Saturday, December 6, 2014

Bernadette Protti found! New name Jeannette Tomanka!

Bernadette Protti aka Jeannette Tomanka 

For many years I have been reading about Kirsten Costas and Bernadette Protti. Since the time I watched the lifetime movie "A Friend to Die For", I found myself obsessed with this case. Years later the Costas family is still in pain and they will never have their beloved child back. But Bernadette and her family have moved on had children successful careers (Google Virgina Protti Varela) she is a CEO now! I have dedicated this blog to honor Kirsten's memory.

Virginia Protti Varela the CEO

Bernadette has changed her name to Jeannette Tomanka. A quick Google search and you will see what she has been up to. She also runs a fake Facebook and Twitter account where she uses her name but changes the location to through web sleuths off into thinking that's not her. But pay close attention to the page. She never shows her face or has photos and her friends and family call her Bernie, but she quickly deletes those comments. I don't know why other blogs will not out her. It isn't illegal and I would never post her numbers or addresses even though they are easily google-able. I'm not protecting a murderer. If she committed that crime today she would still be locked up.

Oh, and Virginia and Jeannette or Bernie don't even bother with the dumb and senseless comments you leave.  I suggest you change your name again or better yet just apologize to the Costas family and own the fact your're a killer. That's a fact. And now your sister is a a millionaire and it was her knife. So she claims. The Costas family should sue you clowns for every penny your worth since you guys are not "poor"  anymore. 


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At November 16, 2018 at 12:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a bunch of racists that don't care about poor Kirsten. You're using her to give yourselves something to do. Her family and friends don't speak up. Bernadette is scum but so are you because you don't give a damn, you just like the drama. Of course this site will attract loonies, the loonies are the ones who started it!!!!

At November 16, 2018 at 12:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 15, 2018 at 5:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Stephanie, you are one crazy pathetic moronic specimen. You are 35/36 and this is how you spend your time. You create fake profiles and attack Bernadette's social media accounts and then you write crazy pro Bernadette crap here. I've rarely come across an English person online that wasn't fucking gross.


At November 16, 2018 at 1:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: "At November 16, 2018 at 12:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
You are a bunch of racists that don't care about poor Kirsten. You're using her to give yourselves something to do. Her family and friends don't speak up. Bernadette is scum but so are you because you don't give a damn, you just like the drama. Of course this site will attract loonies, the loonies are the ones who started it!!!!"

How do you know whether or not any of Kirsten's friends comment here?

Why are you attacking people then go on the attack - you are defeating any point you poorly tried to make, don't you even realize that?

Shame on you and other people who come here just to create drama then cry about the drama that is on here - hypocrite and pathetic at that!

At November 16, 2018 at 1:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice you don't defend your racist comments! You need an education which hopefully will lead to a job. That might keep you busy.

At November 16, 2018 at 1:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 16, 2018 at 1:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
I notice you don't defend your racist comments! You need an education which hopefully will lead to a job. That might keep you busy.

Have you not noticed that there are many posts that are "Anonymous" and that they are not all from the same person?

I did not make those comments and I don't feel the need to defend them anyway because the person who made them is fed up with another poster who is truly rude and bizarre and you are reading too much into something that you know nothing about.

Perhaps if you had been better educated you would not feel the need to attack others when trying to make a point.

As for your keeping busy comment - then what are you even doing here besides stirring the pot?

Your comments have been a reflection of yourself - take some time to breathe, relax and think about that.

At November 16, 2018 at 1:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are many links sprinkled throughout this blog that focus on the facts of this horrific murder of Kirsten. There is a movie out there that is biased and portrays Bernadette as the victim of bullying even though there is no factual evidence to support this and no proof of this at her (Bernadette's) trial.

Now that same movie is going to be remade - even though it serves no purpose to do so when it is just as biased and NON factual as the first movie.

This blog has much to do with that movie misinforming people of the actual facts yet again, and this is a place to share the Real Facts of the Case, (that is the purpose of the links, they are not opinions, they are facts of what really happened in this horrific crime).

This blog tries to have discussions with individuals but not all people that come here care to have an adult discussion. Whether that be for their own reasons, such as past hurts, believing the movie, etc.. So this blog is a place to honor Kirsten's memory by sharing the truth - facts about this case.

However, because anyone can comment and say what they want, many have come here with hatred (through misinformation and / or their own agendas, past hurts, etc..) and they won't stop defiling Kirsten's memory and this blog with its primary goal is to SHARE THE FACTS of what happened and have adult discussions.

All of the hatred towards Kirsten is such a sad reflection on those individuals who express it. How does one have compassion for a murderer yet none for the victim? THAT is what people fail to pay attention to so when that is pointed out - some people do not like it and do not like the truth. BUT THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH BECAUSE NO ONE CAN REWRITE HISTORY - THE FACTS OF THIS CASE ARE INTACT.

Coming to this blog and having nothing but ire is ONLY a reflection of YOURSELF. It's a shame that empathy and compassion is limited by so many to Bernadette when Kirsten and Kirsten's family, as well as, the innocent girls who Bernadette let suffer and take the heat while she carried on like normal - THEY ARE the TRUE Victims in this case and the ONLY TRUE VICTIMS.

If you can't have any compassion or empathy for a murdered child, try to at least have some integrity and self respect for yourself - and stop posting on the blog. Your comments serve no purpose in any meaningful way.

At November 16, 2018 at 2:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scooby di wow wow wow wow.

Gary Tomanka is Donald Trump in disguise.

At November 16, 2018 at 2:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeanette Tomanka is now a man called Fred.

At November 16, 2018 at 2:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beneath the lone quaint pine tree
Lays the fair Bernadette

-With eyes filled with sorrow and regret-

With floral in her hair, she serenades
With tales of poignant tragedy

These memories of my wounds at hand they won't pass away

I've died within your words

(Your words, they hurt, I can't disregard this pain)

A thousand conversations as time moves on
Ill thrust this blade as long as pain is found

There's nothing left

At November 16, 2018 at 2:54 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Sensible Anonymous,

You make good points, but you're unfortunately wasting your time with Stephanie. To say she is sick is an understatement. It would be great if this blog was cleared up and the cringey nonsense was deleted.

At November 16, 2018 at 3:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all live in a yellow submarine with Bernadette Protti alias Fred.

At November 16, 2018 at 3:05 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Stephanie Durney,

If you continue to write nonsense, I'm going to post your facebook profile, so everyone can put a face to the pathetic woman child with the preschool mentality.

What's this nonsense about being racist? I'm white, so how can I be racist towards you -- a white person? If anything, I'm guilty of being a bit xenophobic, which I acknowledged and apologised for. I'm not the biggest fan of English people, but I'm working on that. Also, Kirsten was of Greek/Norwegian descent, i.e: white European.

At November 16, 2018 at 5:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Xenophobic and racist are the same

At November 16, 2018 at 7:18 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

You're exaggerating. No matter how much you try to beat that drum, it's not going to detract attention away from the fact that you are sick and creepy.

At November 16, 2018 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you have admitted that you're xenophobic (except with white Europeans) If you judge British people by the few low life that you have encountered on whatever weird websites you frequent then if you're anything to go by Americans may be judged as being Nazis. I am NOT Stephanie but believe what you want. I had to prove to myself that most people on this site are unhinged. My sympathies lie with the murdered girl bur carry on believing that I am a member of the Protti family. You seriously need a job, one that doesn't require you wear the ceremonial robes of the Klan.

