Saturday, December 6, 2014

Bernadette Protti found! New name Jeannette Tomanka!

Bernadette Protti aka Jeannette Tomanka 

For many years I have been reading about Kirsten Costas and Bernadette Protti. Since the time I watched the lifetime movie "A Friend to Die For", I found myself obsessed with this case. Years later the Costas family is still in pain and they will never have their beloved child back. But Bernadette and her family have moved on had children successful careers (Google Virgina Protti Varela) she is a CEO now! I have dedicated this blog to honor Kirsten's memory.

Virginia Protti Varela the CEO

Bernadette has changed her name to Jeannette Tomanka. A quick Google search and you will see what she has been up to. She also runs a fake Facebook and Twitter account where she uses her name but changes the location to through web sleuths off into thinking that's not her. But pay close attention to the page. She never shows her face or has photos and her friends and family call her Bernie, but she quickly deletes those comments. I don't know why other blogs will not out her. It isn't illegal and I would never post her numbers or addresses even though they are easily google-able. I'm not protecting a murderer. If she committed that crime today she would still be locked up.

Oh, and Virginia and Jeannette or Bernie don't even bother with the dumb and senseless comments you leave.  I suggest you change your name again or better yet just apologize to the Costas family and own the fact your're a killer. That's a fact. And now your sister is a a millionaire and it was her knife. So she claims. The Costas family should sue you clowns for every penny your worth since you guys are not "poor"  anymore. 


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At February 22, 2017 at 12:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette s sisters in grammar school at a catholic school a fountain was named after them Protti Private cause no one would drink out of that fountain cause they drank from it they considered it was contaminated, you know how cruel kids can be, adults to.

At February 22, 2017 at 12:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree her best friend ostrasized herself she had a choice to not get involved, but she got involved, and she had to pay the price at Miramonte by being ostrasized, Bernadette didn't have to face those students, only in court, but still, they couldn't do anything to her, her BFF paid for it. So did the 2 that were blamed. Bernadette didn't pay for hardly any of it.

At February 22, 2017 at 11:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was a fountain named after Bernadette's sisters and how do you know about this?
I really couldn't care less about the friend. The friend said reprehensible things about Kirsten.

At February 23, 2017 at 5:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it in one of these articles. It's in the Bernadette Jeanette one read the comments. I don't know if it's factual or not, I didn't know any of the people involved.

At February 23, 2017 at 5:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look in the article Bernadette/Jeanette photo s about the 5 th column down, that's where I read it.

At February 23, 2017 at 11:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder why Bernadette's sisters were bullied? I wonder if that's why the sister that testified in court about the knife pollutes different blogs with support for Bernadette. Is she projecting her own bullying experiences onto Kirsten even though there is no evidence that Kirsten bullied Bernadette. What a shame a woman her age behaves the way she does.

At February 24, 2017 at 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her sisters were weird and twisted aI imagine. Maybe they do blame their own bullying experiences on Kirsten, and by what Bernadette was saying. That whole family is weird and twisted. I don't know any of it, just what I read.

At February 25, 2017 at 7:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear Bernadette's husband found out about her murdering Kirsten, she obviously kept it from him, well she can't hide from her past, don't know why she felt he 'd never find out, if she didn't want her husband or kids, to find out, she should of thought about all that before she murdered Kirsten. I don't know what her husband said to that I hear he got phone calls about this, I read this somewhere, how true it is, I don't really know, just heard it. If she didn't tell him, it's her fault, cause you can only run, but you can't hide. She is one of the most hated women in this country, she Casey Anthony, Susan Smith and Andrea Yates, they were all popular in school, everyone of them were. They made their choices not to be.

At February 25, 2017 at 11:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette's husband is a cuck.

At February 25, 2017 at 11:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuck --- a weak, feckless, spineless, and decidedly pathetic specimen of manliness.

At February 26, 2017 at 8:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's pretty nasty. Why are you attacking the husband? Apparently, he was blindsided by all this.

At February 26, 2017 at 8:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did you attack Kirsten? Why did you use a French alias to attack the people that write here? I think the husband should be left out of it.

At March 1, 2017 at 12:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's attacking Kirsten? Just said Benradette's husband recently found out about. Bernadette, he could of known all along for all I know, I just read where he found out recently. I hardly beleive that he had to of known it all along. Who's attacking her husband, not his fault, not her kids fault, they should be left out of this, iI agree all the way. It's sad for them.

At March 1, 2017 at 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one's who should be attacked is Bernadette, and her liar of a sister who lied under oath. Those are the one's who need attacked, no I don't feel sorry for Bernadette, feel sorry for the Costas family, the 2 blamed girls who were harassed over something they had nothing to do with, not Bernadette,

At March 1, 2017 at 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This entire situation was horrific & I pity Kirsten's family for the loss of their daughter who never should have been so brutally murdered. I can't even imagine the full horror of what the Costas family is forced to live with - truly heartbreaking. I've read quite a bit about this story. I have to say that a lot of what is NOT said certainly comes across as haughty and bullying, (reading between the lines as they say), as well as, what has been said in this blog and many other places. Kirsten's parents thought that people "like" Nancy, (no judgement here, huh?), had to have done this. So much so, they were willing to come out of hiding to protect the other kids returning for the school year from the likes of Nancy! Wow! That speaks for itself. Yes it is Bernadette's fault, make no mistake about that, but the actions of the Costa's certainly displays an "us" versus "them" attitude. It is hard NOT to believe that bullying did not happen. That school and the attitudes - talk about a pressure cooker! The ultimate responsibility is on Bernadette for butchering Kirsten. But I believe that people have to acknowledge the totality and the gravity of the situation that unfolded. When reality is denied, those who are brave enough to face it will rightly be insulted. If you truly want to make as much sense as you possibly can out of the senseless, you you have to take the front with the back - you don't get to choose. I wish we knew more about whatever kind of help Bernadette was seeking/getting prior to the murder - makes me wonder if someone dropped the ball and could have prevented things from getting to the murderous point it did. People won't seek help if others shame them - that is another huge issue - shaming people. Bernadette was concerned over what others thought of her to the point of not acknowledging how evil the murder she committed was and how that made her look! Psychological damage is just that - damage! Everyone knows that kids have committed suicide over emotional/verbal abuse /bullying. It was disgusting the way that her sisters got unmercifully bullied and Protti Private - naming a water fountain after them, really? There were many disgusting and brutal attitudes flowing in that town and through those schools. I think a big reason this case is still intriguing - relatable issues that perservere! We certainly would not want any other senseless murder victims by anybody - that is why everything about this has to be fully acknowledged, kept real but I doubt that will ever happen. It is a terrible shame too, because this is a teachable moment for many to this day, even if just 1 life is saved from whomever may learn from this senseless crime. The time did not fit the crime - 7 years was like pouring an ocean of salt into a wound that will never go away.

At March 2, 2017 at 6:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell is teachable about this other than the fact a sweet exterior can harbor a dangerous inner monster ��, or you shouldn't aim high and do your best because another person might feel envious and inferior,or a person who was known to publicly and openly hate your daughter that was murdered shouldn't be thought of as a murder suspect? Get over yourself.

At March 2, 2017 at 11:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read my comments correctly, nowhere does it say that people should not try to better themselves, or that a sweet exterior can't harbor a dangerous inner monster, etc. Yes she openly despised Kirsten but that was mutual - she was subject to Kirsten's comments towards her, so the responsibility fell both ways The objective / teachable moment is to try to prevent, educate people by sharing the truth of this story in the hopes of preventing another senseless brutal murder. Killers are studied all of the time, their behaviors are analyzed. Granted we are only lay people, however, it would be important for everyone to know what they ought to watch out for for their own safety. People need to do their best to stick together, this does not mean that you "have" to be friends with someone if you do not want to - but it does mean to behave in a civil way with manners, (this applies to everyone). If you think there is nothing to learn from this situation, that is sad because senseless and brutal as it was - there is always something to be learned.

At March 2, 2017 at 11:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The movie, A Friend to Die For, has many inaccuracies from all that I have learned about this. I am very surprised that the Costas were either not able to or chose not to sue. Many people have stated, (in comments on blogs, etc..) how badly and how awful Kirsten was portrayed. How did they get away with making such a movie that blamed the victim? Especially when many people state how there was no proof in the trial or elsewhere to justify the terrible portrayal of Kirsten in that movie. One would think such a movie would not be able to to so without factual information. It is heartbreaking.

At March 2, 2017 at 11:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My understanding is that Nancy did not want anything to do with the "in" crowd. Nancy also did not fit the description of the killer. I find it hard to believe that Nancy took issue with Kirsten without any provocation by Kirsten. Had some been honest with Kirsten's parents about this, it is entirely possible that time would not have been wasted pursuing 2 innocent girls in the search for the real killer - Bernadette Protti.

At March 2, 2017 at 12:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact is that Nancy was singled out simply because she was different. It did not matter to people that Kirsten bullied Nancy - people just like to talk as if Nancy said what she said for no reason. Not true. It is important to point out that Nancy dd not match the description of the killer - not even close! The police did interviews and had spoken to Nancy, etc... it was not as if both innocent girls had not been questioned. I don't know how so many people can be in denial of the facts that "contributed" to 2 innocent having their young lives disrupted in such a cruel way. Yes Bernadette is to blame, but that does not mean that others have not "contributed" as I have explained.

At March 2, 2017 at 12:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree. Nancy did fit the description. She was signaled out because she was witnessed by the Costas family at dinner walking by a restaurant they were dining at and she yelled I'm going to kill you at Kirsten through the window. Nancy was on drugs and brought some of this on herself. Did she deserve what happened to her? Absolutely not. The police screwed up and did not check her alibi. But Nancy was not totally innocent in this case.

At March 2, 2017 at 5:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that. I was unaware that Nancy had behaved that way. Yes I agree, Nancy contributed /has personal accountability too - no one should ever threaten anyone's life. But when I said that Nancy did not fit the description, I should have been more specific as I was referring only to the "physical" description of the killer as having long blonde hair, etc... that was given to the police by the man who was kind enough to bring Kirsten home that sad, nightmare of an evening. To be clear, I don't pretend to know the emotional hell that began that evening for the Costas family and I firmly believe that Bernadette alone is accountable for her own actions and the vicious brutality she inflicted upon Kirsten. I find it extremely frightening that monsters do not always look like monsters. Yes, the police failed to check Bernadette's alibi and one would think that would have been a priority to follow up on the people they are interviewing.

At March 2, 2017 at 6:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Referring back for a moment to my "teachable moments" comment: I think Kirsten had very good gut instincts and was on point in saying that Bernadette was weird It's beyond sad that because Bernadette had "been a nice/quiet girl" she was therefore not viewed as the serious threat that she indeed was. We can teach our kids to trust their gut instinct and it is better to be safe than sorry because monsters do not only not always look like monsters, they also do not always behave (or have behaved) as a monster - that they should not allow themselves to be confused or question one's self if they have any misgivings about someone. Also it is about being kind /civil and understanding the fact that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, if they are not deserving of it - avoid them, be civil but avoid them. And about helping kids to develop a sense of self worth that doesn't rely on being accepted by others - that it is a definite red flag when anyone is trying too hard to fit in or chasing after anyone's friendship for whatever the reason may be. Kids need tools to cope with their feelings and how to deal with disappointments and/or rejection - it is a fact of life/a part of growing up that we do not always get what we want. Kids have to learn to deal with disappoints as a part of growing up. I don't know what is wrong with Bernadette to do such an evil thing but it is not about Bernadette. It is about protecting our kids from the Bernadette's that are out there.

At March 2, 2017 at 7:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting points posted lately. Than you all for your input.

At March 2, 2017 at 9:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy also stuck her middle finger up at Kirsten and her family at a restaurant.

At March 3, 2017 at 1:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The police did indeed screw up! They did not check Bernadette's alibi, Bernadette is the one whose physical description matched that of the killer described by the eyewitness who took Kirsten home that fateful night,(long blonde hair, etc...), and also Bernadette's car was the right type and color that the police were seeking! And instead the police were pursuing 2 innocent girls instead of focusing all of their efforts on Bernadette?? That just boggles the mind! Then finally after a few months they reached out to the FBI who, after completing their profile, and using the facts of the case practically made a beeline straight to Bernadette! The FBI knew in short order who the culprit was - Bernadette! Thank goodness the police reached out to the FBI ! I think it should have been a crime in itself that Bernadette served only 7 years, got a free college education, had a boyfriend, and at the young age of 23 was out the door with her college degree and her freedom to go live her life! I fail to see how that was Justice for Kirsten. Kirsten can never go home - so why should Bernadette have been allowed to? Bernadette should have remained in prison, a real prison once she became of age, until she died.

At March 3, 2017 at 3:07 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I liked reading the opinions of different people. I'm going to post something about this later.

At March 6, 2017 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Killing isn't free.
It takes something out of you when you do it.
You get their life; they get a piece of your soul. It's always a trade.

At March 7, 2017 at 8:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't intended as an insult but Bernadette bares a striking resemblance to big bird.

At March 7, 2017 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: PICS AT TOP OF PAGE Just maybe the pic of Bernadette is Virginia and the pic of Virginia is really Bernadette? Not sure, but just wondering since the pic at the very top of the page, (next to the pic of younger Bernadette), the 2 front middle teeth are too long.

At March 7, 2017 at 6:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, I think in the pic of young Bernadette, the eyes seem Wider Apart like they do in Virginia's picture. That would really be a slap in the face if the pics were correct, but reversed - that would mean Bernadette is the CEO ! They do look so much alike! I don't know - just guessing based on comparing the pics.

At March 7, 2017 at 6:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette is the one in the glasses. Her sister is in the suit. No doubt about it. I knew Bernadette.

At March 7, 2017 at 6:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

On this blog - under "Photos of Jeannette!! Pre-nose job!" - look at the teeth, the 2 front middle teeth are not too long/more even with the rest of her teeth.

At March 7, 2017 at 6:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Okay, thank you Anonymous March 7,2017@6:06pm I believe they are the pics of her and her sister.

At March 8, 2017 at 12:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The top picture is without a doubt Bernadette Protti.

At March 9, 2017 at 4:22 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Anonymous, March 7, 5:27,

“I have to say that a lot of what is NOT said certainly comes across as haughty and bullying, (reading between the lines as they say), as well as, what has been said in this blog and many other places”

Are you suggesting that Kirsten bullied Bernadette or are you suggesting that bullying existed at Miramonte?

I have written this numerous times, but if Kirsten did bully Bernadette, why didn’t Bernadette mention it at her trial? It might have strengthened her case, which would have affected her sentence, which would then affect her chances of parole. It wouldn’t make sense not to mention something important like that, so no, I don’t believe that Kirsten bullied Bernadette.

Of course bullying existed at Miramonte. Bullying happens at every school, unfortunately. There should be a class in school from an early age to teach children about the damaging effects of bullying and how they should treat others like they want to be treated.

“ It is hard NOT to believe that bullying did not happen. That school and the attitudes - talk about a pressure cooker!”

