Saturday, October 12, 2019

Landscape Suicide 1988

The film recounts, and parallels, two murders that took place thirty years apart: Bernadette Protti's stabbing of a high school friend Kirsten Costas in Northern California in early 1984, and the infamous double homicide and taxidermies committed by Ed Gein in Northern Wisconsin three decades prior.


  1. I saw the movie a while ago. The actress reads excerpts from the court records. Very well played, everything seemed so real. Chilling!

  2. I saw the documentary a while back. I thought the actress did a great job. I'm still amazed that no-one was able to get a confession out of her. She appears to have been obsessed with Kirsten, which seems to have freaked Kirsten out and prompted her to flee from Bernadette's car to the house of a stranger. Poor Kirsten didn't realise the extent of danger she was in. I thought the end of Landscape Suicide was sad when it showed a teenage girl supposed to represent Kirsten with "Memory" (the song played at Kirsten funeral) playing in the background.

    Ed Gein was something else, wasn't he.

  3. I will watch it. Thanks.

  4. Brittany, sorry about the hate you are getting. I'm surprised though because people generally don't care about defending Jeanette. It's either from the same hand full of people that have defended her here, or it's the resident fantasist. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  5. I knew Kirsten growing up -- two years older than me at Glorietta and Miramonte (we wouldn't have overlapped at OIS). She was in my sister's Brownie troop. She was on Meadow Swim Team with us. Bernadette served the longest term that was available in California in 1985. I do not understand hounding this woman until the end of the Earth.

  6. Hello again. This blog is barely active. How do you know Bernadette feels hounded? She is living her life in Texas unaware that this blog is still active. Probably even forgotten it exists (if she knew it existed at all).. Yes, she got 7 years and was released. Does that mean people should never discuss it again? Why do people still talk about Kirsten or Bernadette? It's rare that someone can commit such a brutal murder, get a slap on the wrist, change their name and live their life like nothing has happened. Kirsten's murder was very cruel and violent, yet Bernadette was described as her normal happy self after the murder. She even discussed possible suspects in class, which is very cold blooded. Bernadette didn't receive the validation she felt entitled to from Kirsten and killed her. She couldn't give a reason as to why she killed Kirsten, or any examples of the supposed bullying people assume Bernadette was subjected to.

  7. As someone trying to endure the hell of my girlfriends unsolved murder two years ago all me and her family can do is hold her in our hearts it touches me the love for Kirsten all these years later i remember when it happened it was like a loss of innocence we didnt know her but we felt it here in norcal Never forget her in your heart and in your prayers

  8. Sorry for your loss Anonymous.

  9. I've been following this case for many years then some things happened in my life and I didn't have much time to get into it as often, just on and off... I used to read these discussions but never commented because I was kinda scared since Bernadette/Jeannette molested a woman on Twitter if I'm not mistaken, but I left some comments on Youtube about this case. A few weeks ago a person threatened me with a large knife and I was in shock and felt sick all day but that experience made me think about Kirsten, I got so scared I can only imagine what she has gone through that horrible night and my heart breaks everytime I think about her, something about Kirsten just makes me feel deeply sorry and sad, I see I'm not the only one... Since that day I went back to this blog and I was thinking it's kind of weird Brittany stopped posting after she revealed she had important news about Bernadette and Virginia, I wonder if the sisters sued her or something, she even said she was going to sell the blog, I have to admit I'm kind of worried about you Brittany! I don't even know if you'll ever read this or not but if someone knows something please let me know, cause these people are psychos and I really hope something didn't go wrong and you are safe! Also I would like to thank Karen for defending Kirsten over the years, something I wish I did (I even wanted to post a video on Youtube about it) but unfortunately I had many things and situations bothering me during the recent years (jobs, relationships, friendships, family and so on) so much drama, so many toxic people and so little time! So unfortunately I never had the chance to do it, but I hope one day I'll be able to post something! And I hope Karen and all the people defending Kirsten are well and safe cause, like I said, I'm kind of worried since we're talking about a dangerous murderer, this silence is kind of creepy not gonna lie, but I hope you guys are safe! Having said that I also hope one day some of Kirsten's friends will finally decide to appear and say the truth not only about this sad case but also to honor Kirsten's memory which was contaminated by stupid movies and people thinking this was a case about bullying, this story would affect people so differently if we tried to reverse the roles, imagine a man in the position of Bernadette, wouldn't you think it's very disturbing? We can't deny this is a case about perspective and a deeply disturbed individual who had it easy because she was a young blonde female teenager, it gives me the creeps a sick individual like that is free now, I really hope she's getting some meds but knowing the person she is I doubt that... I spoke too much, I was just worried about you guys and please give some signs you are all well if you can, send you love.

  10. I used to comment here. I'm well, thanks. It's unlikely people will have conversations/discussions here again because the blog has been overrun by a foolish woman who talks to herself. I'm also not interested in arguing with people who write the same nonsense over and over again. If the blog was strict with hateful comments and trolling from the beginning, perhaps people would still comment here . A tribute blog shouldn't have so much arguing. It makes it very toxic and it turns people off. Happy New Year.