At November 16, 2018 at 3:12 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Well you have admitted that you're xenophobic (except with white Europeans)

What does that mean? I was accused of being racist towards two white people.
Please point out where I wrote anything about being xenophobic towards a person of colour?
I'm NOT American. I can be somewhat xenophobic towards the English, not just because of my online encounters. That would be generalising and ignorant. I live near England and I've also visited England frequently. The history of my country and England is terrible and there has been animosity between people in my country and the English, but it's not as bad as it was, so it's best not to make erroneous assumptions about me. You don't know anything about me or my experiences. Why are you accusing me of judging "British people"? British people = English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish. My comment was just about English people and you've also failed to notice that I acknowledged that my comment was unnecessary and I apologised, so stop with the exaggerated racism nonsense. Are you pissed off because you are the English woman who commented last week? Get over yourself.

Have you self awareness at all? Let's just look over your comment.You wrote that I'm unhinged because I responded to a few stupid comments. You seem to have accused me of being racist towards people of colour.
You erroneously assume that my distaste for the English is because of one stupid person or some online encounters.
You assume that I'm American and you seem to be calling me a nazi.
You are accusing me of believing that you are a member of the Protti family, yet I didn't write anything of the sort.
You're assuming I don't have a job because I responded to a few comments.

Have you any self awareness at all about how "unhinged" your comment made you look with your accusations? You're pathetic. If you wrote any of the recent stupid comments, you're not only pathetic, but also mentally stunted and in need of some meds.

At November 16, 2018 at 3:50 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"You are a bunch of racists that don't care about poor Kirsten. You're using her to give yourselves something to do"

The above is another comment that makes you look deranged and pathetic. How on earth are we racists? Was it you that wrote that I was racist towards Kirsten because she was of Greek heritage? How can I -- a white person-- be racist towards another white person? . After I explained that Kirsten was white, you then erroneously assumed that I was xenophobic (except with white Europeans). It's unhinged to make a statement like that with no evidence. I wrote one comment about the English that I apologised for and in another comment I wrote that I was working on it, i.e: working to change my feelings. If I really was an ardent anti English xenophobe, I wouldn't apologise for anything and I would call you every anti English slur under the sun.

This blog is barely active, so how are we "using" her to give us something to do? My comments have been nothing but sympathetic towards Kirsten and for you to suggest that I'm racist towards Kirsten or that I'm using her is a clear reflection of your own twisted mind.

At November 16, 2018 at 4:15 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

If you wrote the recent comments about Trump and Bernadette and Gary Tomanka just to "prove" something to yourself, you are one crazy, twisted woman. The comments that responded to you were (apart from the one sentence I wrote about the English) were sensible. What the hell were the following from you about?

"Scooby di wow wow wow wow"

"Gary Tomanka is Donald Trump in disguise."

"Jeanette Tomanka is now a man called Fred"

"Mrs Protti loves you all. You do very good work here. Come to my party and celebrate"

"This is Mrs Protti. My love to you all"

"Fish head fish head Purple Haze is Karen with a fish head"

"Purple haze Purple haze I want to see you standing in the purple haze"

"The world is full of meaning its time to do spring cleaning. Bip bop bip bop"

"Donald Trump is Gary Tomanka and his wife is Bernadette Protti in disguise and that's why she id free to live a good life. But don't tell anyone shhhhhhhh"

"Apologies. I agree, the writer is Gary Tomanka planning to exterminate the haters on here. I'm feeling it too"

You have the bold faced audacity to call someone else names when you wrote the above? Are you fucking serious?

At November 16, 2018 at 4:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

English Anonymous also spent the last few days writing dumb comments throughout the day and re posting old comments from other articles on the blog. She should take her own advice and get a job. English anonymous is as stupid as she is dentally challenged.

At November 17, 2018 at 2:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Gary Tomanka comments were not me. I accused Karen of being racist after stumbling on this blog. It's evident that this ridicilous blog is powered by women who accuse all and sundry of all sorts. BTW What does dentally challenged mean? No teeth?

At November 17, 2018 at 5:32 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Stumbling on this blog? Stop with that nonsense. You didn't stumble upon anything. You accused me of being racist towards Kirsten and people of colour with no evidence. You also accused me of using Kirsten. I gave clear examples about your senseless accusations, which is something you're not defending, so you must agree that you made yourself look idiotic. I wrote one comment about the English that I apologised for, yet you continued to call me racist. I don't owe you an explanation, but I explained why I am sometimes wary of English people. However, I need to get over that. I know there are plenty of decent English people out there. It's evident that you're over-sensitive and your baseless accusations which you can't back up make you look nasty and pathetic. I'm assuming dentally challenged is something to do with crooked teeth. I'm assuming it's a tired English stereotype. Unless you can back up your comments or you've something constructive, please get lost. I'm beyond sick of "arguing" with your type.

At November 17, 2018 at 5:45 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

If you've just stumbled upon this blog, when you were accused of being a member of the Protti family? You wrote in a previous comment that I believed you were a member of the Protti family, but I never accused you of that or alluded to it any way. If someone else accused you or if I accused you , it would have been a while back. Are you aware that you've just exposed yourself as a liar by writing that? Let me make it clear that I don't care. I'd honestly expect nothing else from a person like yourself who makes ridiculous accusations.

At November 17, 2018 at 8:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen, I'm the one who made the statement about being an Empath. Sadly, I think I was write regarding the comments I wrote. I'm just going to ignore those "unhinged" people as you say. They're not worth the time because I think anything we say will simply fall on deaf ears. I received no replies to my sensible comments - she/they just became more disrespectful of Kirsten/this blog. I think that is their intention - to act idiotic/argumentative just to make this blog look bad. Shame on them.
~ The Sensible Anonymous as you called me :)

At November 17, 2018 at 3:19 PM , Blogger Emily Brian said...

Nice post! Thanks a lot for the kind of perfect topic.I like your post. Thanks for sharingClick Here : Used excavator cat 320cl-eag00700 for sale in cheap price

At November 17, 2018 at 11:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

a person who removes earth carefully and systematically from an archaeological site in order to find buried remains.

At November 19, 2018 at 8:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a combine harvester for sale?

At November 19, 2018 at 12:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please come back and clean it up. Some of the comments here are either crazy or just cruel. :(

At November 19, 2018 at 9:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHERE is the owner of this blog? Please come back to it and clean it up. Too many people with the mentality and lack of a conscience just like Bernadette and her sister are commenting in a most disgusting way. PLEASE COME BACK and Delete these nasty comments that have no place here. Thank you so much.

At November 20, 2018 at 12:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems they are mocking you and your holier than thou attitudes, not poor Kirsten. You are doing more harm to her memory than you actually know. It's painful for her friends and likely her family, you are inciting hate and attracting idiots to a blog that 'honours Kirsten's memory'. Trust me it doesn't.

At November 20, 2018 at 1:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geesh another fool posting again.

At November 20, 2018 at 3:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can I buy a tractor?

At November 20, 2018 at 3:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am still looking for a combine harvester.

At November 20, 2018 at 4:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey empath, you can't spell. Do you mean psychopath?

At November 20, 2018 at 6:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brittany is on Planet Protti learning to bake cakes.