Who bullied who exactly? I’m really fed up of the “ Miramonte was so, so competitive and highly pressurised….. nonsense” being used as a scapegoat to explain away Bernadette’s vicious murder of Kirsten (not by you necessarily). If it was such an issue that gravely impacted its students, why didn’t more incidents happen? A lot of schools are competitive. My school was very competitive. I went to a large girl’s Catholic school and not only was it competitive, but it was rough. It was rough because bullying was generally ignored. Some of the nuns were very bullyish and far worse than any thick and ignorant adolescent, and they got away with it too because they were nuns.
For example, one of the head nuns took a great dislike to me over a minor incident and she made it her business to make my life as miserable as possible for 5 years (high school is 5-6 years over here because there is no middle school). She even interfered with my scholarships and she got away with it. You might be wondering why didn’t I transfer to another school? In order to transfer you need a reference from your previous school and I wouldn’t have been given a good reference because I wasn’t perceived as a well-behaved student (I know people might find that very hard to believe considering I am a paragon of sweetness and kindness on this blog .)

“When reality is denied, those who are brave enough to face it will rightly be insulted.”

What are people denying?

“I have to say that a lot of what is NOT said certainly comes across as haughty and bullying, (reading between the lines as they say), as well as, what has been said in this blog and many other places. Kirsten's parents thought that people "like" Nancy, (no judgement here, huh?) had to have done this.

Gee…..that’s rude of you. That statement suggests that you haven’t fully acknowledged everything about this case at all.

I don’t want to criticise Nancy because I feel sorry for the negative impact being accused of murder had on her life, but I’m going to look at Nancy from Kirsten’s parents and friends’ perspective. The animosity between Nancy and Kirsten went both ways. Nancy said she looked down on Kirsten and Kirsten’s friends, she thought she was better than them and she told people “how lame” she thought they were. Talking the piss out of (making fun of) people behind their backs like Nancy did to Kirsten and her friends was hardly going to endear her to them. Nancy openly said she hated Kirsten. Nancy wrote that “she wanted to see Kirsten’s blood drip, drip, drip”, which is an eerie thing to write and does allude to something very serious. Nancy also had a reputation for doing drugs and people thought she was into the occult (probably because she “changed drastically” and wore a lot of black and drank and did drugs). As someone else mentioned, Nancy told Kirsten “you’re dead” in front of Kirsten’s family and she also had the impudence to flip Kirsten the bird in front of Kirsten’s family.

At March 9, 2017 at 4:25 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


Let’s be honest here....even if Nancy was the sweetest person and didn’t do any of the above, she still would have been considered “weird”. Why? Because she drastically changed from a preppy type girl to a girl that wore black clothing that drank and did drugs. She would have been considered weird at a lot of schools (including mine). When I was a teen in the early to mid 00’s, those who wore a lot of black were unfortunately thought of as weird because they were the ones that listened to slipknot and korn and had tattoos of satanic pentagons on their arms. I think Nancy would have gotten a bit of shit for her new look and attitude no matter where she went to school and to suggest otherwise it utter delusion.

“It was disgusting the way that her sisters got unmercifully bullied and Protti Private - naming a water fountain after them, really? There were many disgusting and brutal attitudes flowing in that town and through those schools”

Should all of Orinda be held accountable for that? Do you realise how senseless that is? I live on the other side of the world to Orinda and I could tell you of horrible stories of bullying I witnessed and they were a hell of lot more disgusting than “protti private” and silly little water fountains. Bullying is a worldwide problem. One of Bernadette’s sisters was discovered writing under an alias on another blog and she was wholly arrogant and repugnant. I don’t agree with what happened to her when she was a child, but what a shame she is such a despicable adult and her negative experiences as a child didn’t teach her sensitivity.

“I think a big reason this case is still intriguing - relatable issues that perservere!”

What relatable issues? No, I don’t relate to a jealous little brat that didn’t appreciate the good friends she had, that didn’t appreciate she was a smart student who got good grades, that didn’t appreciate she got into a sorority that was considered to be “exclusive”.

I don’t relate to an obsessed little brat that concocted a silly little ruse to lure Kirsten out of her house alone. When Bernadette’s lies were discovered and Kirsten fled from Bernadette’s car to a stranger’s house to get away, Bernadette stalked Kirsten to her house. Kirsten was so panicked when she got to her neighbour’s house that she was banging her fists on her neighbour’s door and then Bernadette ambushed her from behind with a 15/18 inch knife, inflicting Kirsten with two wounds down her back that were two feet long and continued to stab Kirsten in the stomach when she was suffering and screaming on the ground from her wounds.

I also don’t relate to someone who could block a heinous murder out of her mind, and was so detached from killing Kirsten that she was able to attend Kirsten's funeral and to be in the presence of and be able to look at Kirsten’s family and friends. I don’t relate to someone who was so detached from killing Kirsten that she was able to discuss Kirsten's murder in class with classmates, some of which included Kirsten's friends. I don’t relate to someone that was so detached from killing Kirsten that she was able to watch as two innocent girls were blamed for Kirsten's murder. I don’t relate to someone that was so detached from killing Kirsten that her behaviour was reported to not have changed after she killed Kirsten (She was described as her usual smiley self)

“that is why everything about this has to be fully acknowledged”

It’s clear that you haven’t fully acknowledged everything about this case. For example, Why Kirsten’s parents might have reacted to Nancy the way they did, Nancy’s behaviour towards Kirsten, your references to bullying without giving examples, implying that the environment is in some way accountable for Bernadette's state of mind.....etc

At March 9, 2017 at 4:38 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I just want to clarify something above. I'm sure there was pressure on people to succeed (like there is in many places in the world), but I think Bernadette would have been a very sick girl no matter what environment she was in. She had jealousy and rage issues and was denied parole twice because of her inability to deal with them

At March 9, 2017 at 7:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PURPLE HAZE March 9, 2017 at 4:22 PM - I do not think that Kirsten bullied Bernadette, (Bernadette chased after Kirsten's friendship), but I do think there was mutual bullying between her and Nancy and, like anywhere, bullying in general too. Sorry if I had sounded rude, I was just making observations from so many comments I have seen from this site and many others "generally speaking" - that come across as haughty /bullying (I can't see how anyone could think Bernadette was a victim in any way).

At March 9, 2017 at 7:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PURPLE HAZE March 7 and 9, 2017 at 4:25 PM - Cont'd - I do not have any delusions. I do think you are a bit defensive (your sarcasm). I think a lot of people are in denial of reality when they try to make Bernadette to be the victim when she is not - Kirsten is the victim of Bernadette. When you keep generalizing the bullying by comparing it to everywhere else - it does not excuse it. I was trying to make a point that bullying did occur as I have already stated/explained. I never said Kirsten bullied Bernadette. As for the "relatable issues" - there are people out there who have been bullied and wrongly believe that Kirsten bullied Bernadette when she didn't. If you read the comments, (many sites, not just referring to this site), a lot of people are stating that they can relate to having been bullied - so this case hits a chord with them. I never stated that environment was responsible for Bernadette's evil actions. Of course I thought of Kirsten's parents and I think after what they went through/continue to go through, I don't judge anything they did. I can respect that you care for an innocent victim, (Kirsten), but you should not assume anything about me & what I am trying to say - you have taken the time to ask me questions, and you know that there is a lot of information about this situation in many places, (not all accurate clearly), so it is difficult to address every conceivable thing but I did try my best, so please just chill out. That is what conversations are for- I thought it was okay to talk here. Perhaps not. *** You failed to address how Nancy did not match the "physical" description of the killer and also my comments about how they made a movie blaming the victim & I can't understand how they got away with it. I made it crystal clear who I think is evil - " I fail to see how that was Justice for Kirsten. Kirsten can never go home - so why should Bernadette have been allowed to? Bernadette should have remained in prison, a real prison once she became of age, until she died".

At March 9, 2017 at 8:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PURPLE HAZE (Cont'd) (Here is the link to my source: Are you the same Purple Haze who wrote this/I am putting 2 of your comments by the name Purple Haze from there exactly as it appears in the link I provided: "Purple Haze 5 months ago (edited)"-"what a sad way to live in such a fake fake they not know how this cheerleader stuff looks. So shallow and sad. So sad to lose a child, perhaps the parents play a part in this also - they should have instilled some compassion and morals in their daughter so she didnt treat people like pawns. No one wins." & " Purple Haze" 3 months ago-"99MilesPerHour: Nice informed response, much better than some...I'm so glad we never grew up in that shocking vial environment they call popularity."

At March 9, 2017 at 8:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said... To find the comments by the person using the name Purple Haze, you have click "view all replies" to find them.

At March 9, 2017 at 11:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said... "There have been several changes in Orinda since Bernadette’s arrest. For one, some of Heather Crane’s former classmates have started speaking to Heather again. “I think a lot of people feel bad,” says one junior, referring to the rumors implicating Heather. “What can you do? You can’t make up for six months of hell.”

For the students, the killing and its aftermath have left bitter feelings. Many say they can’t trust anyone anymore, not after what Bernadette did.

And, they realized, the problem didn’t lie only with Bernadette.

“People can get really nasty at this school,” says one junior, standing with a group of classmates on the lawn surrounding Miramonte. “Everyone says this school is so boring, so they start doing things for entertainment. They start being cruel. Everyone wants to be the best. It’s so competitive.”

At March 9, 2017 at 11:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did the movie, "Death of a Cheerleader", get away with blaming the victim, (Kirsten)? I have yet to see any other movie based on a true story where it blamed the victim. I've watched many other movies based on true stories and I've read many true crime books and I can not recall a single one, except for "Death of a Cheerleader" that blamed the victim,(Kirsten). Some of these movies had true crime books written about the real story and even though there were differences between the movies and the books, the differences in the movies never went so far off track as to blame the victim!

At March 10, 2017 at 4:29 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I don't have time to go through all of the comments right now, but I will make a few points. I wasn't defensive at all and I apologise if I came across that way. What sarcasm? Also, I don't want you stop writing your opinions here.

I didn't refer to you specifically as deluded. I meant those who think that Nancy wouldn't have gotten a hard time in a different school by the way she dressed is deluded.

I agree that there was mutual bullying between Kirsten and Nancy.

What makes you think that I'm not "chilled out"?
I understand and have written elsewhere that I understand why some people relate to Bernadette's character in the movie "Death of a Cheerleader". I was speaking from my own perspective why I personally don't relate to her.

Bernadette was deliberately portrayed as a hapless, socially inept, awkward, self-conscious teenager in order for people to identify with her and thus elicit sympathy for the character and the real person the case is based on. Randall Sullivan (author of the rolling stone magazine the movie is based on and also wrote the script for the movie) said he identified with Bernadette and felt no sympathy for Kirsten. Perhaps he had a difficult childhood and identified with Bernadette's inferiority complex and projected his bullying experiences onto Kirsten. Randall met Bernadette so I imagine Bernadette gave him a big sob story. The movie was very biased and one-sided and it's difficult not to come to the conclusion that Randall was possibly drawing from his own negative experiences when he wrote the script for the movie.

Bernadette wasn't the socially inept misfit portrayed in the movie. I think she had a lot of things going well for her, but she either failed to acknowledge them, or she wasn't satisfied and wanted more and more and more.

How did Randall Sullivan get away with portraying Kirsten --the victim-- in such a negative manner? At the beginning of the movie one can read "while this production is inspired by a true story, names and locations have been changed and certain events and conversations dramatized." The movie didn't purport to be an accurate factual depiction. It was clearly stated that it was INSPIRED by true events and conversations and certain events were dramatised. People generally fail to take that into account and treat the story like it is a 100% factual depiction.

Wow, those comments ARE NOT from me at all. I've actually addressed 99milesperhour" on youtube for blaming Kirsten's murder on Kirsten and I don't go by "purplehahze" on youtube. I've always defended Kirsten. Surely anyone (not you necessarily) that reads this blog and has read my comments would come to the logical conclusion that the "purplehaze" on youtube is not me. It's pathetic that some fool is using my blog name to write horrendous comments about Kirsten. I've read over them a couple of times and I know who it is. It's an English woman that frequents this blog and writes a lot of nonsense under different aliases. She is a very immature woman who appears to get kicks out of pretending to be other people, including Bernadette, or Bernadette's sisters.

I don't know why Nancy was blamed when she didn't exactly fit the description. People don't tend to think clearly when they are stricken with grief. Also, people were aware that Nancy hated Kirsten and Nancy unfortunately had a negative reputation because she did drugs and drank.

Why did you quote a Wikipedia article? I must have missed that point.

At March 10, 2017 at 8:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Purple Haze, The chill out comment was because I had thought you were being defensive /sarcasm - so thanks for clearing that up. I asked if it was you regarding the youtube comments simply because it had the same name. I'm not surprised it was NOT you because you always defended Kirsten. It's terrible that someone would abuse your name like that. I don't know if you were aware of those comments on youtube or not so I'm glad I shared it with you. I think it's horrible that the movie is blaming the victim (Kirsten) - I've never seen a movie be so heartless and cruel like that. Ann Rule was an outstanding True Crime writer, I wish she would have written about this - the truth would've come out how only Bernadette was responsible for her evil actions. There are some movies based on Ann Rule's books too. I quoted the Wiki article just to show you how there are people from there (Orinda) who have made comments about the kids being cruel & how competitive it was there. Yes I know this exists everywhere but I was focusing more on "there" because that is where this all happened. I totally agree with all of your comments regarding Bernadette. I see Bernadette as unreliable, nothing but a liar and a selfish, ungrateful, murderous B*tch who never took responsibility or showed remorse. Bernadette was only for Bernadette! When she was interviewed Bernadette was worried about how SHE would look/who would know - she has no heart! I believe Bernadette lied about saying that Kirsten was smoking pot - I do not believe that at all. I believe it was Bernadette who smoked pot, NOT Kirsten. One of Bernadette close friends said that Bernadette would even do drugs trying to fit in - that Bernadette would do anything to try to fit in! I can't understand how anyone could be friends with Bernadette after what she did. Also, if it was Kirsten's pot, (it was not Kirsten's pot), why did Bernadette have it on her and have taken it home to flush it?? That does not even make sense! I believe that it was Bernadette who was the pot smoker and that Kirsten told Bernadette no. Yes Nancy was different but I respectfully disagree that (talking only of her appearance right now, not her actions), that her appearance should have even been a factor. Some of Nancy's actions I could understand how that did not help her, no one should ever threaten anyone's life. It's crazy how one girl (Nancy) had the confidence to be herself when it was hard and another girl (Bernadette) had no confidence whatsoever even though she a lot going for her until she chose to slaughter Kirsten.

At March 10, 2017 at 8:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

** Cont'd : I believe that Bernadette is still very dangerous & she always will be! Bernadette has to have some serious defects like being a narcissistic person and a psychopath that will never change or go away. A normal kid would never destroy another human being the way Bernadette did with that knife. Bernadette knew exactly what she was doing and I don't believe for even one second that she only meant to hurt Kirsten - Bernadette is pretty full of herself to even have the audacity to say such an unbelievable thing! I don't believe that Virginia would use that huge sized knife for cutting veggies in the car. We all have knives like that at home and it is the least used knife, (rarely used) - it is just too large for common, everything kitchen needs. Another lie that makes no sense and Virginia should have gotten in trouble for committing perjury! Bernadette deserves no pity, no forgiveness and her family is creepy too for lying for her. Kirsten and her family are the ones deserving of empathy, pity, love and support - they are the truly innocent victims. It is impossible not to think of their never ending pain of loss for the rest of their lives. How anyone could have let that movie portray Kirsten that way and blame the victim by telling the story from the lies /side of the murderer Bernadette is something I can never understand - it was such a heartless, cruel thing to do and lacked any respect for Kirsten's family and their suffering.

