for help? I believe she planned to kill her all along. And Kirsten ruined it by causing a scene so she had to kill her even though Bernadette had to realize there was witnesses.
I have some good reads coming for y’all, Jeannette was embroiled in a lawsuit along with her employer. Also her sister Virginia had a lawsuit too for frauding a company out of their rightful share after they made a deal with her bank. I’ll upload documents and details later this weekend.
Also Jeannette has a daughter who looks like she could have a pro career in golf sooner than later. Hopefully she has told her family about her murderous rage.
Also check out the film Landscape Suicide. Made in late 80s it’s about Bernadette. Check it out. I’ll post link to the full movie.