At November 20, 2018 at 7:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come and join Brittany on Planet Protti. It's good. Me and Elvis live there next door to Gary and Bernadette. Yum chess pie mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

At November 20, 2018 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At November 20, 2018 at 10:12 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

At November 20, 2018 at 12:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you point out how I'm "acting holier than thou"? It would be greatly appreciated if one of you people who criticise me would point out exactly what you mean. Is is holier than thou to respond to people who criticise Kirsten and blame her for her death? Is it holier than thou to response to be people who criticise me for feeling sympathy for the fact that Kirsten's life was brutally and cruelly taken away? How am I inciting hate? Seriously, can one of you people for once respond with examples. It would be great if the owner of this blog deleted most of the comments. Actually, someone who knew Kirsten is aware of this blog and comments occasionally and if she pointed out that my comments were doing more harm than good, I would do something about it

At November 20, 2018 at 10:20 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi sensible Anonymous,

The person or persons who keep spamming this blog are moronic and twisted and it is an exercise in futility responding to them, so I agree it's best to ignore. I would like to know why we are labelled as hateful or "scum" (or maybe it's just me they're referring to) for responding to people who criticise Kirsten or who criticise us/me. Do you write nothing while someone else blames Kirsten for her murder, who twists the facts of the case or who calls you names for having sympathy for Kirsten? Great logic there. If this blog continues to allow stupid spam and isn't cleaned up, how about moving over to another blog?

At November 20, 2018 at 10:25 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


You come across like a fairly direct person. I'm sure you've read the latest comments. Someone is accusing me of harming Kirsten's memory. If you think I could be doing that in any way, just say the word and i'll stop commenting on this blog.

At November 20, 2018 at 10:33 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

If I'm considered to be "holier than thou" because I'm disgusted with Bernadette's murder, that's fine. She was a pathetic jealous coward who murdered Kirsten in cold blood. There was no justification whatsoever for her taking Kirsten's life away and the way she fooled people in the months after Kirsten's murder with such apparent ease would send chills down your spine, particularly the fact that she discussed Kirsten's murder with Kirsten's friends.

At November 20, 2018 at 10:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi sensible Anonymous,

The person or persons who keep spamming this blog are moronic and twisted and it is an exercise in futility responding to them, so I agree it's best to ignore. I would like to know why we are labelled as hateful or "scum" (or maybe it's just me they're referring to) for responding to people who criticise Kirsten or who criticise us/me. Do you write nothing while someone else blames Kirsten for her murder, who twists the facts of the case or who calls you names for having sympathy for Kirsten? Great logic there. If this blog continues to allow stupid spam and isn't cleaned up, how about moving over to another blog?


Hi Karen.

I am the same anonymous that has been posting on this blog, and spoken with you many times. I have defending Kirsten, spoken up for Kirsten and have provided links. We have had many conversations in defense of Kirsten against the hateful and idiotic people that have posted on this blog over the past year or so. You and I have defended Kirsten against the trolls and anybody else who can't seem to grasp the true facts of this case - that Bernadette is a murderer without a conscious who lured Kirsten out under false pretenses only to murder her viciously with a huge knife for no reason at all other than Bernadette being entirely lacking a conscious and is nothing more than a selfish, evil individual.

You are not hateful or holier than thou. The people posting lately are nothing more than hateful Trolls who have nothing better to do than to come here and disrespect Kirsten by disrespecting this blog. I just never said I was an empath before. I am not ashamed to be an empath. I would rather have feelings of empathy for a murder victim than for a murderer.

So when you say I have written nothing that is incorrect, but I do understand the confusion as I have never spoken before about being an empath. As for these idiots doing the name calling - they are beyond reason and no matter what is said to them, they continue to be hateful idiots who post nonsense because they seem to get off on being Vile. You have even thanked me in prior posts for having stood up numerous times for Kirsten against the Vile Trolls.

You are nothing like they have said about you. Neither am I. They are just trying to get a rise out of us and have us justify why we stand up for an innocent (Kirsten) who was viciously, brutally murdered for NO reason other than Bernadette's jealousy. The trolls never explain themselves, they never respond to reason or answer questions. They are the worst society has to offer. I honestly do not care what they think but I do think it is horrible how they are posting on this blog the way they do and that is why I say I wish the owner of this blog would come back and clean it up.

When you state that "if this blog continues to allow stupid spam and isn't cleaned up, how about moving to another blog?" - are you thinking of creating a blog like this and preventing all the horrible trolls from posting? I think that would be a wonderful idea. We could re-post the links that tells the facts of the case and keep the focus on Kirsten as the innocent victim and educate others about Bernadette murdered her for NO reason and that the movie is just that a movie, and not a factual one at that!

To the Vile Trolls - you are disgusting and I could care less what you think of me or any other decent person on this blog who defends an innocent murder victim. We have nothing to answer to you for. You are the worst society has to offer, just as Bernadette is the worst society has to offer.

Have a good day Karen

At November 20, 2018 at 12:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think the troll is Stephanie. Don't be surprised if it is a relative of Bernadette trying to derail the blog. The troll comments today are from the same person at 12:58.

At November 20, 2018 at 2:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 20, 2018 at 12:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don't think the troll is Stephanie. Don't be surprised if it is a relative of Bernadette trying to derail the blog. The troll comments today are from the same person at 12:58.


I would not doubt it. Bernadette and her relative are truly bullies. Bernadette took her bullying to an extreme when she lured Kirsten out on false pretenses, then stalked her in her car when all Kirsten wanted to do was go home and then Bernadette attacks her like a coward from behind with that huge knife and brutally kills innocent Kirsten.

Bernadette could never be trusted, not then and certainly not now. How sick and twisted of her sister to lie for her about that huge knife. And no one else in that twisted family ever told them to tell the truth?? Which is why when Bernadette talks of her religion, and blah blah blah, or that her mom had set a timer to study the bible = I don't believe that family knows what morals, humility or a conscience are if it slapped them right in the face!

At November 21, 2018 at 1:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fish head fish head roly poly fish head fish heads fish heads eat them up yum yum.

At November 21, 2018 at 2:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roly poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappuccino
In Italian restaurants with Oriental women or with Anonymous 12:58

At November 21, 2018 at 4:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At November 21, 2018 at 5:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

..|..('_') ..|..

At November 21, 2018 at 6:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unaccustomed as I am to write on blogs I will make an exception this time. I lived in Orinda at the time of this horrific murder and my best friend was close to Berit, (Kirsten’s mom), the experience was surreal. I have seen this site and others on the subject. Firstly, this friend that supposedly cut Kirsten's hair can't be genuine, Berit made sure her lovely daughter had everything and would never have her hair cut by an amateur. Kirsten had lovely hair.
I actually feel this blog is macabre. Please tell me what you are achieving? I loathe what Bernadette did but this is in poor taste, especially people coming on pretending to be a friend of Kirsten or writing mindless crap. That is all I have to say, no I am not Jeanette or her mum or anyone to do with that family. Anyway, I am not saying any more on the matter, I needed to express my disgust. It would be understandable if this was started by Kirsten’s family or friends but you are perfect strangers. I do not wish to enter into a banal exchange so please take this as expressing my opinion and please do not pursue anything more.

At November 21, 2018 at 6:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, let me tell you that roly poly fish heads enjoy sipping Amaretto in French cafes with Bernadette Protti and that is why you will never see them sipping capucchino with Asian women.

At November 21, 2018 at 7:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How odd that you suddenly turn up when this blog is getting flooded with trolling comments. Someone is so desperate for this blog to be shut down, hence the comments pretending to be different people written at the same time as the troll comments. I think people should just calm down when responding to others who call Kirsten names. Explain your points politely and leave it at that. No need to get annoyed. Nice try but you are fooling no one, my dear. It's beyond low that you are now pretending to have a connection to Kirsten's mother. I can easily match your comment with it's writing style to past comments. I understand that you are doing this on behalf of Jeannette, but you're not helping her. I suggest you stop with your derailing attempts because if you don't, some internet savvy individual will trace you.

At November 21, 2018 at 10:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fish heads poster where are you? I need to discuss the drinking habits of our respective fish heads.