At March 10, 2017 at 8:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

** Cont'd I also do not believe that Bernadette was "bullied" by Kirsten at all. Maybe they had some typical teenage exchanges, if anything, but nothing more than that. A person who is actually being tormented by a bully would be afraid of the bully would do anything to avoid that bully. You wouldn't lure a bully out a bully out of their house with lies just to end up alone with them in a car - no way! Lies - Kirsten never bullied Bernadette! Bernadette is incredibly stupid - she didn't get caught for 6 months because she was smart, it was because she is evil and heartless! Bernadette is the one who chased after Kirsten's friendship just to try to use Kirsten so Bernadette could social climb! Bernadette never cared about Kirsten as a person even before she murdered her so viciously.

At March 10, 2017 at 9:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

**Cont'd Ann Rule has passed away. However, there is another true crime writer who seems to be of similar high caliber as Ann Rule when she writes of true crime. Ann Rule was very honest and compassionate and told the truth - she never blamed a victim. This other writer her name is Kathryn Casey and she has a web site: Ms. Casey even provides an email address to contact her. Just a thought - but perhaps we could reach out to her about this story to see if she would consider researching this and writing a book about it because it is so unfair that there is a movie out there that blames the victim (Kirsten) and how hurtful it is to Kirsten's family. Any ideas on what to say to this author in an email? I'd appreciate any input. I am a mother and a grand-mother so yes I care. Like I said, I've never seen a movie or even a true crime book before that blames the victim.

At March 10, 2017 at 7:49 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for letting me know about the comments on youtube. I’m not at all surprised that the English woman used my blog name and criticised Kirsten on youtube. She has written under many aliases on this blog and I have also encountered her aliases on youtube. She is an asinine woman-child in need of a good kick up the backside.

“ I've never seen a movie be so heartless and cruel like that”

I haven’t either. As I wrote above: Randall admitted that he identified with Bernadette. I would like to know what exactly he identified with, though? Was he a whiny little bitch, too?

“There are some movies based on Ann Rule's books too”

I think I watched a movie based on one of her books. It was a horrific case about a woman (Diane Downs) shooting her three children in the back of a car and then pretending she got mugged. The name escapes me, but the tragic case happened in the early 80’s.

Yes, I’m sure Miramonte was cruel at times. I’m not trying to excuse it, but every school is unfortunately cruel at times, which shouldn’t be the case. I really do feel bad for children who have a hard time at school.

“Bernadette was only for Bernadette!”

Exactly! I think her attempts to befriend Kirsten were just for the purpose of social climbing. Did you read the article I posted under June? It is an interesting article that gives a little insight into Bernadette’s personality. For example, “sweet” Bernadette wanted the Bobbies to remain exclusive and not be open to anyone wanting to join.

“When she was interviewed Bernadette was worried about how SHE would look/who would know “

The following are quotes from the case:
Detective Oda said: "Protti was determined to kill Costas if Kirsten did not agree to be her friend and get her into the in-crowd.” “He called Protti’s confession to authorities ”self-serving” and said that she was without remorse until she realized her arrest was imminent.”

“Asked what Kirsten had done to make her angry, Bernadette said: “I have a lot of inferiority feelings — and I really have bad feelings about myself. I lost for cheerleader. I didn’t get into the club I wanted to. I didn’t get on yearbook. So, I don’t know, I just felt bad.”

Bernadette said "she was really good at blocking [what had happened] out of her mind, and I still am,” she said later. “That’s why I can live through every day, because it doesn’t seem real.”
It appears that she wasn't sorry that she killed Kirsten and was only sorry that she was caught.

I agree with you about the pot.

“I can't understand how anyone could be friends with Bernadette after what she did.”

If her friends became aware of her past, I’m sure she would tell them she was a victim of Kirsten and that she was “pushed too far”, which is a phrase her supporters like to throw around. I would like to know how exactly she was pushed? It was rather strange of Bernadette to lure Kirsten out of her house under false pretences. I don’t understand how Bernadette couldn't foresee how her actions would most likely be interpreted as strange and possibly something sexual.

I don’t think Nancy should have been suspected because of the way she dressed. Would she still have been suspected if she didn’t fight with Kirsten? I don’t know. Unfortunately, those that veer from the “norm” in terms of dress and behaviour will be the first ones to be suspected if something bad happens. I also admire Nancy’s confidence to be herself and I have a lot of respect for her. However, I found her “I want to see Kirsten’s blood drip, drip, drip” comment odd.

At March 10, 2017 at 7:50 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous. I don't have time right now to respond to the rest of your comments, but I will tomorrow. All the best.

At March 10, 2017 at 8:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze, thank you for taking the time to to reply and to converse. All the best to you too.

At March 10, 2017 at 8:25 PM , Anonymous It's about time. said...

That girl from England is an absolute NUTJOB and I totally agree with all of your comments between anonymous and purple haze. I was one of Kirsten's closest friends so I lived it. No way would Kirsten have pot. She just got out of cheerleading camp. No one would have it there for fear of being thrown out and cheerleading meant a lot. I also personally never saw Kirsten do a drug. Didn't think it was on her radar. She was an athlete and we were only 15 years old. I really wish that crazy English girl would get lost. She is truly delusional. It's like she has split personality.

At March 10, 2017 at 8:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze: I have no idea how or why Randall identified with Bernadette - all we know for sure is that he clearly did not care about the murder of Kirsten or the impact it has on her family. Personally I find Randall to be creepy because I think he is heartless. Thanks for sharing the quotes between Detective Oda and Bernadette - yes, I have read just about all of the comments on this blog. Ann Rule had written many True Crime books, she was the lady who knew Ted Bundy for many years - she was shaken to her core when she started to realize who/what Ted Bundy really was. Ann Rule had written a book about it, "The Stranger Beside Me". Ann Rule had written many books, she used to be a police officer. I agree with you - no one pushed Bernadette, she did it because she chose to. Bernadette is evil - it's not mental illness that made her do it, she was not psychotic, she knew what she was doing and she knew how to cover it up/block it out for 6 months until the gig was up - I do not believe that Bernadette would have ever confessed on her own. Like Detective Oda said: "Protti was determined to kill Costas if Kirsten did not agree to be her friend and get her into the in-crowd.” I do not believe that Bernadette is any different now than when she viciously murdered Kirsten and that is Pretty scary!

At March 10, 2017 at 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also do not believe Bernadette when she says that she's able to block it out because it does not seem real to her. Bernadette wanted the Bobbies to remain intact and exclusive as you stated Purple Haze. It was not as if Bernadette didn't notice Kirsten was gone every single day, day after day and never coming back - she thrived on it! The murder was in the newspapers, the police were doing interviews and trying to find the killer (Bernadette) and there was even a reward & people were talking about it. All of this and itt never ate away at her conscious because she doesn't have one. Even when the other 2 girls were getting blamed, Bernadette did not care because it was good for her that the police and people suspected someone other than her. Going to the funeral, seeing Kirsten's "real" friends cry and mourn her murder and her absence. I could go on and on with all the things that were right in Bernadette's face day after day after day - so she makes no sense when she claims that she can block it out.

At March 11, 2017 at 4:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous-- your points are great and spot on.

At March 11, 2017 at 4:09 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

Bernadette still has some serious mental defects. I have mentioned this many times on the blog, but she is an intelligent woman and she must have realised how the unfortunate phrase "life hacker" would be interpreted, yet she used it anyway. She was asked about it on the visitor posts section of her FB page and her response suggests she is mocking Kirsten's murder.

“ I don't believe for even one second that she only meant to hurt Kirsten - Bernadette is pretty full of herself to even have the audacity to say such an unbelievable thing!”

Bernadette: “I only wanted to hurt Kirsten”. Yeah...she only meant to “hurt” Kirsten by stabbing her in the neck and inflicting her with wounds that were two feet long and lacerated organs. I only wanted to "hurt" her indeed....

“I don't believe that Virginia would use that huge sized knife for cutting veggies in the car. We all have knives like that at home and it is the least used knife, (rarely used) - it is just too large for common, everything kitchen needs.”

She not only supposedly used an 15/18 inch knife to cut fruit and vegetables for lunch, but she also stored it between the car seats, which is of course a very logical and hygienic thing to do with a knife that you will use on food...

“Virginia should have gotten in trouble for committing perjury!”

Unfortunately, her story wasn’t explored further. If Bernadette found the knife in the car, why did she return it to the kitchen?

“How anyone could have let that movie portray Kirsten that way and blame the victim by telling the story from the lies /side of the murderer Bernadette is something I can never understand- it was such a heartless, cruel thing to do and lacked any respect for Kirsten's family and their suffering."

It is repugnant and callous. Not only was Kirsten taken away from the Costas’ and friends who loved her, but she is still being vilified 30+ years after her death due to some people’s inability to separate fact from fiction.

At March 11, 2017 at 4:13 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I agree. Surely if Bernadette was bullied by Kirsten she would have hated the sight of Kirsten and stayed away from her as much as possible.

“she didn't get caught for 6 months because she was smart, it was because she is evil and heartless!”

The depths of her deception for months such as the ability to nonchalantly discuss Kirsten’s crime with other classmates (including Kirsten’s friends) is eerie. Nothing was considered amiss with Bernadette in the months after Kirsten’s murder. She was also described as being her usual smiley self and was also described as “thriving”.

“Bernadette never cared about Kirsten as a person even before she murdered her so viciously.”

The knife attack she subjected Kirsten to suggests that she hated Kirsten and that the hate was probably simmering for a while. She was screaming when she attacked Kirsten and poor Kirsten was also screaming.

That’s a lovely idea about the author. I would need to think about what to write to her and will get back to you on it.

“she was shaken to her core when she started to realize who/what Ted Bundy really was.”

Did Anne explain why? (I don’t mean to ask a stupid question). She knew that he was a psychopath and what he did to his victims, how he sought out victims, what he did to his victims after he killed them, so what was shocking? Perhaps that he was intelligent and very charismatic and she could see how people could easily be drawn into his web? The dark empty void in his eyes? His ability to mimic emotion? He appears to have been the type of person that would charm you and then murder you with a smile on his face.

I also don’t think Bernadette would have confessed if the FBI weren’t on to her. She made her confession to a priest the day she knew the FBI knew it was her. Their psychical profile of the killer was very impressive and eerily accurate. Bernadette actually said to the FBI that she didn’t think they could prove she did it because of the amount of time that had passed. If the FBI didn’t get involved, it’s highly possible Bernadette would have gotten away with murder. I am astounded at the level of competence displayed by law enforcement by not checking Bernadette’s alibi and reading her lied detector tests wrong.

“I do not believe that Bernadette is any different now than when she viciously murdered Kirsten and that is Pretty scary!”

I personally don’t think people like that can change, not deep down. They are defective in some way that can’t be fixed.

“I also do not believe Bernadette when she says that she's able to block it out because it does not seem real to her. Bernadette wanted the Bobbies to remain intact and exclusive as you stated Purple Haze. It was not as if Bernadette didn't notice Kirsten was gone every single day, day after day and never coming back “

That’s a good point. How can someone truly block something like that out of their minds if there are reminders of it everywhere? I think “blocking it out” possibly means that it didn’t have an emotional effect on her. She actually said to Kirsten’s crying friend a few days after the murder “we must go on and can’t let this drag us down”. How could you not “be dragged down” by the recent vicious murder of a friend you cared about?

“Going to the funeral, seeing Kirsten's "real" friends cry and mourn her murder and her absence.”

I find it very disturbing that she had the brazen gall to attend the funeral she was responsible for, and she could be in the presence of Kirsten’s family and could look at Kirsten’s friend’s in the eye knowing she was responsible for Kirsten’s death and their grief. Scary.

At March 11, 2017 at 7:05 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi it’s about time.

It makes more sense that Bernadette was the one that brought the pot.

The sad thing is the “girl from England” is not a girl at all, but a woman in her 30’s. She certainly appears to be unhinged in some way. She writes under different aliases because she gets a kick out of it. She even said once that it was just a joke and a laugh to her. What a shame that she can’t get her jollies in other adult ways.

At March 11, 2017 at 7:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi to Purple Haze and It's About Time. I think only another murdering psycho would be able to understood how Bernadette could have done all she did from the vicious, brutal murder of Kirsten to everything she did afterwards. ** That is an awful shame that woman from England comes on this blog to be so awful - no respect. Sounds as if she is not right in the head. *** Ann Rule did explain a lot actually. Ann Rule was shaken to the core because she had known Ted Bundy for many years - he was even in her home! He also had worked with her on a suicide hotline. Ted Bundy was very intelligent and charming and the truth about who he really was, (a monster), didn't come out until years later. Here is a link about Ann Rule and Ted Bundy:

At March 11, 2017 at 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze,I am glad you like the idea about the author. I think of Kirsten and her parents and how wonderful it would be if someone were to actually tell the truth of what happened and put an end to this blaming the victim BullSh*t. One can only imagine what they, the Costas family, live with every day -it's heartbreaking beyond words.

At March 12, 2017 at 6:45 PM , Blogger Itsaboutime said...

Fascinating about Ann Rule and Ted Bundy. It would be amazing to have a book be written that told the truth about this story although it would be gut wrenching for the Costas's. I a, going to read up about Ann Rule. As for the woman from England, I have total disdain for her. No respect at all to say the least. I honestly don't believe anyone had pot and that's just a story Bernadette made up to try to make Kirsten look bad. Bernadette was kinda square. Doubt she had pot either. If she would only have an interview to tell what really went on that night!! That is the true mystery that really bothers me. I think the unknown fuels a lot of fire behind the intrigue of the case.

At March 15, 2017 at 6:48 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I didn’t know that Ann knew Ted before he started killing (actually, it is suggested that he might have killed his first victim when he was a teenager). Thank you for the link. I watched it and it was very interesting. It's a scary reminder that psychopaths can be very hard to detect and will probably be the last person you would expect, i.e. someone who is charitable, kind, sociable, helpful.....etc.

It is very sad to think about what the Costas family have been through.

At March 15, 2017 at 6:57 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi itsaboutime,

It's highly unlikely that Bernadette will ever reveal what happened that night. She will most likely take it to her grave.

I know this is only speculation, but it really does
look like Kirsten might have thought Bernadette was coming on to her and was so freaked out over it that she ran from Bernadette's car to the house of a stranger to get away from her.

No, the woman from England doesn't have respect and seems to find it amusing to pose as different people.

It would be great if the truth was told about this story, but if this is something you think will be gut wrenching for the Costas', do you think the suggestion about contacting the author should be left alone?

At March 16, 2017 at 4:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Purple Haze / Its About Time: I agree with you Purple Haze in that Bernadette will take what happened to her grave - it's been a long time and she still has not cared about revealing what had actually happened. I tried to find a book about this and could not - that's where I got the thought about contacting an author. (Just a thought - I have taken no action to contact any author.) I did think of the Costas and to that I have no answer as I can not speak for them. What I do know is that movie, "Death of A Cheerleader", is out there, telling/favoring Bernadette's side and blaming the victim (Kirsten) - perhaps a book telling the truth of BOTH sides might not be such a bad thing - Kirsten would finally get a voice, (if such a thing were to happen). --- Purple Haze as for your speculation about Kirsten thinking Bernadette was coming on to her, sounds plausible but Bernadette is married to a man. --- I wonder about this too but I think that Bernadette was, in my humble opinion, too "Needy" & probably "Begging" for Kirsten's friendship and then when she didn't get what she wanted she stalked Kirsten and brutally murdered her after Kirsten left the car. Bernadette did not care about Kirsten - she just wanted to "USE" her OR "get her out of the way".