At November 21, 2018 at 11:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, let me tell you that as unaccustomed as I am to writing on blogs I will make an exception this time. I lived in Orinda and knew the older Protti sisters. They were awkward and nice, but very smelly. They were called Protti privates or Protti fish lips because their nether regions stunk of rotted fish heads. You could literally smell them before you saw them. I loathe that they were called names but people couldn't help expressing their disgust at the offensive fishy odour that emanated from their hoo ha. I feel bad for them when I look back. I think of them sometimes when I see discarded fish heads that hit me with their putrid fishy stench and I'm filled with both sadness and nausea. I'm happy for them for doing well financially because now they can afford high quality douches.

At November 21, 2018 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, let me tell you that fish heads love boilermakers above all other drinks, even more than cappuccinos and sipping Amaretto. You will never see them sipping cappuccino with Asian women, but you will see fish heads downing boilermaker shots from Bernadette's ass in a podunk cafe in weed hole Alabama whilst wearing "wine em dine em 69 em" hats and singing their own version of Gary Shandling’s song as an ode to Gary Tomanka.

At November 21, 2018 at 12:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your insight is very insightful and moving. Now I know who inspired the fish head song.

At November 21, 2018 at 1:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are too kind, but I can;t take any credit for that lyrical masterpiece which is a level of genius beyond by capacity to fathom, and let's face it, is on par with Mozart's Moonlight Sonata. I'm disappointed that you didn;t respond with more fishy quips. Is the talk of stinky fish triggering memories from your school days?

At November 21, 2018 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are too kind, but I can;t take any credit for that lyrical masterpiece which is a level of genius beyond my capacity to fathom, and let's face it, is on par with Mozart's Moonlight Sonata. I'm disappointed that you didn't respond with more fishy quips. Is the talk of stinky fish triggering memories from your school days?

At November 21, 2018 at 1:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for repeating myself. I get too overcome with excitement when I think of roly poly fish heads and I can't help making spelling and punctuation mistakes. I'm sure you understand.

At November 21, 2018 at 3:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:39, I was very inspired by your inspiring posts. Your moving comments really moved me. I honestly find courage in your encouraging words. It is a well known fact that protti fish lips inspired the fish head song.

At November 21, 2018 at 4:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the crazy vile poster who is posting all the wacky and bizarre comments:

You are sick, perhaps even as sick and twisted as Bernadette herself. Someone will find out that it is you who is defiling this blog. Then you will get a taste of your own medicine - having your site trolled! I hope you can deal with that!

At November 21, 2018 at 4:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At November 21, 2018 at 4:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orinda suspect driven by fear
of rejection, authorities say "There was no remorse exhibited,"
one source said. "At
least outwardly , this person appeared
to be unexcited. Totally
casual. Even overly casual.
" In her mind , the act was
justified," said the source.


*** This just shows how evil Bernadette truly is.

At November 21, 2018 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Landscape Suicide ABOUT The Evil that Bernadette Did

At November 21, 2018 at 4:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

FACTS ABOUT THIS MURDER: Landscape Suicide /Part of the Psychological Profile on Bernadette:

"a low frustration tolerance despite a higher than average intelligence"

"overly dependent upon the environment establishment of own independent identity despite often misleading overt heterosexual behavior, there may be evidence of unu*? repression of sexual impulses and of d**?es (desires?) establishing sexual identity."

"she is extremely intuitive(?) but lacks remorse and has been completely suppress her guilt."

"The lack of sophistication in the execution of the crime can only conclude that the m* (murder?) was not premeditated."

At November 21, 2018 at 4:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relax. The troll is getting trolled by her own fish head comments.

At November 21, 2018 at 6:08 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I would just like someone to point out what exactly is it that I have written that’s inciting hatred. Are facts like Bernadette luring Kirsten out of her house under false pretences considered inciting hatred? Is it inciting hatred to mention that Bernadette was able to have conversations with Kirsten’s friends about Kirsten’s murder? Is it inciting hatred to mention that Bernadette admitted that she “could block Kirsten’s murder out of her mind” and that her behaviour was reported to not have changed after Kirsten’s murder? Is it inciting hatred to mention that the FBI agent who interviewed Bernadette stated that she only felt remorse for herself? IF it’s considered holier than thou to think that Bernadette’s murder of Kirsten is despicable and there was no justification for attacking Kirsten from behind with a large knife when she was trying to get away from Bernadette, then I’m fine with being labelled holier than thou. I don’t know why you were mocked for saying you’re an empath. Isn’t that just someone who is tune with their feelings and feels empathy for others.

Sorry, but I meant moving to an existing blog, not necessarily creating one. I honestly wouldn’t know how to go about creating one. I think the purpose of the latest barrage of trolling and criticism is that we stop commenting here. Why give them what they want? I think that most of the comments were written by one person. Did you notice that after I wrote I would stop commenting if someone who knew Kirsten thought I was harming her, someone claimed to be from Orinda who was friends with someone close to Mrs Costas? Isn’t that an interesting coincidence? I know the trolling is ridiculous, but I can’t help but laugh a little at the fish head comments. They are so silly and random. Sorry, but sometimes you can’t help but laugh at something so absurdly stupid. I’ve been thinking of other ways that could come across as hateful, but I didn’t partake in: I’ve never mentioned anything about Bernadette’s looks (some people have commented on that), I don’t agree with mentioning her husband or kids, I don’t curse at people or call them curse words if they disagree with me. I might say f*** or s*** in a sentence, but that’s very, very seldom. I don’t normally express myself through cursing. Is it considered hateful to point out that the movie portrayal of Kirsten and Bernadette wasn’t realistic? Why would Bernadette so desperately want to be near Kirsten if she was Kirsten’s victim? Aren’t bully victims usually sick of the sight of their bullies? Why didn’t Bernadette mention examples of bullying at her trial? Why didn’t Bernadette ever clear a clear reason as to why she killed Kirsten if she was supposedly provoked? How do you not find it chilling that Bernadette was so detached from killing Kirsten that she was be able to discuss Kirsten’s murder with Kirsten’s grieving friends? Is it considered hateful to respond to someone who tries to insult me because I don’t agree with them? Or someone who initiates a pointless conversation just to insult me?

I did have a good day, thank you. Same to you.

At November 21, 2018 at 7:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
NOTHING you have said was wrong in any way, shape or form. You are RIGHT ON POINT and that is what those troll(s) who post do not like - they do not like the TRUTH. I do not think that you, me or Itsabouttime need to defend ourselves or even worry about what the Troll(s) think. Their opinions are worthless as proven by their own nasty / ridiculous comments.
I do not know how to create a blog either and I certainly don't want to give them what they want if us posting here bothers them, well I say to them, SUCK IT UP CUPCAKES IT IS THE TRUTH. THE FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
You are right, being an Empath is about having empathy for others. What Bernadette and the Troll(s) don't seem to have is empathy. They truly lack any of the traits that even resemble a decent human being. That is why they are able to Troll and be so hateful - they have no human decency whatsoever.

Kirsten was so innocent and did absolutely nothing to deserve what Bernadette did to her. Sticking up for Kirsten because others choose to blame her is a good thing to do, the right thing to do. We do not need to know Kirsten to have empathy for her and give her a voice because hers was stolen by being viciously murdered.

I also think the Troll(s) are spamming this to bury the links and information about this murder that are facts and not opinions. The Troll(s) don't want the truth to come out. I seriously wonder if one of the Troll(s) is Bernadette or her sister?? It seemed like an awfully big coincidence, (which I don't believe in coincidences like that), that after discussing that a new movie of the same old BS /untrue story of how Bernadette murdered Kirsten is coming out - so did the Troll(s)!! It seems as if it really hit a nerve and Troll(s) are going beserk!!

I think you are wonderful for speaking up for Kirsten and the facts about this murder. I see you having to patiently repeat yourself over again and again in explaining the facts to individuals who come to this blog. Your intentions are pure and good and you or me or anyone else who speaks up for Kirsten are NOT responsible for any individual who chooses to ignore the facts of this case because of their own bias, agenda or whatever other reason they may have. I find it extremely disturbing that anyone could side with Bernadette.

There are a lot of idiots who come here and post and we have no control over that. I don't always feel the need to respond because their opinions mean nothing to me. If I do respond or you do - so be it, we do have the right to speak up for ourselves if we so choose.
Bernadette is the bully. Bernadette bullied Kirsten right into the grave then walked around and acted like she didn't have a clue about what happened to Kirsten. How anyone fails to see that for what it is - is beyond me and it truly makes me wonder about the individual who fails to grasp just how evil Bernadette's actions were both during and after the murder.

At November 21, 2018 at 7:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

** Continued:

Nothing the Troll(s) say is worth anyone's time. I think they are trying to bury the Truth / the Facts of this case. A new wave of interest will be coming in spades about what Bernadette did once they remake the movie and it airs. There is not one single thing the trolls can do to stop that! That interest will be all over the place too, not just here.
Their stupidity knows so limits. They not only can not grasp the facts of this murder, they lack basic common sense too. The Troll(s) never hold Bernadette accountable for a thing! No one wishes any harm to come to Bernadette's children, but that is something that Bernadette should have thought about before having children. Comments like that should be directed to Bernadette - that is all on Bernadette, she made her own choices so why they ask such things on this blog is utterly ridiculous. A murderer who is all over the internet for having heinously murdered a child decides to have children, create a blog, splash herself all over the internet then is surprised that people find out who she is even though she changed her name? OMGosh what planet does Bernadette and her supporters live on??

Bernadette and only Bernadette is 100% responsible for whatever choices she has made and if that effects her children that is on her. It is not our fault that Bernadette is so stupid.

Have a Lovely Thanksgiving Karen with your family. I think you are a beautiful person. :)

TO THE TROLLS: Your dark souls lack the basic human ability of compassion. You should be spending your time bettering yourself & learning how to fix yourselves so you look in a mirror you don't break it with your cold evil black hearts.

At November 21, 2018 at 7:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Did you notice that after I wrote I would stop commenting if someone who knew Kirsten thought I was harming her, someone claimed to be from Orinda who was friends with someone close to Mrs Costas? Isn’t that an interesting coincidence? "

Not a coincidence. You are spot on.

At November 21, 2018 at 8:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: At November 21, 2018 at 6:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said... "That is all I have to say, no I am not Jeanette or her mum or anyone to do with that family. "

"Mum" ?

Sounds more English or Australian than American that's for sure!

At November 21, 2018 at 10:01 PM , Blogger Itsaboutime said...

Hi Karen,
My apologies for not responding sooner. You and a few anonymous posters are the only sane people on this blog and the only reason I stay on it. The trolls and idiots like Stephanie are ruining it and it becomes exhausting to keep up with all the BS. You have done nothing wrong and are one of the only expletive that make sense on here. As to the person who claimed I lied about cutting Kirsten’s hair. Shame on you for trying to take my memories away. Of course Kirsten had her hair professionally cut. We all did. But that didn’t stop us from being teenagers and deciding one day cutting Kirsten’s hair into a bib hair cut that was so “in”style in those days. Berit was not happy about it. Trust me. But we had fun and loved it!! I knew Berit well. I was one of Kirsten’s only friends that continued to visit Art and Berit after Kirsten passed. I am still in contact with them so shame on YOU! Myself and a couple of other girls were given scholarships in honor of Kirsten when we graduated Miramonts High School because of our friendship and loyalty to Kirsten so I could care less what your opinion is.Sad you thinks it’s ok to hurt me though.
I will respond later to more. Just wanted to get this off my chest. Bed time now. Thanksgiving tomorrow.

At November 21, 2018 at 10:03 PM , Blogger Itsaboutime said...

Omg. Don’t know why t said expletive. It was supposed to say SANE ONES Damn auto correct. Sorry.

At November 21, 2018 at 10:05 PM , Blogger Itsaboutime said...

Bob hair cut. Miramnte High School. Need to proof read better. Ugh.

At November 22, 2018 at 12:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Itsabouttime:

I am the anonymous who sticks up for Kirsten and has talked with you and Karen many times.

I am so sorry that one of the Trolls called you a liar and hurt your feelings. It (the trolls) have really been disgraceful on here.

I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family.

Love and Prayers for Kirsten and her family, Your family and Karen's family.

At November 22, 2018 at 12:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: "At November 21, 2018 at 6:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Unaccustomed as I am to write on blogs I will make an exception this time. I lived in Orinda at the time of this horrific murder and my best friend was close to Berit, (Kirsten’s mom), the experience was surreal. I have seen this site and others on the subject. Firstly, this friend that supposedly cut Kirsten's hair can't be genuine, Berit made sure her lovely daughter had everything and would never have her hair cut by an amateur. Kirsten had lovely hair.
I actually feel this blog is macabre. Please tell me what you are achieving? I loathe what Bernadette did but this is in poor taste, especially people coming on pretending to be a friend of Kirsten or writing mindless crap. That is all I have to say, no I am not Jeanette or her mum or anyone to do with that family. Anyway, I am not saying any more on the matter, I needed to express my disgust. It would be understandable if this was started by Kirsten’s family or friends but you are perfect strangers. I do not wish to enter into a banal exchange so please take this as expressing my opinion and please do not pursue anything more."



Cruelty and a lack of conscience must run in your family.

At November 22, 2018 at 1:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

THIS is Bernadette's "own words in a taped confession to the FBI" as to Why she murdered Kirsten:

An Orinda girl convicted of stabbing to death a classmate in a killing that stunned the quiet community where they lived was sentenced to the California Youth Authority for up to nine years. Bernadette Protti, 16, was convicted last month of the second-degree slaying of Kirsten Costas, 15, in June. In a tape-recorded confession to the FBI that was played during Protti's non-jury trial, the Miramonte High School student said the pretty and popular cheerleader symbolized the social and academic success that seemed to elude her, and that she stabbed Costas in a jealous rage. Contra Costa Juvenile Court Judge Edward Merrill said the length of time Protti spends with the CYA will be determined by the authority, and she cannot be kept there past the age of 25. She will remain there for at least three years.

At November 22, 2018 at 1:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia on youtube 2018

There are 2 comments on her video in which she is talking about her work, how she loves to work, that she would rather work than get a massage and what a great life she has and how thankful she is for it.. etc..

There are 2 comments on it:

Reese Christian: Evil...

RedJumperGuy: Disgusting being! You're a murderers apprentice! BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS. You are your murderous sister are two evils in this world that need to be banished. Your disgusting lie in court about the knife makes me absolutely sick. I wish hell onto your family.

At November 22, 2018 at 1:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

** Sorry: Reposting the 2 comments on Virginia's visits I couldn't upload a pic and I didn't copy all of the 2nd comment so here they are complete:

Reese Christian
2 months ago

RedJumper Guy
1 month ago
Disgusting being! Absolute liar! You're a murderers apprentice! BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS. You are your murderous sister are two evils in this world that need to be banished. Your disgusting lie in court about the knife makes me absolutely sick. I wish hell onto your family.