At March 19, 2017 at 12:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not seen this one before, I'll have to watch the full episode when I can find it:
"Published on Jun 2, 2015

Dr. Christina Villarreal's commentary on the Bernadette Protti murder case which took place in Orinda, CA in 1984. Dr. Villarreal provides a framework for understanding what pushes some people to kill. The full story can be seen on YouTube in the second half of Killer Kid's episode #12 of Season 4, titled "Rumors and The To Do List".

At March 20, 2017 at 3:47 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I couldn’t get back to you until now because the St Patrick’s Day celebrations went on long into the weekend :)

I think your idea about the author was nice. I agree with your points. The movie and rolling stone article clearly favours Bernadette to such a ridiculously biased extent that she is portrayed as a victim even though she was the perpetrator. I think if someone really persisted with finding an author to look into this tragic case they would be successful in finding one. However, if an author looked into this case, I’m assuming he/she would want to conduct interviews and would contact people from Kirsten’s past, including her parents. I’m reluctant to look into this any further if it would cause Kirsten’s parents grief. Like you said: it's just a thought about the author.

I agree with you that Bernadette possibly came across as really “needy" & probably "begging". I still think that Kirsten may have interpreted Bernadette’s neediness to be alone with her as something sexual. Bernadette may or may not have had a crush on Kirsten, but there certainly appears to have been some sort of abnormal fixation on Kirsten (I'm not calling lesbians abnormal). Also, when Bernadette was recounting what happened that night (the little details she gave), she said Kirsten referred to her as "that way" (a reference to a homosexual). However, you can't really take Bernadette's word for it that Kirsten said that, but it does makes sense that Kirsten ran from the car in a panic because she thought Bernadette was coming on to her.

“Bernadette did not care about Kirsten - she just wanted to "USE" her OR "get her out of the way"

I agree with that 100%.

Have you watched Landscape suicide (1986) on youtube? It's a re-enactment of Bernadette's FBI interview

At March 20, 2017 at 3:58 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I saw that Christina Villarreal documentary a while back. I think Christina Villarreal was the author of an article entitled: A jealous person is a dangerous person. Were some of the details exaggerated, such as referring to Kirsten as an "alpha female"? I don't know. Nancy was very critical of Kirsten, which obviously isn't surprising. However, they both seemed to have picked on each other. Neither girl was "innocent" (sorry Nancy).

Did yo watch the latest documentary that came out a couple of months ago?

At March 20, 2017 at 4:02 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


Did you ever read the rolling stone article about this case? If not, do you want me to send it to you?

At March 20, 2017 at 9:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Purple Haze, I'm glad you enjoyed St. Patrick's Day!Yes, the author was just a thought - I would imagine that person would have to do interviews & hopefully, if the parents didn't want a book, that they would be respected.** I understand what you are saying about Kirsten thinking of Bernadette "that way".That does make sense to me b/c I do not think that Kirsten would have had any idea about Bernadette's real evil intentions - the "weird" fits too - poor Kirsten had no clue. Yes I have watched Landscape Suicide and there is absolutely nothing there to convince me whatsoever that Kirsten did anything wrong. Bernadette, I believe, is one of those really evil people who have no conscience & that's how she not only murdered Kirsten for no reason, but then she (Bernadette), was able to behave so coldly afterwards. *** I think Nancy & Kirsten weren't very kind to one another. ** I haven't found the whole episode of Christina Villarreal documentary - just portions of it. I don't know why Kirsten is referred to as the "Alpha Female" - perhaps their basing that comment on how Bernadette saw Kirsten? Bernadette certainly did have a fixation on Kirsten - stalker! From what I've read - Kirsten & Bernadette were "friendly" and NOT friends. Kirsten was a bubbly, outgoing girl - I doubt she spent much time thinking about Bernadette.

At March 20, 2017 at 9:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh - can you post the link here to the Rolling Stone article Please Purple Haze? Thank you.

At March 20, 2017 at 9:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that what Bernadette said makes no sense - lies, all lies from her. She claims Kirsten bullied her yet had said nothing of substance to back that up. If that is how she felt about Kirsten - why did she want to be HER /her friend so badly? Why was Bernadette so angry about not being able to get everything she wanted? Bernadette had even complained about her parents being too old! It sounds to me as if Bernadette was the Bully, with quite a sense of Entitlement! Not to mention how cunning and fake she was after brutally murdering Kirsten. Bernadette was seeking pity, "feel sorry for me" attitude - that she didn't have the looks, the popularity level, the nicer house, and how Kirsten said what everyone else was thinking, etc... I think a lot of what Bernadette whined about is very revealing about Bernadette herself! Bernadette just "wanted" every thing - she does not understand the word NO and that people do not always get what they want. Bernadette couldn't manipulate Kirsten and I think she was pissed off that Kirsten dared to walk away from her when she got out of the car! I definitely think Bernadette was quite full of herself and does not have the ability to feel or care about anything except for herself and what she wants. Dangerous kid and now a dangerous woman. I can't recall where - but I came across a brief mention that Bernadette was seeking some kind of mental help, I wish we could know what that was about and if she had ever mentioned school/her insecurities/jealousy??? I'm surprised that none of that was mentioned in her trial.

At March 21, 2017 at 8:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze said "Did yo watch the latest documentary that came out a couple of months ago?" ---- PURPLE HAZE which documentary are you referring to? What is the name? Can you post a link to it on here? Thank you so much. Have a good day. ~*~

At March 21, 2017 at 8:41 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous. Thank you :)

It was a good thought. Like I mentioned above; if someone really persisted with finding an author to take a look at this story, I think they would find one.

Kirsten probably viewed Bernadette as a harmless wannabe. I don’t think Kirsten thought there was an initiation dinner that night for the bobbies when Bernadette picked her up. I’m sure she probably thought why would the bobbies send a softmore with no license to pick her up? It looks like Kirsten was told there was a party and she agreed to go with Bernadette.

Judging from Bernadette’s behaviour after the murder, she clearly didn’t have a conscience. One of the many things that show how detached Bernadette was from killing Kirsten was that she coolly took a walk with her mother the night of the murder and it was reported that her mother didn’t notice anything amiss with Bernadette.

I’m sure Kirsten didn’t give Bernadette a second thought, or a first thought for that matter.

Bernadette has stated that she had “lots of inferior feelings”, yet she tried out for something like cheerleading? Doesn’t one have to be full of confidence to not only try out for cheerleading, but also try out in front of lots of other people?

Did you watch the latest documentary about the case?

There is no link to the article, so I can’t link it. I would need to send it to you by email.

At March 21, 2017 at 8:45 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

“I believe that what Bernadette said makes no sense - lies, all lies from her. She claims Kirsten bullied her yet had said nothing of substance to back that up. If that is how she felt about Kirsten - why did she want to be HER /her friend so badly?”

I agree. She didn't give examples when she was interviewed by the FBI and she didn’t give examples at her trial. If Kirsten did bully Bernadette, why didn’t Bernadette mention it at her trial? It might have strengthened her case, which would have affected her sentence, which would then affect her chances of parole. It wouldn’t make sense not to mention something important like that.

“why did she want to be HER /her friend so badly?”

Surely if she was bullied by Kirsten she would have avoided her as much as possible. Surely a bully victim wouldn't go to the house of her bully and want the bully to ride in the car with her and go to a party?

“Why was Bernadette so angry about not being able to get everything she wanted?”

I don't fully believe that she felt as inferior as she attempted to portray in the FBI interview. I think she got so angry because she probably had a grandiose view of her talents and couldn’t accept that others didn’t agree she was as great as she thought she was. Surely if Bernadette felt very inferior to Kirsten, she wouldn’t have collected her in an old beat up car?

“Bernadette had even complained about her parents being too old!”

That’s a shame that she thought that. I’m sure there are many people without parents who would be grateful for parents that cared about them, no matter what age they were.

“ Not to mention how cunning and fake she was after brutally murdering Kirsten”

Yes, I agree. I don’t know how she kept a straight face when discussing Kirsten’s murder in class with Kirsten’s friends. The depth of that deception is Ted Bundy level eerie, imo.

“ Bernadette was seeking pity, "feel sorry for me" attitude - that she didn't have the looks, the popularity level, the nicer house, and how Kirsten said what everyone else was thinking, etc... I think a lot of what Bernadette whined about is very revealing about Bernadette herself! Bernadette just "wanted" every thing - she does not understand the word NO and that people do not always get what they want. “

They are good points and I agree with all of them. Bernadette couldn’t accept that Kirsten wanted to get away from her and was put off by her lies and neediness, so she brutally killed her. Her confession was considered self-serving with no care for Kirsten.

It was mentioned in a newspaper around the time of Bernadette’s trial that her father said she was receiving counseling before the murder. He said she had problems with jealousy and she didn’t think the cheerleaders who were picked deserved it. Btw, a reason that Bernadette was denied parole twice was because of her inability to deal with jealously. I think if Bernadette didn’t kill Kirsten, she was going to attack someone at some point.

At March 21, 2017 at 8:50 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

The latest documentary:

At March 21, 2017 at 8:54 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

There is a bit missing from the documentary at the end. The documentary I watched was taken down from youtube.

At March 26, 2017 at 10:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link Purple Haze. I have seen this and will watch again and get back to you. The one thing I don't understand as to why Bernadette was not arrested sooner is clearly Kirsten knew who had picked her up or I doubt she would have gotten into the car. Also, Kirsten was not being forced into the car by any means or else she wouldn't have been able to walk away from the (Bernadette's) car as she did. The car following the gentleman who gave Kirsten a ride home told the police that car was a Pinto, & the girl who attacked Kirsten was on the heavy side and had stringy blonde hair. I mean how many people did Kirsten know that fit that description and drove that particular car???

At March 30, 2017 at 6:15 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I never understood that either. It was known that Kirsten's mother got a phone call from someone who claimed to be a bobby. As you said above: it was known that Kirsten got into the car of someone she knew because if she was forced into the car she wouldn't have been able to walk away. The description of the murderer and the "beat up" yellow car matched one girl in the bobbies. A good mutual friend of Kirsten's and Bernadette's bought Bernadette the red sweatpants Bernadette was wearing when she killed Kirsten, and another friend even commented that the description of the perpetrator fit Bernadette down to the red sweats, but she dismissed it anyway! I suppose the thought of Bernadette committing such a viscous brutal murder was unfathomable to her friends and if you are in denial about someone or something, you can be oblivious to the most obvious things.

Bernadette's alibi wasn't checked out and her lie detector test wasn't read correctly either. The incompetence of the LE is astounding. They must have been real Chief Wiggum types.

At March 30, 2017 at 6:16 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I can't link the Rolling Stone article. It will have to be emailed.

At April 5, 2017 at 10:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think Kirsten freaked out because Bernadette touched her inappropriately? Bernadette's reaction is too extreme for it just to have been an argument. Bernadette said in court she couldn't let Kirsten tell. It has to have been more serious than an argument.

At April 7, 2017 at 4:53 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

No, I don't think so. If that was the case surely Kirsten would have been in more of an emotional state at the house she ran to to escape from Bernadette, or in the stranger's car that drove her home considering Bernadette was tailgating the car.

At April 10, 2017 at 8:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, full documentary that was aired recently about the case can be watched on the following:

At April 24, 2017 at 10:33 AM , Blogger sanja said...

Get a medical help!

At April 24, 2017 at 7:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you quoting that here? This is the proper blog.

Anyone who supports Bernadette after what she did to Kirsten, Kirsten's family, and the two girls dragged into this unfortunate tragedy is the one that needs medical help.....and a life. This is especially true if you have read through the comments on this blog, which explained what Bernadette did and her nonchalant behaviour after she butchered Kirsten, yet you are insulting people who feel sorry for Kirsten? Cop yourself on, Miss, and find something more constructive to do with your time.

At April 25, 2017 at 11:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again. I watched it again, the story from "The Deadliest Decade". Who is the other lady speaking about her time back then at the school? Is she the other girl that was falsely accused like Nancy? I don't understand why the man who had driven Kirsten home said that she (Kirsten) looked very upset, very scared yet he did not walk her to her front door? He initially thought it was a fight & proceeds to chase the (Bernadette's car) but it's hard to believe that Bernadette outran him to the point of him "losing" sight of her car - so he then goes back to where he left Kirsten. I wonder if this poor man perhaps just panicked initially and wanted no part of what happened but quickly had a change of heart and went back to where he left Kirsten. Why didn't Kirsten have her own key to her home? Such a heartbreaking, tragic set of events that "if only" one thing had been different, who knows if Kirsten would have been safe. The police who handled that made to sense to him as I had previously stated, (Bernadette & her car fit the description) - I mean Bernadette was a murderer yet he police were thrown off by the fact that she didn't yet have a driver's license?? As if a murderer would care about that! Unbelievable! The true victim is Kirsten, having her life viciously ripped away from her. Anyone who thinks otherwise clearly doesn't know enough about this or is a very scary, heartless person. I have no pity for Bernadette - she should be on death row.

At April 25, 2017 at 11:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think that Bernadette tried anything physical with Kirsten. I think Bernadette had planned what she did to poor Kirsten. Bernadette wanted to have what Kirsten had and she wanted Kirsten out of her way at any cost! I believe Bernadette can fake whatever she feels is necessary for her to get her way - she's a Sociopath, etc.. How else was she able to "block it out" day after day after day! That note she wrote - so self serving, it was written AFTER she knew the FBI man knew it was her - Bernadette contradicts herself in the letter/note she wrote and left for her mother. Bernadette knew what BS to spew - very creepy when the MONSTER doesn't look or act like one yet truly is an EVIL MONSTER.

At April 28, 2017 at 6:13 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous.

The other lady was not falsely accused like Nancy. She was a Miramonte classmate.

I don’t know why the man didn’t walk Kirsten to her door. She must have insisted that she was okay. If she knew she was in danger she wouldn’t have left his car. She seems to have only realised that something was wrong when she was at her neighbour’s door (she was reported to have banged her fists on the door). Bernadette was reported to have tailgated the man’s car bumper to bumper and the man asked Kirsten what was wrong with Bernadette, but she told him to “relax and that everything was fine”. I would understand if he thought it wouldn’t be appropriate to persist with something Kirsten didn’t want to talk about. If I was in the man’s position, I would have stopped the car and told Bernadette to get lost. If he knew Bernadette was unstable, I'm sure he would have walked Kirsten to her neighbour’s door.

“I wonder if this poor man perhaps just panicked initially and wanted no part of what happened but quickly had a change of heart”

I don't know. It's possible. It was reported that he thought that Bernadette and Kirsten were having a fist fight. Another account stated that he thought he saw the flash of a blade. When Kirsten ran away from Bernadette after she was stabbed, did she run past the man's car? If so, wouldn’t he have seen that she was bleeding profusely and in need of medical attention? Wouldn't Kirsten's blood curdling screams have alerted the man to the fact that this was serious? If he was chasing Bernadette, it suggests that he knew something was wrong. Would you bother chasing someone if you thought they were just in a fist fight? Bernadette's car was reported to have been “beat up and old”, so did it have the power to quickly speed away and evade the man?

I’m going to give the man the benefit of the doubt that if he knew Kirsten was seriously hurt he wouldn't have left her.

I'm astounded by the incompetence and carelessness of the police.