At November 22, 2018 at 1:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back and Forward: Virginia Varela | Comstock's magazine
May 21, 2018 - Virginia Varela, Golden Pacific Bank president and CEO, offers her insight into the region's community banks. For more from Varela, check out ...

At November 22, 2018 at 2:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ms. Varela is a member of the California Bankers Association Board of Directors.� Ms. Varela�s contributions were recognized through a �Woman of Distinction� Award in the San Francisco Bay area, as well as other honors and certifications over the years..."

Women Who Mean Business honoree: ​Virginia Varela of Golden ...
Jun 23, 2017 - Virginia Varela has little patience for the topic of work-life balance. “It makes me want to throw up,” she said.

At November 22, 2018 at 2:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand a person earning rewards for hard work. I can not understand how any company could put the sister of a murderer (who lied about the knife to boot) into such a position as to even hire her in the first place in such a prestigious job. I know she is not a murderer but you would think they would not want such notoriety as to hire the sister of a convicted murderer!

Virginia is on twitter - using her own name. She is in this post by this woman and there is a picture of Virginia.

Kathy Davis

23 Jun 2017
"Women Who Mean Business honoree: ​Virginia Varela" via #sacramento #foodies #food

At November 22, 2018 at 7:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Accept that nobody is disrespecting Kirsten, they are laughing at you guys. A few deluded loser women with nothing better to do than obsess and pretend to be Kirsten's friend.

At November 22, 2018 at 10:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

November 22, 2018 at 7:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Accept that nobody is disrespecting Kirsten, they are laughing at you guys. A few deluded loser women with nothing better to do than obsess and pretend to be Kirsten's friend.

I suggest you seek help of some sort to deal with your delusional state and just go back to work instead of here.

At November 22, 2018 at 12:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sound advice Anonymous.

At November 22, 2018 at 12:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Fish heads are Trump supporters. Why ostracise Oriental women? Tut tut. Your comments are of Shakespearian proportions, keep them coming.

At November 22, 2018 at 2:50 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

Most comments from people who disagree with me have disrespected Kirsten and called her names. If you can show me otherwise, that would be great. That's fine if people are laughing at me. It’s neither here nor there to me if strangers laugh at me on the internet. If "they" (i.e: you) think it's funny that I think Bernadette's murder of Kirsten is despicable, I feel sorry for them/you. I honestly can't recall where I was "laughed at" because it’s usually anger that’s directed at me, unless you mean a poster who constantly used LOL or loads of smiling emojis in an attempt to show that they were amused, but it was clear that she was trying too hard and it actually conveyed the opposite, i.e: she was seething with rage. People are free to “mock” and call me names, but I’ve often found that when we go "toe to toe", they are the ones that end up looking very silly. You've accused people of being obsessed but you don't give examples. If you think I'm being obsessed, feel free to throw some examples my way, but I’d appreciate if it is something more original than “you’re using Kirsten to give yourselves something to do" or "you have too much time on your hands". That doesn’t make sense when this is a barely active blog with sporadic activity, unless someone like you just comes to the blog to disrupt it or call names. I've never pretended to be Kirsten's friend, but average human beings with a capacity to feel empathy tend to sympathise with those who are heinously murdered and then vilified. I'm sorry if that eludes you. It's a shame that you feel the need to lash out at someone else who knew Kirsten because it only highlights your pettiness and childishness. Feel free to call me a loser all you like, but I want you to seriously think about something: you continue to come here to troll and disrupt a blog that you continue to keep active by your comments, and lately you have written nonsense about fish heads and Trump just to try and get a reaction, so if I'm a loser, what does that make you? Your behaviour is hardly the behaviour of a grown woman that’s a “winner”, is it? I actually find the fish heads comments somewhat amusing because they remind me of the fish head song and the accompanying weird video whose creators must have been tripping on acid to produce. Mentioning Trump is bottom of the barrel, though, and very amateurish trolling. Thanksgiving isn't celebrated in my part of the word, but I hope you have a nice one. Try not to overindulge on the fish heads.

At November 22, 2018 at 6:45 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

I don’t know if one of the trolls is Bernadette or a relative. I don’t believe that the fish head comments are from Bernadette or a sister. It’s possible it’s a relative, but it’s also just as possible that it’s a stranger that feels bad for Bernadette. Sorry for stating the obvious. The owner of the blog would be better at hazarding a guess because she will have access to ip addresses. I don’t know why there has been constant trolling since the new movie was mentioned. It’s not like anyone was in favour of it. It will reiterate the one sided nonsense about Kirsten, but it’s also going to “expose” Bernadette again. Thank you for the compliment. I enjoy your commentary. There are times when you mention things about the case that I forgot, or you articulate something in a way that I can’t.

“Bernadette bullied Kirsten right into the grave”

That’s a chilling and very sad fact.

“then walked around and acted like she didn't have a
clue about what happened to Kirsten”

I’ve said this a number of times, but Bernadette was so detached from killing Kirsten that she was able to discuss Kirsten’s murder with Kirsten’s grieving friends. It takes a hell of a cold hearted bastard to be able to do that.

“I think they are trying to bury the Truth / the Facts of this case”

That wouldn’t surprise me. I’m not so sure it’s “they”. Lately it seems to be one person that continues to come back.

I know the first movie was popular because it was sensationalist and money is the reason why a remake is being produced, but will the new movie generate as much interest as the first one? I don’t know. Is lifetime still a channel these days? I feel sorry for Bernadette’s children. Perhaps they will be lucky enough not be affected by the movies. I agree that it’s Bernadette’s fault if they are. I don’t think Bernadette or the relative behind the FB and social media accounts did Bernadette any favours. Some of the things that were said (I don’t know if they are still there) have made Bernadette look worse. Thanks giving is not celebrated over here, but thank you. I hope you enjoy yours, though. One of your traditions that have made its way over here is “Black Friday” and I’m not into it, tbh. Thanks for the compliment. Same to you.

At November 22, 2018 at 7:06 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

Did you post the latest links of Bernadette's sister? I looked at some of the video, but I didn't finish it because I don't want to look at her or hear her speak. I'm not interested in her accolades either because I don't have respect for her.

"I can not understand how any company could put the sister of a murderer (who lied about the knife to boot) into such a position as to even hire her in the first place in such a prestigious job. I know she is not a murderer but you would think they would not want such notoriety as to hire the sister of a convicted murderer!"

The sister wasn't convicted of anything and wasn't questioned at length about the knife, or widely reported in newspapers so I can see how they could be ignorant of her connection to Bernadette and the fact that she possibly perjured herself. There is just no reasonable explanation to have such a large knife in your car to cut fruit and vegetables. Wouldn't you easily cut yourself using a 15-18 inch knife to cut fruit and veg, or did she bring a chopping board or a plate with her too?

At November 22, 2018 at 7:35 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi itsabouttime,

There is no need to apologise. Thank you. I don’t think the latest poster is Stephanie. Although they are both imbeciles, the latest poster’s grammar and punctuation is too coherent, whereas Stephanie’s comments often looked like they were written by her feet.

That’s very sweet of you that you continued to keep in contact with Kirsten’s parents. Kirsten and her family clearly mean a lot to you. Scholarships were a beautiful way to honor Kirsten’s memory. I wouldn’t be too concerned about the person who is suggesting that you didn’t have any connection to Kirsten. She’s trying to hurt you, but did you see her recent comments about fish heads? It’s hard to take such a fool seriously. I’ve been laughing at her lately because her trolling ability is on par with an elementary school child. Have a nice Thanksgiving.

At November 23, 2018 at 12:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: "At November 22, 2018 at 7:06 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...
Hi Anonymous,

Did you post the latest links of Bernadette's sister? I looked at some of the video, but I didn't finish it because I don't want to look at her or hear her speak. I'm not interested in her accolades either because I don't have respect for her. "...