“The true victim is Kirsten, having her life viciously ripped away from her. Anyone who thinks otherwise clearly doesn't know enough about this or is a very scary, heartless person”

Yes, there have been a few comments lately on the blog. Some were written by the infamous Stephanie. Others by people who believe the movie is fact. I don't understand why some people continue to think the movie is fact when it is clearly stated at the beginning of the movie that it's INSPIRED by a true story and certain events...etc. were dramatised. Murderers will unfortunately always have supporters no matter what egregious acts they have committed. What I find funny though is when someone complains that those who are against Bernadette are terrible, bullies, horrible, stupid cunts….etc. Or like the woman wrote above: "in need of medical help". Some people don't bother to read anything about the case and believe the movie and the characters based on Kirsten and Bernadette are fact. Others are aware the characters aren’t based on fact, but they don’t care and will vilify Kirsten anyway. You can patiently explain it to someone else why you support Kirsten, why you think Bernadette is detestable and give examples to explain your point, but some people will still call you names and vilify Kirsten anyway. However, I have conversed with people who initially supported Bernadette, but when they took the time to read about the case and look at the night Kirsten was murdered from Kirsten’s point of view they no longer supported Bernadette.

Just out of interest, did you ever support Bernadette?

Have a nice weekend.

At April 28, 2017 at 9:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Purple Haze, Thank you for all of your replies, so informative and like reading your thoughts on this as well. You know I mentioned Ann Rule, I've been reading her books for years. Speaking strictly about the movie and NOT real life - I couldn't stand the cheerleaders & they were definitely bullies and detestable, BUT I did not see anything in the movie to justify killing Tori Spelling's character. ** Real Life No, I never supported Bernadette. I came across information, that led to more information, etc.. and I have yet to see or hear that proves Kirsten was a Bully to Bernadette - there's nothing. If anything, I think Bernadette was the bully. Bernadette did pretty well for herself and yet it was never enough. Kirsten was not the only Very popular, nicely dressed young girl there but yet Bernadette focused on her like a stalker! I think Bernadette thought she could ride Kirsten's coat tails & when she couldn't - Bernadette slaughtered her. Then Bernadette seemed to be living her dream out without any remorse and she seemed to know what to say and how to act --- a TRUE MONSTER.

At April 28, 2017 at 9:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just my opinion but I sometimes wonder if what happened in the car that night between Bernadette and Kirsten, (besides what is known) - like maybe Bernadette tried to act like she was someone she wasn't, like the talk about going to a party (when there wasn't even a party to go to) perhaps Bernadette already knew that Kirsten would never go to such a thing without having been invited so it was just a ruse to get Kirsten to come out with her to get her alone in the car to try to convince Kirsten in some way that Bernadette was cool. When that didn't work, I think maybe Bernadette resorted to something along the lines of begging! That was enough to make Kirsten leave the car and to think Bernadette was weird but not dangerous. If Bernadette wanted to, she could have taken Kirsten somewhere to kill her - this is why I think Bernadette tried & failed at getting Kirsten to see her as a real friend, instead Kirsten saw through her lame attempts/begging and felt awkward and left the car. Then when that didn't work Bernadette had her back up plan of the knife in the car to use on Kirsten. In my opinion Bernadette was going to get what she wanted one way or the other and that is why Bernadette brought that huge knife with her.

At April 30, 2017 at 9:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that Kirsten is still being mourned by friends after more than 30 years should be an obvious clue to people that she must not have been all that bad.

At April 30, 2017 at 9:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann rule was my favorite author. I think I have read all of her books. She would have been a good person to write Kirsten's story, but unfortunately she died about a year ago.

I just wanted to add that I think Bernadette/Jeannette's excuse for killing Kirsten came from reading the FBI profile. I think that she did feel some of these things but after she was shown the report that Friday, she put together a story based off of what she read to tell the police when she turned herself in.

At April 30, 2017 at 10:11 PM , Blogger Itsaboutime said...

You bring up a really good point I hadn't thought about and that is tgat Bernadette knew they were onto her and had to turn herself in and she had a whole weekend to conjure up her whole pity party and her story like you said.

At May 1, 2017 at 1:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, what in the profile report are you referring to that Bernadette based her story off of? Bernadette lies by claiming to be bullied by Kirsten = so where did she get the idea to tell that lie?

At May 1, 2017 at 5:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When watching that video, "LANDSCAPE SUICIDE", I believe Bernadette lies her butt off & makes answers up as she/the interview goes along. For example, the time of the incident where she stalks Kirsten as she's getting a ride home Bernadette claims that the "car wouldn't start / its how the car was/can't remember now if it started or not, etc..." yet it's a known fact that she followed the car so closely as the man drove Kirsten home - so Bernadette's comments make no sense. The same when Bernadette tries to sound so confused, with the I don't knows & I can't remembers, (intentionally evasive I believe), during questioning of her brutal act of butchering Kirsten yet Bernadette doesn't miss a beat when she explains how she threw the knife into the car!

At May 1, 2017 at 6:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cont'd --- I mean WHY would Bernadette have taken the knife out of the car to begin with!! Then she claims she can't really remember / even pick the knife out ??? Oh so this knife she just butchered Kirsten with, that she threw into her car, took inside her home, put it back into the kitchen then let the knife be used - this is the knife she can't remember?? A part of me believes that the only reason Bernadette is saying this is because the knife along with the blood evidence in the car was washed and tossed away (probably with the help of her sister Virginia? her family?) Bernadette didn't describe the knife because if they came looking for it - it wouldn't be there, that's why I think she pretended/lied that she couldn't know anymore which knife it was that she had used, even though she claims to have returned it to the kitchen!

At May 1, 2017 at 6:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cont'd.... Another example of Bernadette's lies regarding the knife/murder weapon: "I don't think there was anything special about it" and "I couldn't pick it out now IF it were in the drawer" and when asked if Bernadette had put it into the car she says, "No, I noticed it when I was getting in there BUT I wouldn't know if a knife was under there" ---- Bernadette often contradicts herself. Here's the link, I know it's been shared but I'm sharing it since I quoted the Evil Bernadette:

At May 5, 2017 at 2:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you.

I like to read your opinions about the case, too.

“Kirsten was not the only Very popular, nicely dressed young girl there but yet Bernadette focused on her like a stalker!”

No, she wasn’t. I’m sure she was one of many. Why did Bernadette focus on Kirsten? It might have had something to do with the fact that Kirsten and Bernadette had a mutual best friend. he mutual friend was a childhood friend of Bernadette’s and perhaps Bernadette was jealous of Kirsten’s friendship with the mutual best friend. Perhaps Bernadette was jealous that the mutual best friend spent more time with Kirsten. If Bernadette didn’t focus on Kirsten, it’s possible she would have focused obsessively on someone else. If she didn’t kill Kirsten that night, I think Bernadette could have hurt her at another time because she appeared to not only be obsessed with Kirsten, but also appears to have resented and hated her. If she didn’t hurt Kirsten, I think she would have hurt someone else at some point. She was dealing with rage and jealousy issues years after she killed Kirsten. She was denied parole twice because of her inability to deal with them. She appears to have been a ticking time bomb.

“ I think Bernadette thought she could ride Kirsten's coat tails & when she couldn't - Bernadette slaughtered her”

I agree. I think Kirsten saw through Bernadette’s BS and wasn’t having it. I think Bernadette possibly freaked out when she saw that Kirsten wasn’t interested. I can picture her wild eyed and rambling incoherently and Kirsten looking at her with a startled and bewildered WTF look on her face. I think Bernadette possibly tried to justify why she wanted to be with Kirsten by telling her she admired her (the mutual best friend said that Bernadette idolised Kirsten). I think Kirsten might have then thought Bernadette had a crush on her which made her uncomfortable and she ran from the car.

At May 5, 2017 at 3:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

“I sometimes wonder if what happened in the car that night between Bernadette and Kirsten, (besides what is known) - like maybe Bernadette tried to act like she was someone she wasn't, “

Yeah, I agree. I know it was mentioned above that Bernadette was too square to do pot, but it was also reported that Bernadette did try drugs in an attempt to befriend people. I think she did have the pot and attempted to impress Kirsten, but Kirsten could see it for what it was and possibly said it to Bernadette (Kirsten was reported as being very “tell it like it is”). Could Bernadette have gotten a little stoned and made a fool of herself? I think that’s possible. Bernadette stated that “her feelings about Kirsten came flooding out” and Kirsten thought she was weird. Can you imagine the incoherent nonsense a stoned obsessed person would come out with?

I don’t know whether or not there was a party. I initially didn’t think so. Bernadette was reported to be very intelligent and was reported to have been obsessed with how she was perceived and obsessed with popularity, so it doesn’t make sense that she would lure a popular girl out of her house that she wanted to impress just to take her to an empty car-park alone and talk to her/get to know her. Surely she would have foreseen that that would not go well. Surely someone so obsessed with how they are perceived, especially by someone she was reported to have idolised would have/should have foreseen that Kirsten would not respond well to being lied to, that she would not respond well to Bernadette using the bobbies to get her out of her house just to drive her to a car-park. However, I am attempting to think about this rationally. The fact that Bernadette went through with the ruse to lure Kirsten out of her house shows that she wasn’t rational. I also think that the knife was a back-up plan. It’s too illogical that a large knife would be left in the car to cut fruit for lunch. This was mentioned many times, but if the knife was found in the car, why didn’t Bernadette return it to the car?

She had plenty of time over the week-end to fabricate a sob story. She was a smart girl and was able to fool everyone for 6 months. Her parents contacted her sister in Law school before they took her to the police.

At May 5, 2017 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to watch Landscape suicide again. I'll watch it tonight and get back to you.

At May 5, 2017 at 11:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"At May 5, 2017 at 3:06 PM ,Bernadette was reported to be very intelligent and was reported to have been obsessed with how she was perceived and obsessed with popularity, so it doesn’t make sense that she would lure a popular girl out of her house that she wanted to impress just to take her to an empty car-park alone and talk to her/get to know her."----- I don't doubt what you are saying about Bernadette being so obsessed with how they are perceived, which is why I do think that Bernadette was not dressed for going to a party because I believe she never intended to take Kirsten to a party. I think Bernadette was caught off-guard when Kirsten left the car and walked away because Bernadette had this all planned out ahead of time that she was either gonna get what she wanted from Kirsten or else she was gonna kill Kirsten. Who would dress in sweatpants and have stringy hair if you're so obsessed like Bernadette was especially when Bernadette knew how nicely Kirsten dressed. Bernadette even recalled that Kirsten had bought and worn a new pair of shoes and was able to describe what they looked like and the color to the detective! Who would remember a petty detail like shoes after committing such a heinous murder?? Just goes to show how jealous Bernadette was to even be able to recall such a thing! I can understand family sticking together but seriously not when a family member slaughters an innocent person- that family has no shame! I find Bernadette and her family to be very creepy and wonder how come there isn't much information as to what happened to the blood in the car? Bernadette was only allowed to drive it home that night from babysitting - yet no one in her family noticed anything suspicious?? Like either Bernadette's change of clothing (surely there had to be blood on her even though she denied it) and blood in the car too. Plus a huge knife like that and her sister Virginia doesn't notice it missing from the car to cut her veggies with when Virginia is the one who normally uses that car? All BS and I don't believe it for a minute! At the very least I think honestly think that Virginia did more than just lie about the knife - I think she might have been the one to clean the blood out of the car and/or ditch Bernadette's clothing for her.

At May 6, 2017 at 11:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! It's unbelievable how the facts can be so blatantly ignored - beyond sad. Since when was Bernadette ever, "Orinda Woman, Convicted in 1984 Murder, Is Free on Parole

By Martin Halstuk - The San Francisco Chronicle

June 26, 1992

Bernadette Protti, the socially spurned Orinda teenager who was driven by resentment and envy to kill a popular high school classmate eight years ago, has been freed on parole and is believed to have left California." ??? --- There are more ridiculous things that are said, here is the link to what contains various information from a newspaper articles (there's photos too) on Murderpeda:

At May 7, 2017 at 12:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette is so evil - she uses that sick term "Life Hacker" to refer to herself on Pinterest too:[]=jeannette%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=tomanka%7Ctyped

At May 7, 2017 at 3:29 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I was very tired last night when I posted my comment.
If you have read the blog, you might have noticed that I’ve gone back and forth with different things. I do that sometimes in an attempt to look at it from different sides.

I initially thought there wasn't a party, but then thought it just didn't make sense that someone who was reported to be very intelligent and very self-conscious about how she was perceived didn't foresee that luring someone out of their house under the pretence of a “bobbies” dinner would be perceived as very weird and desperate. However, that’s what she did, which suggests she wasn't in her right mind (i.e. she had snapped). Bernadette met Kirsten – someone she was reported to idolise and wanted to impress – and was "dressed down" and described as having "a dishevelled appearance", which is in contrast to Bernadette’s self- conscious, eager to impress personality. Why did she dress so sloppily to meet her "idol". if she was so concerned about Kirsten's opinion of her? It's in contrast to the self – conscious Bernadette that was lamenting over the remark Kirsten made about her skis. My point is, I think Bernadette had snapped and did lure Kirsten out of her house for the purpose of spending time alone with her to try and "win her around" and if that didn't work, she would use "plan b", or plan k (k for kill). An example that shows that Bernadette was so desperate to be near Kirsten is that she took a job in the school office where Kirsten was working (I know that was in the movie, but I'm pretty sure that was verified. Itsaboutime can correct me if I’m wrong). I agree with you that Bernadette pleading with Kirsten to be her friend is a probable scenario that night. I also think it's possible that she was stoned and made more of a fool of herself. Bernadette stated that "her feelings about Kirsten came flooding out" and Kirsten thought she was weird. I can see why Kirsten might have thought that Bernadette had a crush on her, or was coming on to her, which then prompted her to flee from the car to the house of a stranger.

Why did Bernadette choose that date to lure Kirsten out of her house? Wasn't school out for nearly a month? What was it that made her snap? Some people have speculated that Bernadette acted that week because she was stewing in rage and jealously because Kirsten was at cheerleading camp. Someone else wondered if Bernadette might have stalked Kirsten at the cheerleading camp and saw her having have a great time, which pushed her jealously over the edge? Bernadette's father stated that Bernadette felt some girls didn't deserve to be cheerleaders. Bernadette took the cheerleading thing very seriously and personally.

“How come there isn't much information as to what happened to the blood in the car? Bernadette was only allowed to drive it home that night from babysitting - yet no one in her family noticed anything suspicious??”

Bernadette stated that there was no blood on her hands and none on the car seat, which is ridiculous. Kirsten was reported to have bled profusely. Bernadette would have been a mess. An individual who is familiar with this area suggested that Bernadette would have had blood stains on her hands and upper body from the first two stabs. It would have also been on her shoes. The blood would have transferred to the outside handle of the car door, the car door handle inside the car, steering wheel, stick shift, indicators (blinkers), the blood on her clothes would have stained the car seat, blood on shoes would stain the car floor, bloody knife would have stained the back seat and anywhere else it touched.

At May 7, 2017 at 3:29 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


It was latish at night when she returned home, so where did she find the time to clean herself up (she would need a shower), give the car a clean and dispose of the bloody clothing at the Sleepy Hollow swim club before taking a nonchalant walk with her mother? How did she get away with walking into the house full of blood? If she was cleaning the car late at night, surely that would have aroused suspicion. If she cleaned the car after her walk with her mother, wouldn't her cleaning the car so late at night have aroused suspicion from her parents? How far away was Bernadette’s house from the house Bernadette said she was babysitting in? Surely it couldn't have been far if she expected her father to walk home. Was the pinto a family car? Was Kirsten's house far from Bernadette’s and if so, shouldn't one of Bernadette's parents have noticed from the odometer that the car had been used a bit more than it should have? Blood isn't an easy stain to remove, so someone must have/should have noticed something. Bernadette wasn’t a criminal mastermind, so yeah, I think it’s possible that someone in her family did know something.
Is it a coincidence that Bernadette wore maroon pants that night?