Hi Karen,

Yes I did post those links about Bernadette's sister. But I did not post it to give her any credit, I posted it because it was the latest information I could find regarding Bernadette or Virginia. I don't think it is okay to forget about Virginia lying for Bernadette. I think that people who come to this blog need to know that Virginia did play a part in the details of this murder even if it is just for lying about the knife.

No one can call me or anyone else a liar for believing that Virginia lied about that knife. Just because the police failed to prove it, does not mean it is not true. Who knows if the police had even tried to verify one way or another that Virginia drove around with that ridiculously huge knife? I think that is something people who knew her (Virginia) would have remembered! It's not a normal thing to be driving around with. Even thought they may have questioned her at length about that knife, it doesn't seem enough because they failed to even verify Bernadette's alibi - so how do we even know how the police truly handled the matter of the knife with Virginia??

I know Virginia was not convicted of anything. But I believe she totally lied about that knife, no one is going to drive around with such a huge knife in their vehicle for cutting vegetables - ridiculous that the police believed that! Makes me wonder if they had ever spoken to anyone who knew Virginia to even try to verify or prove false this blatant lie. Just like they failed to verify Bernadette's alibi, which was also a lie as they finally learned.

It is just another sad fact of this murder that one sister lied for the other and is never held accountable for doing that. If only the police who handled this case had done a better job of investigating it - the outcome could have been very different for Virginia as well. I recall reading about how Kirsten's parents did not believe it either that Virginia would use such a huge knife to cut vegetables in her car.

Bernadette had said so herself that she put that knife back into the kitchen drawer. If the knife had come from the vehicle, wouldn't it make more sense for Bernadette to put it back into the vehicle instead of the kitchen??? Wouldn't it have been odd for such a huge knife to go missing from the car the same time as a fellow Bobbi is brutally stabbed to death?? I believe Bernadette put it back into the kitchen because that is where she got that knife from.

The Troll(s) are just so bizarre - aren't they? You are so right about that none of us were happy to hear about a remake of a movie when it's just rehashing the same lies and making a villain out of an innocent victim - Kirsten. So why are they coming here after our discussion of that is baffling. The Lifetime channel is still around, and more than one. The Lifetime Movie Channel and The Lifetime Movie Network.

Lifetime Movies - Watch Movies Online & Find schedules | Lifetime

At November 23, 2018 at 1:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


The true worth of any individual is dictated by their internal worth as a decent human being, with humility, values, and a conscious. Virginia is as lacking as Bernadette is - equally morally bankrupt.

The most important and valuable things in life when it comes to being a decent human being can not be purchased.

At November 23, 2018 at 1:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Another thing to take into consideration: There are laws regarding knifes. I do not know what the laws were at the time of the murder, but Bernadette I believe had stated that the (huge 18" knife) was "In Between the Seats" inside the car.

Was it even legal to possess such a huge knife, hidden between the seats like that?? I wonder if the police considered that when questioning the validity of Virginia's lie.

At November 25, 2018 at 3:13 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous.
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

“Yes I did post those links about Bernadette's sister. But I did not post it to give her any credit”

Oh, I know. I didn’t mean to imply that.

“Who knows if the police had even tried to verify one way or another that Virginia drove around with that ridiculously huge knife? I think that is something people who knew her (Virginia) would have remembered!”

I agree. The more I think about it, the more ridiculous it is. There is just no reasonable explanation for such a large knife in the car. It's ridiculous that the knife was purported to be used for lunch. It seems to have been overlooked by the police. Also, what person in their right mind would keep a large knife for lunch between the seats of the car? That's disgusting and unhygienic. The thing that makes people believe Kirsten's murder wasn’t premeditated was how unorganised it came across. However, the large knife that just happened to be in the car doesn't make sense.

“If only the police who handled this case had done a better job of investigating it”

Yeah, there was a lot of incompetence.

She cleaned the knife and put it back in the drawer. Isn't that a disgusting thought? Other people in her house most likely used that knife for food. Yes, if the knife was found in the car, it would have been left back in the car. I wonder how she managed to clean the car so well that blood wasn't detected when it was examined. I know forensics were not as good back then, but Kirsten's wounds were long and deep and Bernadette was on top of her when she was stabbing her, so you would think that she would have had a lot of blood on her which would have left stains in the car that wouldn't be easy to remove.

“So why are they coming here after our discussion of that is baffling”

I think it’s just the one lately writing several comments. Well...according to “they” (her) she comments to laugh at us. I had a good laugh at her dismal efforts at trolling, though. D- for effort. However, the comment pretending to have a connection to Mrs Costas was pretty low, so was the attempt to dismiss someone who actually knew Kirsten. She has been commenting here for a while. She comes across as a miserable person. There would have to be something wrong with you to sink as low as her.

“ I wonder if the police considered that when questioning the validity of Virginia's lie”

I doubt it. Wouldn't there be consequences for Virginia if they did?

I agree.

I couldn’t open your pinterest link. Has it been taken down? Or maybe it's just a problem on my end.

You posted a link to a comments page on this website, but I can't find the link. Was it something to do with “Protti Private”?

At November 25, 2018 at 3:19 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"I know Virginia was not convicted of anything. But I believe she totally lied about that knife"

She did indeed. She said "she might have left the knife in the car". I know I've mentioned this before, but she wouldn't even commit herself to a yes or no answer, which says it all.

At November 25, 2018 at 9:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 25, 2018 at 3:13 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...
Hi Anonymous.
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

Yes thank you.
RE : "I think it’s just the one lately writing several comments. Well...according to “they” (her) she comments to laugh at us. I had a good laugh at her dismal efforts at trolling, though. D- for effort. However, the comment pretending to have a connection to Mrs Costas was pretty low, so was the attempt to dismiss someone who actually knew Kirsten. She has been commenting here for a while. She comes across as a miserable person. There would have to be something wrong with you to sink as low as her"

~ That person's behavior is deplorable, low and insulting. I do not know of anyone other than Bernadette / Protti's who would sink as low as that.

I agree with you that there would have been quite a bit of blood and possible Bernadette even cut herself and hid that too. I believe at the very least Virginia not only lied for her, but most likely helped her clean up that car as well - I mean Virginia is the one who drove that car so you would think she would have noticed if something was different. You Can Not Trust those Protti's.

Any links I posted on this page were links about Bernadette and the murderer she committed. I know that the crazy rude person that makes awful comments on here had been copying and pasting older comments from you and me.

At November 25, 2018 at 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze:

What is this comment you had made?

" There would have to be something wrong with you to sink as low as her"

And I did not put a pininterest link. I hope you are not confusing me with the other anonymous. You and I have been chatting on here for quite some time. I always stick up for Kirsten.

At November 26, 2018 at 2:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all need boyfriends. Frustrated spinsters turn to blogs for comfort and pretend to be friends with murder victims. Leave poor Kirsten to rest in peace. No this aint Virginia.

At November 26, 2018 at 3:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. They sound like broken records, surprised they're not bored after rehashing the same details over and over. How is this honouring Kirsten? Just an excuse fopr a bitch fest!

At November 26, 2018 at 5:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe scary Gary Tomanka will be on Dr. Phil when the movie comes out. The show can be called Men who marry murderers. He and Bernadette Jeannette Protti must be quite the talk of the campus at Tarrant County Community College.

At November 26, 2018 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea. You couldn't make it up. Fact is stranger than fiction.