I know forensics were not what they are now, but I still think it’s astounding that blood traces were not discovered when Bernadette's car was examined. Actually, I shouldn't be that surprised. Look at how LE handled the case...from not reading the lie detector results correctly, to not checking Bernadette’s alibi, to the inability to match the very clear description of the murderer to the only bobby fitting that description down to the beat up pinto, suggesting that she couldn’t have done it because she didn’t have a drivers licence....etc. Ridiculous.

At May 7, 2017 at 3:33 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I will look at the link and the Landscape documentary tonight.

I was told by someone recently that Bernadette stopped using "lifehacker" to describe herself on Facebook. However, her answer in the visitor posts section in response to a question asking about what lifehacker meant to her shows the type of person she is.

At May 7, 2017 at 7:58 AM , Blogger Itsaboutime said...

Yes Bernadette did work in the school office with Kirsten. There was a party in Orinda that night that all of our friends were at. Bernadette obviously had no plans to take Kirsten there because she would have never shown up in sweatpants and whatever dishelved clothes she was wearing. I wonder too how she cleaned the blood from the knife and car and herself without anyone noticing. She stabbed Kirsten quite a few times aggressively so there had to be some serious blood all over. (Awful to think about) The police made so many mistakes. I don't think they could imagine a girl like Bernadette who really appeared sweet which was very deceiving could possibly murder another girl.

At May 7, 2017 at 11:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At May 7, 2017 at 3:29 AM , Blogger Purple haze said... Continued.. "It was latish at night when she returned home, so where did she find the time to clean herself up (she would need a shower), give the car a clean and dispose of the bloody clothing at the Sleepy Hollow swim club before taking a nonchalant walk with her mother?"---- Very good point Purple Haze! This comment made me wonder, did Bernadette and her mother really take a walk that night? I mean how could Bernadette have cleaned herself up, changed her clothing and put the car away (bloody car at that) all prior to going for a walk with her mother?? & Why would they go out late at night for a walk to begin with? If they even did go for a walk - I'm starting to wonder if that was a lie. Or if they did actually go for a walk - was it at this point that her mother became aware of what Bernadette did and that is why the two of them went out for a walk late at night??? Hmmm... just makes me wonder ...

At May 7, 2017 at 11:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Continued... I'm not sure if I agree with the idea that Bernadette "Snapped" as you put it. Only because Bernadette put a lot of thought into this, call Kirsten's house and speaking to Kirsten's mother, then it wasn't until a couple of days later when Bernadette went and picked up poor Kirsten. To me when I hear that someone "Snapped" I tend to think of it being more of an immediate reaction and not one planned days before the crime. It seems that the more I hear, the more I believe that person or persons in Bernadette's family helped Bernadette the night of the murder until the time of her being sent away to that place for juveniles. I'm even wondering if her mother came up with the idea for Bernadette to write that letter that was left for her mother to help Bernadette appear remorseful, (even though Bernadette's actions showed she was anything but remorseful). It just seems very odd that Bernadette and her mother would take a walk that night, late at night and then it was also her mother that Bernadette left the letter for to read. Was this to deflect any attention away from the possibility that her mother was already aware of what Bernadette had done?? Why was the Pinto car kept in the garage after the night of the murder when Virginia was the one who needed to use it - as Bernadette had said, it was Virginia who would use that car for work/school (can't remember which off of the top of my head). Bottom line is, it's sounding more and more to me like some of Bernadette's family members were well aware of the heinous crime that Bernadette did and they "covered" for her. How awful and disgusting these people are if this is true..

At May 8, 2017 at 6:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Continued.... Bernadette spent 6 months not showing any remorse, if anything, she "Thrived" and was able to "put it out of her mind" despite all the heartache going on around her day after day. I think of it like this: Bernadette never showed any remorse until she was caught and that letter to her mother was written only after she knew that she was going to be held responsible for what she did. I have my doubts that Bernadette would've been able to write a letter like that to her mother because it did not in any way match up with Bernadette's behavior since she murdered Kirsten - so I find it hard to believe that she was suddenly filled with remorse. It doesn't matter how smart Bernadette was - she didn't have remorse which is why I think someone had helped her write that letter. I believe she had family members assist her to clean up and cover up. The night of the murder she supposedly went for a walk with her mother and then later it is her mother that she leaves the note for only after she knows that she is caught. Think about it: wasn't anyone at her home perhaps waiting on her to get home with the car knowing she had no license to drive it? After all, her parent drove Bernadette to babysit (Ruse) and then walked home - so it wasn't that far yet they wouldn't be concerned about Bernadette driving herself home? & through their own words we know that Bernadette spent time with her mother the night of the murder. Then Virginia lies about the knife in the car? No one in Bernadette's family notices anything out of place with either Bernadette or the car with blood on/in it? It all sounds very suspect to me. Bernadette's family were the first people she would've encountered after the murder and she ends up going for a walk with her mother? I don't believe their BS story at all - and this BS story and that fabricated letter to the mother did end up convincing some people that Bernadette was remorseful (rather than being self serving/phony) in spite of Bernadette's anything but remorseful behavior immediately after the murder for 6 months! Bernadette's use of "Life Hacker", her and her sister's/family members commenting on blogs defending Bernadette, (from what I've read from others comments who believe it to be Bernadette and/or her family member), so still to this day no remorse is shown. Any normal person would be ashamed and sick over it - I don't believe that Bernadette ever was and if any of her family/mother did indeed help Bernadette instead of turning her in are just as sick and evil as Bernadette herself.

At May 8, 2017 at 6:29 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

She is being evasive throughout the whole Landscape Suicide interview “I don’t know what words I used” (regarding the phone call) “I don’t remember what I did Friday”.( So, she remembers what she did on Saturday, but not Friday. Could she have been planning what she would do if she didn’t get the reaction she wanted from Kirsten?).

She vilified Kirsten from the beginning. “I honked outside her house and she said ‘oh…. it’s you’ “. “I drove to the church because she wanted a smoke and I didn’t want to. We just talked, argued, not argued really” (she attempted to dismiss that they argued.) “She didn’t think it was any big deal and I just didn’t want to and she made me feel real dumb about it”. “This one time I was around her and she really seemed to be putting me down”.She vilified Kirsten in an attempt to make herself look like the victim of someone who was “mean” to her, “put pressure on her to do drugs” and “put her down” to make the story that she “just snapped” and stabbed Kirsten more credible. If someone is being mean to you, putting pressure on you to do something you don’t want to do and making you feel bad about it, you’re not going to run after them or want to spend any more time with them. It doesn’t make sense.

At May 8, 2017 at 6:30 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


“I didn’t know what I was doing”. “I really didn’t know”. “When I was starting the car, I didn’t know where everything was”. What didn’t she know? Did she suddenly forget where the clutch, steering wheel and breaks were? I understand when people suffer a shock, memory can be affected and they might feel frozen and unable to do anything, but I don't think that was the case with Bernadette. That was a silly attempt at being evasive.

Before she stabbed Kirsten:
“She was telling me to go away and I just got angry and I did it”. “I ran up to her and then stopped.” (If she ran up to Kirsten with the large knife and stopped, could that be why Kirsten was banging her fists on the neighbour’s door because she saw the knife and knew she was in danger?) “She said something to me and I did it” (it looks like she is attempting to blame Kirsten for her murderous reaction).

She is being evasive about the knife. Feigning innocence about not knowing the details of the knife to make herself look less suspicious and to make the story that it was something that was “just found in the car” more credible. No-one would use a large knife to cut vegetables, so a large knife in the car obviously implies intent.

What she said about the knife in the car:
“I noticed it when I was getting in there. I wouldn’t know if a knife was under there” (makes no sense. Contradicting herself. Maybe she was referring to Kirsten that “wouldn’t know there was a knife under there”). “I was thinking of Gina. She always leaves stuff around. I don’t know if it was Gina. I don’t think she drives around with knives in her car (at least she admitted the truth). Bernadette then said “but that would be ONE reason why it would be there”. Trying to make the “I found the knife in the car story believable”, even though she admitted that she didn’t think Gina drove around with knives in the car. If this was something that Gina regularly did as she implied in court, wouldn’t Bernadette have been well aware of that and wouldn’t have said “I don’t think Gina drives around with knives in the car”?

Yes, her walk with her mother would have been very late considering she had to have a shower first, possibly clean the car, dispose of the blood clothing. She then said she “kept waiting and looking out the window for the police” before she went for a walk. I didn’t think too much about it because
1. My Mother used go out for a late walk with her dog in the summer. 2. I have seen people walk their dogs as late as 1:00 in the morning in the summer. 3. Bernadette’s mother was a staunch Catholic and I thought she would take the “thou shalt not kill” commandment seriously.

After killing Kirsten, Bernadette would possibly have arrived home after 10:30, so after showering, cleaning the car, disposing of the bloody clothing and waiting for the police to come, she would have gone out for a walk at a ridiculously late hour, which doesn’t make sense.
I agree with you about someone waiting up for Bernadette. How the hell did she get away with going through the house with bloody clothing?

I’m pretty sure I read that the knife was shown in court, so no, she didn’t dispose of it. She apparently kept it in her room and returned it to the kitchen, which is repulsive as other family members possibly used the knife.

I'll respond to the rest of your comments as soon as I can.

At May 8, 2017 at 7:10 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi itsaboutime,

Was it just Kirsten and Bernadette in the office? If it was just the two of them, and knowing that Bernadette “idolised” Kirsten, it looks like she was trying to get close to Kirsten months before she killed her. Bernadette most likely lied Kirsten and said she had other clothes underneath what she was wearing. Is this the type of party Bernadette would have been invited to? I’m asking because I can see why Kirsten would have gotten annoyed if Bernadette lured Kirsten out of her house under the pretence of a bobby initiation, drove her to the church car-park to smoke grass in an attempt to impress her, and they try to bring her to a party that she wasn’t even invited to. It all reeks of pathetic desperation, which would be a turn off to anyone.

“I don't think they could imagine a girl like Bernadette who really appeared sweet which was very deceiving could possibly murder another girl”

That's something that would fool the average joe, but the police should have more experience and should very well know that looks can often be deceptive and that “a sweet exterior can harbour a dangerous monster”. They were ill-equipped to deal with this case and Bernadette could have gotten away with it as a result.

This is irrelevant, but I’m surprised students were working in the school office. That would never have been allowed in the schools I went to because students would steal things and mess around with the intercom. Perhaps Bernadette (I don’t hasten to give her a compliment) and Kirsten were too mature for that.

At May 9, 2017 at 12:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised that people go for a walk late at night. I was just trying to say that the night of the murder that someone had to have been waiting up for Bernadette to return home with the car - especially since she did not have a driver's license. What I find very odd is that Bernadette had the time & the frame of mind to hide and/or dispose of blood evidence, clothing, clean up and then go for a walk with her mother. That is why I wonder if her mother was aware of what Bernadette did. Her mother may be a staunch Catholic but she's still a human being & remember how Bernadette's family rallied around her even to this day. It's a little hard to believe that even Bernadette would have had the time to not just clean herself up, but to have had the frame of mind to fool her own mother/family that night - if so, then Bernadette's an even scarier psychopath incapable of feeling anything. And I am saying that Bernadette's family are the people who she went right home to after murdering Kirsten. Someone had to have noticed something. Does anyone know if the part in the movie where Bernadette tells her girlfriend about her plans to invite Kirsten to a party really happened? Or was it just more made up stuff in the film? Because if Bernadette had actually told her friend then the police should have been all over Bernadette because she picked Kirsten up that night and she and her car matched the description of the killer. Kirsten knew there wasn't a Bobbies dinner so the fact that Kirsten even got into Bernadette's car at all just proves that Kirsten was a nice person and not a snob. Kirsten would have had every right to turn around and go back into her house, but she didn't, unfortunately. Kirsten was kind and Bernadette used it against her. Heartbreaking.

At May 9, 2017 at 12:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Continued... So much of what Bernadette said is relying on the words of Bernadette and it is just lie, after lie, after lie coming out of Bernadette's mouth. One of the sickening things is Bernadette's behavior during those 6 months. When the police and the person who made that movie, Death of A Cheerleader, learned about this - how could they not realize how emotionally devoid and morally bankrupt Bernadette truly is? Who would behave that way except for a selfish monster with no heart?? It blows my mind that Bernadette is the one who ended up with the sympathy in a movie after everything she did and how she acted that whole time. I think that is another very horrifying thing about Bernadette - she doesn't look like a monster and is able to mimic behaviors to suit the situation to her benefit. It also blows my mind that Bernadette had the audacity to have children - who wants a murderer as a mother?? So selfish of her beyond words and just more proof of how it has always been about what Bernadette wants.

At May 9, 2017 at 12:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooops sorry - I meant to say that so much of what was said relied on what came out of Bernadette's mouth, which were just lies. (It's like Bernadette's behavior for those 6 months didn't really factor in and I can't understand why.)

At May 9, 2017 at 3:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your comments, Anonymous.

At May 10, 2017 at 3:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purplehaze:you ramble and repeat yourself alot.

At May 11, 2017 at 9:33 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

My humblest apologies.

How inconsiderate of me not to take into account that internet strangers might find my comments repetitive or rambling.

In future, I shall tailor my responses with you in mind in sincere hope that they meet with your approval. I hope my heartfelt comment has mitigated your annoyance. Thank you for your unsolicited input.

At May 11, 2017 at 9:39 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

You’re right. Snapped refers to something that happens in the moment where a person loses control and possibly blacks out. I couldn’t think of another description to refer to Bernadette in the week before she killed Kirsten. Maybe unhinged or unglued are more appropriate.

“What I find very odd is that Bernadette had the time & the frame of mind to hide and/or dispose of blood evidence, clothing, clean up and then go for a walk with her mother”

I think she did have that frame of mind to do all of that. After all, she fooled people for 6 months after Kirsten’s murder. People close to her didn’t notice anything amiss with her. She was able to not only discuss Kirsten's murder in class with classmates, but discussed Kirsten’s murder with Kirsten’s friends. When she was interviewed, she was described as being “very unexcited” and overly casual.

“Her mother may be a staunch Catholic but she's still a human being & remember how Bernadette's family rallied around her even to this day.”

That’s true. I probably came across as naive when I mentioned she was a staunch Catholic which would have greatly influenced her moral compass and prevented her from keeping something like that to herself, or even helping to cover it up. I had my Grandmother in mind when thinking of Bernadette’s mother. My Grandmother was also a staunch Catholic and the littlest things were considered sinful, never mind something as serious as helping someone cover up for a murder. My point is, I wanted to giver her mother the benefit of the doubt.

At May 11, 2017 at 9:40 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


“It's a little hard to believe that even Bernadette would have had the time to not just clean herself up, but to have had the frame of mind to fool her own mother/family that night “

I think she did. If she can fool many people for 6 months after a heinous murder, she would be capable of fooling parents who were described as not being in tune with her. It doesn’t make sense that she was able to clean everything herself, though. Blood is hard to get out of a car seat. How could she get away with walking through the house covered in blood without being seen? It wouldn’t surprise me if she calmly figured out a way to do that. It’s also possible that a sibling helped her.

“Does anyone know if the part in the movie where Bernadette tells her girlfriend about her plans to invite Kirsten to a party really happened? “

That friend in the movie was based on a real friend that supported Bernadette throughout her trial. I don’t think it’s true. As you wrote, if a friend knew that Bernadette was planning on luring Kirsten out of her house, Bernadette’s involvement in Kirsten’s murder would have been discovered sooner (unless she kept it to herself. After all, the friend hated Kirsten). It’s a shame that she didn’t tell a friend. I’m sure the friend would have pointed out how desperate her plan to get Kirsten out of her house looked.

“Kirsten knew there wasn't a Bobbies dinner so the fact that Kirsten even got into Bernadette's car at all just proves that Kirsten was a nice person and not a snob”

I agree. If she thought so little of Bernadette, she would have rebuffed her and gone back to her house (shame she didn’t). Yes, Kirsten trusted Bernadette to get to get into her car and Bernadette killed her.

“ So much of what Bernadette said is relying on the words of Bernadette and it is just lie, after lie”

Yes. This case wasn’t thoroughly investigated at all.

“It blows my mind that Bernadette is the one who ended up with the sympathy in a movie after everything she did and how she acted that whole time”

It doesn’t make sense. Either Mr Sullivan believed Bernadette’s sob story, possibly identified with Bernadette and projected his own experiences onto Kirsten, or wanted his story to be as “juicy” as possible and deliberately wrote his article to be a sensationalist piece. There was nothing positive about Kirsten in the article. He clearly wanted to portray her a certain way. The fact that Bernadette gets some sympathy at all, even though one can read that she wasn’t the innocent character depicted in the movie is evidence that we live in an idiocracy.

“she doesn't look like a monster and is able to mimic behaviours to suit the situation to her benefit.”

Yes. Sociopaths (if that’s what she is) learn from an early age. Traditionally, villains were always obvious in movies and cartoons because they were depicted in a certain way, which I think has affected people’s perceptions of what a “villain should look like” in real life. Like you wrote in a previous comment, the description of the murderer was clearly not Nancy, yet people (strangers) suspected her anyway because she looked a certain way, yet it was “sweet”, “kind” Bernadette that was the killer. The “villain” can often be the person you least expect, but the description of the murderer was so clear. A friend even agreed that the description matched Bernadette down to the pinto and even knew that Bernadette had maroon sweats, yet didn’t suspect her. They were oblivious to the obvious. Perhaps living in a sort of sheltered community had a lot to do with that.

I don’t know why Bernadette wasn’t pressed further when she was questioned. Maybe they would have discovered why she killed Kirsten if they had applied a bit more pressure and got answers to questions that remain unanswered today.

At May 11, 2017 at 10:49 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

For a murderer to be bold enough to publicly describe themselves as a "life hacker" suggests that she doesn't gaf about her victim and probably finds it amusing.

Actually, I know she finds it amusing? Why? When she was asked a question pertaining to it, she replied with a "smiley winky face emoji" before giving a housewife friendly description of it. The smiley winky face was clearly alluding to Kirsten's murder.

I read the article. It was also a little sympathetic towards her.

At May 11, 2017 at 11:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so many lives where taken that day ..And she did do time but not enough..She was a teenager and alot of those crimes if you do going stay out of trouble it gets removed from your record....And that's how she became a CEO over a company cause anyone convicted of anything serious..You get minimal paying jobs no one will work with you period...I'm so glad she has her life together now....But so many Don't and never will again...That's what needs to be thought about!!!! Cause if she wasn't concerned for her well being she never would have changed her name...

At May 11, 2017 at 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette isn't the CEO of a company. That's her sister. Her records were sealed. She did ruin a lot of lives, so why be glad that a murderer apparently has her life together (if you don't me asking?)

"Cause if she wasn't concerned for her well being she never would have changed her name... "

It's pretty clear that she is the only person she had concern for in this tragic case.

At May 12, 2017 at 5:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, would you ever consider starting a blog about this case? Your comments are insightful and provoke thought. The owner of this blog is awol and probably won't update it again.

At May 13, 2017 at 12:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze Thank you so much for your responses to my posts - very points and gets my gears going! I have to agree with you that Bernadette being the evil thing she is, did fool a lot of people for 6 months plus even the "obvious" wasn't so obvious to people who couldn't picture her as a "villain" - I guess that could be conditioning or denial (hard for them to wrap their head around the facts that pointed to Bernadette).

At May 13, 2017 at 12:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At May 12, 2017 at 5:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous, would you ever consider starting a blog about this case? Your comments are insightful and provoke thought. The owner of this blog is awol and probably won't update it again. ***** No, it is not my place to do so. There are others who know way more about this than I do. I think Purple Haze does a fine job.

At May 13, 2017 at 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much went wrong for Kristen that night. I feel really bad for her.

At May 15, 2017 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Stephanie moron is back writing crap.

At May 18, 2017 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"At May 15, 2017 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said... That Stephanie moron is back writing crap." ---- What is Stephanie writing? Is this the person I was warned about her odd behavior ?

At May 18, 2017 at 8:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shame - it is so sad. Don't people realize that Kirsten is someone's baby? That her family's suffering will continue for the rest of their lives? I don't know what is wrong with people that they fail to see who the real victim(s) are. Very scary world we live in that people lack empathy and compassion.

At May 23, 2017 at 10:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: "At May 11, 2017 at 11:14 AM , Blogger Unknown said...
I feel so many lives where taken that day ..And she did do time but not enough..She was a teenager and alot of those crimes if you do going stay out of trouble it gets removed from your record....And that's how she became a CEO over a company cause anyone convicted of anything serious..You get minimal paying jobs no one will work with you period...I'm so glad she has her life together now...." ---- UNKNOWN what are you saying? Why on Earth would you be "so glad she has her life together now" ??? Bernadette brutally murdered an INNOCENT young girl, and as if that was not enough, then Bernadette SLAUGHTERED Kirsten's reputation by Bernadette PLAYING A PITY CARD BASED ON LIES. I do NOT believe that any murderer should be allowed to marry, have kids, a job WITHOUT first OWNING the heinous act by taking responsibility and being Forced by LAW to have to TELL any future Spouse, Employer, etc... Selfish and Self-Serving doesn't even begin to describe Bernadette, it just scrapes the tip of that Iceberg in lieu of a heart that Bernadette has! DISGUSTING, DISGRACEFUL Bernadette so unfair to have a life she so viciously DENIED her victim(s).

At May 23, 2017 at 11:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh.... NO SHAME - NO REMORSE Bernadette is posting on her Facebook page with her "NOT HERS" tips

At May 23, 2017 at 11:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMGosh! This Facebook page is delusional! The person writing under "Forgive Bernadette Protti" as a name contradicts herself (I'm guessing it's a her), constantly. She's claiming to NOT know whether or not Bernadette is "forgiven" or "remorseful" yet this person creates this page using Bernadette's & Kirsten's school pictures on it??? She is DEFENDING Bernadette!! I wonder if it is one of her sisters or if her mother has gone Zealot??? It is bizarre and pathetic.

At May 24, 2017 at 4:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The person behind the forgive Bernadette page is a woman called Josephine Richardson. If you look her up on fb you will find her. I don't want to describe her here, but she is from the windy city and wears distinctive round glasses. She needs therapy herself.

At May 24, 2017 at 7:34 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I couldn't respond lately, but I will tomorrow. I hope you are well.

At May 25, 2017 at 5:45 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

“Purple Haze Thank you so much for your responses to my posts - very points and gets my gears going! I have to agree with you that Bernadette being the evil thing she is, did fool a lot of people for 6 months plus even the "obvious" wasn't so obvious to people who couldn't picture her as a "villain" - I guess that could be conditioning or denial (hard for them to wrap their head around the facts that pointed to Bernadette).”

You’re welcome.

Looking at it from the perspective of the people who were close to her, I would be in shock if someone who was generally known for being “polite” and “harmless” committed a murder similar to Bernadette's murder. I would initially find it difficult to separate my feelings from the person I thought I knew versus the reality of her being a murderer and the heinous knife attack she inflicted on her victim. I would probably delude myself about it initially because it would be too devastating to comprehend. It really is very scary that was able to keep up her pretence for so long.

At May 25, 2017 at 5:46 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you. You really think about this case and I agree that you make good points. I don’t think I could do a blog either, but I think it would be great if someone else started one. I also agree with Anonymous and don’t think Brittany (the owner of this blog) will be updating this blog again.
I forgot to mention in previous comments that the knife Bernadette used to kill Kirsten was shown in court. Bernadette didn’t cry for what she did to Kirsten in court. She only cried for herself and said “I couldn’t let her tell”, “I couldn’t let her tell”....

At May 25, 2017 at 5:47 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

“ What is Stephanie writing? Is this the person I was warned about her odd behavior ?”

Yes. Stephanie is the resident troll around here. When her act of pretending to be countless people for her own amusement and “to wind people up” is called out, she becomes spiteful and calls names. I don’t feel comfortable mentioning the following because I don’t want people who were close to Kirsten to be hurt by this, but I think people should be aware of her behaviour and what type of person she is. Stephanie has not only pretended to be Bernadette and Bernadette’s family member, but she also pretended to be Kirsten’s mother on Facebook and called out Bernadette on her fb page. She is sick, spiteful and disgusting.

At May 25, 2017 at 5:48 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

“What a shame - it is so sad. Don't people realize that Kirsten is someone's baby? That her family's suffering will continue for the rest of their lives? I don't know what is wrong with people that they fail to see who the real victim(s) are. Very scary world we live in that people lack empathy and compassion.”

It’s so sad. Some people realise it, but don’t care because:

They either identify with the fictional character Bernadette is based on.

They believe Kirsten was a bully because of the movie and the article.

They lack critical thinking skills.

They are young and impressionable.

They lack empathy.

At May 25, 2017 at 5:49 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

“Ugh.... NO SHAME - NO REMORSE Bernadette is posting on her Facebook page with her "NOT HERS" tips”

Her fb page is so mundane. I can’t see the attraction with following that page. No, she doesn’t have shame. The fact that she publicly joked about being a lifehacker shows that she has no shame, remorse or sense.

I don’t know who is behind the ridiculous forgive Bernadette page. I’m not so sure that it’s a family member. It appears to be a foolish fan.

At May 25, 2017 at 8:20 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi again, Anonymous.

I took a proper look at the "forgive Bernadette" page. The woman who runs it has mentioned her name and it is the name given above. I think I might have conversed with her on this blog because I recognise some of her phrases. Actually, I'm sure of it. However, when she commented on this blog, she was a very passionate defender of Bernadette and not as tame as she appears to be on her FB page. I'm surprised that she allowed people who support Kirsten to comment on her FB page.

" yet this person creates this page using Bernadette's & Kirsten's school pictures on it?"

I don't understand why she has Kirsten's picture up. The whole thing is just ridiculously cheeky.

At May 30, 2017 at 11:02 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

He has paid nothing to society, 7 years are nothing and destroyed a family, I do not justify her she has a life, has her husband a husband, how would she feel if the same thing happened to one of them? If it deserves it. It should at least keep the family that it destroyed, it does not punish me but only rage there is no justice, it never existed and never will exist ...

At June 1, 2017 at 1:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a little early to be hitting the sauce, isn't it?

At June 1, 2017 at 4:12 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hello sarcastic Anonymous!

It's been a while since your graced the blog with your snarky presence. Hitting the sauce? Aren't you quite the scallywag!

At June 1, 2017 at 4:28 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Unknown,

7 years for such a heinous unprovoked murder is a joke.

Event though I think Bernadette is lower than rat excrement, I wouldn't wish that on her husband. If the same thing happened to her family member, she might then understand the lifetime of pain she caused Kirsten's loved ones. However, I wouldn't wish it on her family.

At June 4, 2017 at 11:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the full article from COURSE HERO about this? I would be very interested to read that. Purple Haze I agree with you that Bernadette's FB page is mundane - don't even know why it exists. As for the Forgive Bernadette FB page - scary to think she has fans but so did Ted Bundy and other killers - some people will never make sense. It is really a tragedy that never ends - people to this day believe that biased movie, "Death of a Cheerleader". It is so one-sided you would think that alone would make one question its validity. It bothers me, in that it makes me feel quite sad, at the additional injustice that movie keeps perpetuating by not presenting an unbiased fact based film based on actual events. Bernadette's sentence was a slap on the wrist - and how offensive it is to decent people to see that Bernadette gets to live a life she viciously butchered away from Kirsten. Bernadette should have gone to prison once she turned 18.

At June 6, 2017 at 4:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't help but cry when you think of what Kirsten was put through and the lifetime of pain caused to her family.

At June 6, 2017 at 4:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get emotional about it because it hits close to home.

At June 6, 2017 at 8:46 AM , Blogger MzGothicEmma said...

Leave the woman alone!! she did her time.. Kristen Costas bullied a lot of girls I've read about everything to do with this story. NO it don't give anyone a right to kill but you try being bullied at school outed for not being like everyone else being different is better than being the same!!

At June 6, 2017 at 9:23 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


No, you haven't. Elsewhere, you said you based your opinion on the movie. A movie that clearly states that scenes were dramatised.

What other sources have you read and what sources suggest that Kirsten bullied a lot of girls? I'm open for a debate about this if you can provide sources. Otherwise, don't self righteously tell other people what to do. If you are not open for a civil debate and if you want to support a murderer who viciously killed Kirsten because she had jealously issues, go to her FB page and support her there.

At June 6, 2017 at 9:39 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous

"As for the Forgive Bernadette FB page - scary to think she has fans but so did Ted Bundy and other killers - some people will never make sense."

It's funny that you mention that and then a fan turns up and writes the above comment. Oddly enough, the same person above wrote a comment in support of Kirsten on the blog. I hope this isn't a Stephanie 2.0.

"people to this day believe that biased movie, "Death of a Cheerleader". It is so one-sided you would think that alone would make one question its validity."

Fools will be fools. I understand teenagers believing it, but it's rather sad that adults could believe it without looking into it further, or even thinking about it and putting themselves in Kirsten's shoes when she was lured out of her house under false pretences. Like you said above, degenerates have their fans too.

I don't know why she was in a juvenile facility past the age of 18.

I have mentioned this many times, but if anyone was in any doubt as to whether or not Bernadette feels guilt for her heinous murder of Kirsten, her answer to the life hacker question on her visitor posts would clear that up. When asked the life hacker question, she responded with a winky smiley face before giving a generic housewife answer to what she thinks a life hacker is. The winking smiley face clearly alluded to Kirsten's murder and that she thought it was amusing. A fan even caught on to that and thought it was amusing.

I can't link the Rolling Stone article here. However, I can send it to you. If you let me know when you will be on the blog, I will post my alternative email and you can contact me. If you'd rather not do that, I'm sure I could post the article in the comments during the week.

At June 6, 2017 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emma Louise....the stuff you are selling looks like pound shop tat. Fashionable my arse!

At June 23, 2017 at 1:39 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Today is Kirsten's anniversary. May her family and friends find peace and think of the good times.

At June 24, 2017 at 7:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you telling people to get over it?

At June 24, 2017 at 5:21 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Exasperated sigh.....

NO. That’s not what I meant.

At June 24, 2017 at 11:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

after all i've seen I can only say ,an eye for an eye and a life for a life,kirsten didnt get the chance to live her life.....fkn bernadette

At June 25, 2017 at 10:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Purple Haze. Thank you so much for offering the article. I'll touch base soon to get that email /way to contact you info. I would really like to read it.

At June 25, 2017 at 11:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How Sad that anyone like EMMA LOUISE would go out of her way just to Disrespect Kirsten on this blog. EMMA LOUISE Could you possibly be Bernadette or are you just some heartless loser who lacks empathy and compassion and common sense?? Kirsten and her family, (along with the 2 other girls whose lives were turned upside down because Bernadette was too busy prancing around like some narcissistic, sociopath tart), were the only victims. Bernadette is a murderous, evil scourge who is incapable of true human feelings - Bernadette is the BULLY who took it to the extreme when she slaughtered Kirsten. Bernadette showed her true colors and the only thing sadder is that Bernadette got to live a life that she shad sadistically stolen from Kirsten because Bernadette is a Loser in EVERY way that truly matters and Bernadette will ALWAYS be a LOSER as long as she lives.

At June 25, 2017 at 11:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze I had to keep my comment about thanking you that you'll help me get the article separate from my comment left for that "thing" that came on here. I had to speak my mind to whatever that "thing" is.

At June 28, 2017 at 6:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Kirsten’s friend said about Kirsten on another blog:

I used to swim with Kirsten and knew her since we were about 5. I think of her when I see the Olympics in swimming. I swam on a relay with Kirsten and her neighbor, whose porch she died on, and we broke a relay at our swim club one year. Kirsten was nothing but a very nice person and this situation has changed so many people’s lives …. I don’t know if there is enough forgiveness in this world to heal the hurt. I think of Kirsten’s brother and parents and hope that they are doing well and I hope the neighbor’s family is doing well too now. Justice is not in this world, it rests with God; the sentance was light for the crime … all lives are changed forever because of this. I think of Kirsten from time to time and always will … all fond memories … she was a good soul. Hope and healing to all who were touched by her.

At June 28, 2017 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Kirsten’s neigbor said about Jeannette/Bernadette on another blog:
If this truly is Bernadette Protti posting here, you should know that a murder this heinous is not something anyone just "forgives and forgets", least of all my family. I was there that night. I saw Kirsten's blood squirting all over my father as she struggled to breathe. She knew she was dying and the horror on her face as she bled out before us was something none of us will ever forget.

You may have served your time under the law but it will NOT be forgotten. The grotesque, premeditated nature of the savage murder you perpetrated demand that this follow you for the rest of your life.

At June 28, 2017 at 6:02 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

The above comments are so sad.

At June 28, 2017 at 6:17 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

That's fine. Let me know if you want the article.

I don't think EL is Bernadette. Just some misinformed individual that can't separate fact from fiction. She was probably also trying to get a reaction. I find it really f***ing boring, especially when a Bernadette supporter continues to utter the same dross over and over again without explaining their points. Murderers will always have fans.

Stephanie is back writing under different aliases again. Have you come across her comments on the blog? Her grammar has improved, but I can tell that it's her. I find Stephanie far more deranged than any Bernadette supporter on this blog.

All the best.

At July 6, 2017 at 12:20 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Bernadette owes nothing to u people, she paid her debt to society and that's all the American Justice system requires. Kirsten did not deserve to lose her life let's get that out there immediately. However, there is a major problem in our society that has been going on for decades of girls being impossibly cruel to other girls, being bullies and picking on them, humiliating them in front of other peers!! That's exactly what Kirsten did to Bernadette making fun of her and others who didn't want to or couldn't afford to dress the way she did or have nice new cars and the best of everything the way Kirsten did, she even made fun of others who were part of the emerging punk crowd who didn't wana wear pink like she did. What happened to Kirsten is a horrible example of the most extreme end of kids fighting back against those who have bullied and himiliated them in their peer groups. The lesson here is a simple one teach ur kids compassion and love and simpathy for others, if I caught one of my kids picking on or making fun of another because they were different or didn't have money they wouldn't have to worry about the person they bullied beating them up bc they would be grounded for life!! Bullying is a huge problem esp w young girls who are more cruel and mean to one another than boys ever thought or imagined being, this leads to the kids who are bullied to commit suicide or turn to drugs or alcohol, it's even caused several school shootings in the US since the time Kirsten was murdered. Whomever started this blog as a witch hunt to Bernadette needs to get a damn life and move on, there are far more important things u could be doing with your life than sitting behind a computer continuing to bully Bernadette just like Kirsten did but she had at the lesser the nerve to do it to her face which u don't have therefore making u the worst of the worst kind of bully!! If u wanted to make difference then u could go talk to high school girls about how they should all try to build each other up in high school instead of being bullies and tearing each other down!!

At July 6, 2017 at 9:33 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Heather.

A histrionic comment will encourage someone to provoke you further. Fortunately, I'm just too damn nice for that.

A common occurrence with Bernadette fans is that they write similar comments that either don't have proof, they get details wrong, or they have been disputed. I don't have time right now to address your comment right now, but I will.

Have a lovely day.

At July 7, 2017 at 2:28 PM , Blogger Confused said...

You guys have every right to stalk and seek "justice" in putting this chick on blast if that's how you want to spend your time i just think it is hilarious you think bernedette and her sister give two thoughts about this blog. You all really are convinced she is taking time out of her day to make fake profiles and comment? Some people don't have the same empathy and might be alittle crazy themselves and side with her that's all I think is happening. I can't imagine the people themselves giving two craps about what is said on a blog when they allegedly have a family and busy lives hiding out with new identities. It isn't worth arguing about with strangers I'm sure non of them are the real women or her sister like you all claim. Iv seen people defend worse murderers and nobody accuses them of being friends or the murdere that stuff just makes you sound crazy yourselves. People though wrong could have a different opinion than you and not be Bernadette or a family member. Just saying. You can't just keep attacking each other because you have different views. Some people are more compassionate and forgiving. Some people want vengeance and "justice". I use quotes because technically justice was served if she served her full sentence it was the courts that fucked up not giving her a life sentence but ultimately if she fully served what the courts thought was a justified amount of time for a murder than legal justice has already been served.

At July 9, 2017 at 12:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am likewise skeptical that Bernadette or her family members weigh in here. They probably avoid having anything to do with it.

At July 10, 2017 at 6:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are all wrong. One in particular weighs in here. I don't care whether you believe me or not. I happen to know things that you don't know.

At July 11, 2017 at 1:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! After reading Heather Moses and Confused comments - I'd say we've hit the nail on the head when it comes to WHO Bernadette really is as a person - The True Bully! A person would avoid the bully- not lure them out of their home and trick them just to be alone with them in a car. The fact that Kirsten even got into the car with Bernadette speaks Volumes to the fact that Kirsten was NOT the bully, just an innocent victim of the REAL Bully - Bernadette Protti who slaughtered Kirsten to death because she COVETED what Kirsten had and wanted Kirsten out of the way. What has Bernadette ever done other than to continue to Bully Kirsten ever slaughtering her?? Has Bernadette ever told the TRUTH about what she did and why? NO. Bernadette coveted then she, without remorse, acted as if she were somebody she was not until she had no choice but to turn herself in - she did not do it because she felt remorse. (Let's not forget how Bernadette carried on and doing quite well for herself during those 6 months, allowing others to take the blame, & thriving while many lives around her were shattered because of Bernadette's Evil, selfish act.) Bernadette never spoke up about that movie, Death of A Cheerleader, she continues to play the victim - with NOTHING to substantiate her position. Bernadette is a loser in every way that truly matters as a human being.

At July 12, 2017 at 9:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent comment, Anonymous. I wholly concur.

At July 14, 2017 at 6:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt the validity of Bernadette's words when she claimed that Kirsten called her weird and was going to tell everyone that Bernadette was weird. We have only the word of murderous, selfish Bernadette who has proven that Bernadette can lie as easily as she breathes! (Like she lied and thrived during those 6 months while the horror of what she did was in her face every day, day after day, after day!) The police found that car that Bernadette used in the garage - the car that Virginia uses all the time with her big sword knife for cutting veggies in this car -- yet there it was found sitting inside, hidden within their garage. For Kirsten to have left the car and then seek out a stranger's help because of Bernadette's behavior indicates to me that Kirsten was afraid - poor Kirsten just had no idea how much danger she was truly in.

At July 14, 2017 at 9:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orinda suspect driven by fear
of rejection, authorities say "There was no remorse exhibited,"
one source said. "At
least outwardly , this person appeared
to be unexcited. Totally
casual. Even overly casual.
" In her mind , the act was
justified," said the source.


*** This just shows how evil Bernadette truly is.

At July 14, 2017 at 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Protti's home should have been nicknamed, THE PROTTI POTTY for all the sh*t that went on & came out of there! The mother giving so much money to the church while her daughter Bernadette butchers Kirsten because she wants what Kirsten has - a nicer home, nicer family car, etc.. Bernadette's mother should have been paying more attention to her daughter than the church - Bernadette was so materialistic, shallow and selfish to the point of brutal murder that it's hard to believe the "good girl" image was anything except a facade. Very twisted and creepy family to lie and cover up for a murderer. So much for their religious beliefs - what pathetic family values they had!

At July 16, 2017 at 5:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl, you need a life. If she is free, law freed her. If her sister is successful she earned it.
She will never undo what she did, she will live with it for ever.

At July 16, 2017 at 10:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: At July 16, 2017 at 5:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Girl, you need a life. If she is free, law freed her. If her sister is successful she earned it.
She will never undo what she did, she will live with it for ever.

*** "She Will Live With It Forever" yet she has never owned up to what she did after she butchered an innocent child and never spoke up about a movie that blames the victim! I seriously doubt Bernadette loses any sleep over what she did. She probably hates that people know the Real Bernadette who showed her true colors when she slaughtered Kirsten. As for her sister - she will always be a liar too and she earned that!

At July 19, 2017 at 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She did "own up to it." She confessed, was sentenced and served her time. She doesn't owe you or anyone else an explanation. Get over it.

At July 19, 2017 at 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit a nerve did I ? I will always have empathy for Kirsten and her family but NEVER for a murderer who got to live a life the she RIPPED VICIOUSLY AWAY from an INNOCENT CHILD.

At July 19, 2017 at 7:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Bernadette only confessed because of the FBI. Otherwise she would have kept on thriving while lives shattered around her. Get a grip and get the facts.

At July 23, 2017 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would have been Kirsten's birthday today. God bless her, her family and friends.

At July 23, 2017 at 5:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kirsten. May your parents and your brother find comfort. Love & Light, Bless All of You.

At July 25, 2017 at 4:24 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for responding to the above comments. I know you don't want or need a thanks, but it's nice when someone else responds to Kirsten's detractors, or responds to people who ask repetitive questions that have been answered on the blog countless times. I will be responding to the comments myself very soon.

At July 28, 2017 at 11:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your welcome Purple Haze. I feel for Kirsten and her family.

At July 31, 2017 at 8:47 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

You're sweet. It's a shame that some people still criticise Kirsten even though there is information available to inform people that she wasn't the Tori Spelling character in the movie.

At August 1, 2017 at 8:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze,

I think you are also a very nice person. I can't understand how people can be told the facts of the case, with supportive data to back it up and yet they still believe what they want to, rather than what is true.

At August 2, 2017 at 9:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze,

Bernadette's "version" of the events not only does NOT ring true - it defies logic. For example, when Bernadette stated she only meant to hurt Kirsten & that Bernadette thought Kirsten would tell everyone that she was weird. -- Bernadette intentionally meant to butcher Kirsten and murder her. To believe otherwise one would have to believe what Bernadette said - which would mean that one would also have to believe that Bernadette only meant to hurt Kirsten, thereby leaving Kirsten seriously wounded but alive and capable of telling everyone not only that Bernadette was weird but also that Bernadette was the one who did this, (stabbed/cut her with a huge knife). --- Bernadette's story is BS, Bernadette planned on killing Kirsten all along and never had any intention of letting Kirsten live.

At August 2, 2017 at 12:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

** Also- knowing that Bernadette was a decent writer, I do not understand how anyone could believe that the letter she had written for her mother to read was anything more than "manipulation to gain pity" - the only reason she wrote it was because the gig was up and Bernadette knew it. Otherwise she would have written that letter shortly after what she did to Kirsten and NOT 6 months later AFTER Bernadette knew that the FBI knew it was her who slaughtered Kirsten. Forgive me for being so blunt - but some people are just stupid to believe the truth if it slapped them in the face!

I totally agree with you, t is beyond sad Purple Haze that after all of these years poor Kirsten is still being vilified - heartbreaking.

At August 2, 2017 at 12:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

** I meant to say that some people are just so stupid they even when the truth slaps them in the face they ignore it.

At August 8, 2017 at 8:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy....if all of the above are examples of the bullying and hatrid that took place surrounding this murder, no wonder she flipped. And it's 30 years later and still happening. And the stalking is unreal. What is being accomplished Here? It certainly isn't keeping her victim in remembrance. Your energy would better be served otherwise in honoring Kirsten. You've lost a lot of joy in your lives with his rant.

At August 9, 2017 at 6:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous/Stephanie Durney, nice copy and paste job there. Please get lost and find something more constructive to do with your time instead of continually coming back to troll a website that feels sympathy for a murder victim. Give examples of the stalking. Give examples of the bullying. You won't of course because the purpose of your comment was to annoy and provoke people, not provide actual facts or examples. This blog is barely active, yet you are telling people that their energy would be better served otherwise? You clearly live for the comments on this barely active blog because you can't stay away. You need to get a life, Stephanie. Jesus're a grown woman in your 30's and you get your jollies from trolling about a dead teenage girl, or pretending to be Bernadette or her family members. You are sick, hon. Very, very sick.

At August 9, 2017 at 7:09 PM , Blogger Itsaboutime said...

I concur. She is a total crackpot lacking an IQ.
I'm sorry but she is super whack job. Nothing better to do. Get a life Stephanie. Go troll someone else's blog.

At August 10, 2017 at 4:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would anyone stick up for a murderer? To this day a movie exists (Death of A Cheerleader) blaming the real victim - Kirsten. We have a right to put forth factual information and even our thoughts "based on the facts" about what a horrific, and cruel act committed by Bernadette when she took Kirsten's life away. There has never been any factual evidence to support Bernadette's lies/false claims of bullying. It is important to get the facts out and not let some movie myth paint Kirsten in a bad light when in fact it is Bernadette who needs to be "exposed" for who she really is - a lying, vicious murderer.

At August 10, 2017 at 5:21 PM , Blogger Itsaboutime said...

It's a sick world when people start defending sociopath murderers. They wouldn't let Bernadette on early release from prison due to her behavior of showing rage. Think about it!!!

At August 22, 2017 at 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless everyone who has defended Kirsten.

At August 30, 2017 at 3:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 2, 2017 at 8:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purplehaze....have you stopped commenting?

At September 3, 2017 at 12:33 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

No. I've just been crazy busy lately. I will comment when I can.

At September 7, 2017 at 2:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She did her time and I'm sure she herself, probably lying still can't believe she mirrored a girl.. But she deserves a second chance in life and it seems like she's just living her life and is successful... Stop spewing hate.. Everyone talked about how nice she was as a teenager, she wasn't evil but for some reason she snapped.... Get over it she did her time learn to give people second chances

At September 8, 2017 at 6:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 9, 2017 at 10:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on you anonymous. Your post is so unkind as your thoughts are so inappropriate here. Kirsten lost her life at the hands of Bernadette and Kirsten's family has to live with that every day - a heart wrenching loss that no amount of time served could ever remedy. Your ignorance is only matched by your inability to grasp the severity of what Kirsten had to endure and what her family will forever endure.

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