At November 26, 2018 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To The Idiotic, Immature Commentor(s) Starting at November 26, 2018 at 2:24 AM

Just what exactly do you think that you are doing to honor Kirsten's memory by posting such foolishness?

Have you no respect for a child victim of a heinous crime? Why do you post such things? Have you no empathy?

A bitch fest is what you call individuals with empathy who stick up for Kirsten against the likes of you? No one is making you come to this blog - so what exactly is your point in coming here? What does that say about YOU? Nothing flattering that is for sure.

It is not our fault if you are a Spinster - clearly you are projecting but we can not help you with your spinster status.

Who is pretending to be friends with Kirsten? There actually is a genuine friend of Kirsten who does visit this blog and you should show her some respect. I never knew Kirsten and I don't know of anyone on here who claims to have known her except for a nutter or two that come and go.

We do not need to have known Kirsten to have Empathy for her. We do not need to have known Kirsten to stick up for her when a movie is out there that portrays her untruthfully (NOT based on the facts) and makes her out to be the villain when it is Bernadette who bullied her to death!

I doubt that Bernadette would appear on any show of any kind of public forum - she was a coward and she is still a coward.

Take a good hard look in the mirror and seriously, ask yourself why you come here and comment the way that you do. Ask yourself, what is wrong with you that you feel the need to take out your issues on this blog? I guess you do not realize that you are projecting the very things that you do not like about yourself.

At November 27, 2018 at 1:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

** This has been posted many times already but I am posting it again because the Troll(s) can not bury nor change the facts of this case.

This is a video on "Landscape Suicide" - it has actors who verbalize the Actual Words of Bernadette and the person interviewing her.

There are no opinions expressed in the video - just the facts. Landscape Suicide /Part of the Psychological Profile on Bernadette:

At November 27, 2018 at 1:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

*** My apologies, that link for Landscape Suicide is not working anymore.

Here is a link to Landscape Suicide that does work, it is on youtube:

At November 27, 2018 at 1:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't change the fact that you are all trailer trash spinsters that get defensive when and sensitive when this is pointed out. PS About Time is as much a friend of Kirsten's as Donald Trump is. Go on give it back. Pathetic cows.

At November 27, 2018 at 1:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a video on "Landscape Suicide" - it has actors who verbalize the Actual Words of Bernadette and the person interviewing her.

At November 27, 2018 at 1:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 27, 2018 at 1:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
It doesn't change the fact that you are all trailer trash spinsters that get defensive when and sensitive when this is pointed out. PS About Time is as much a friend of Kirsten's as Donald Trump is. Go on give it back. Pathetic cows.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Twatwaffle go back to bed and eat your c*ntcake

At November 27, 2018 at 2:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PPS I am not anti Kirsten, Bernadette is a monster, I hate your sycophantic approach to Kirsten. I will not get into a discussion with you as you are beneath contempt, poorly educated and bored, frustrated pond life. You are fixated on poor Kirsten in a most unhealthy way. Insult back all you want, I'm done.

At November 27, 2018 at 4:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Now anonymous. They are just jealous of Bernadette's great beauty and baking skills. FISH HEAD FISH HEAD ROLY POLY FISH HEAD

At November 27, 2018 at 5:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eat them up yum yum.

At November 27, 2018 at 5:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop being so negative and nasty. Go away Virginia.

At November 27, 2018 at 2:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's interesting that Bernadette married her husband in 1994. Is he the prize stud that she had a meltdown about while she was in juvie? From what I read, he was two timing her and sniffing around some other inmate in Ventura School.

At November 27, 2018 at 10:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He would not have been allowed to teach if he had been in prison. He does look surprisingly handsome from his photos. She hit the jackpot with that one but how could he not have known about her when her mom and dad are called Protti and she was a Butler?

At November 28, 2018 at 2:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And her mom and dad live in Orinda so he would have questioned why they never visited her home town.

At November 28, 2018 at 3:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeannette Butler
Age 50's, Detroit, Michigan
Latest report as of 11/28/2018

Jasmine Butler, Virginia

At November 28, 2018 at 4:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 28, 2018 at 6:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watched Landscape Suicide for the first time. What a load of baloney. A girl shooting tennis balls for around 5 mins, I thought the film had corrupted. Can someone explain?

At November 28, 2018 at 6:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Colleges do no require background checks on faculty members. The exception to this is Penn State (thanks to a professor who worked there who had murdered three people and served time in prison before he was hired). Gary Tomanka could very well have been incarcerated. If he had served time as a juvenile the record would be sealed and he wouldn't have to admit to being a former felon or juvenile inmate. Bernadette's case was different because it was so well-known. She was even mentioned in the New York Times and Time magazine.

At November 28, 2018 at 6:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure that Bernadette (alias Jeannette) can visit Orinda. Once a juvenile is released and has finished probation or parole there shouldn't be a restriction on where she can live or visit. She probably does return occasionally. Apparently she likes being known as the life-hacker so one day she might charge money to give a walking tour of the murder scene.

At November 28, 2018 at 6:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he was a felon she couldn't have met him inside as boys and girls are separated, it doesn't make sense that he married her and was oblivious to her past. I wonder what is going on now in Chez Tomanka.

At November 28, 2018 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 28, 2018 at 6:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Watched Landscape Suicide for the first time. What a load of baloney. A girl shooting tennis balls for around 5 mins, I thought the film had corrupted. Can someone explain?

You have to keep watching it and it goes into the crime that Bernadette committed - using the actual words from the interview. Also after that it goes into the crimes of Ed Gein.

At November 28, 2018 at 12:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going back to Bernadette visiting Orinda, I'm sure I read somewhere that she couldn't, perhaps that's not true. I can't imagine she'd want to. imagine if she gets recognised, I don't think she could stand the humiliation.

At November 28, 2018 at 8:00 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

What is this comment you had made?

" There would have to be something wrong with you to sink as low as her"

I wasn't referring to you. Sorry if it came across that way. There's two Anonymous' posting rubbish. One comes back every now and then to write a pointless sarcastic comment and the other one is Stephanie. Stephanie likes to take phrases from old comments and write them as her own. She's done that for years. Can you imagine how miserable a 36 year old must be to behave in this way? The biggest laugh of all is that she portrays herself as a "Christian". Thanks for posting the latest links.

At November 28, 2018 at 8:08 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

It would be great if you would point out how I’m being defensive? You said you have pointed it out, but you haven’t at all, even though you’ve been asked numerous times for examples. I think I’ve pretty much called been called everything now… cunt, sick, scum, nazi, vile, obsessed, jobless, frustrated, bitch, spinster, trailer trash, a cow….etc. It’s not going to stop me from posting here, though. I don’t like the word projection because it’s often over used on the internet, but Anonymous is right. If there was ever a clearer case of projection, it's you. Are you the least bit aware at all that if you honestly had more to do in your own life, you wouldn't be so focused on what internet strangers are writing on a small blog that most people aren't aware of? You have no control over what other people write on the internet and for you to be so focused on this barely active insignificant blog shows that you are obsessed and need to get a grip.

You are not the least bit concerned about Kirsten. If you were genuinely concerned about her being harmed by comments in any way, you would have lots of examples to throw in my face, but you never give examples even though you have been asked many times. You never give examples for anything or challenge anything. You are a grown woman that's clearly only here just to call names, “troll” and pretend to be different people, which is hardly the behaviour of a stable person with a life, is it? I've constantly pointed out different things about your behaviour and the only response you ever have is to call names, but by all means continue to confirm that you're mentally stunted. Also, I've never called you Virginia. There are two of you. One is the sarcastic Anonymous who posts the odd pointless comment here and there. The other one is Stephanie.

“PPS I am not anti Kirsten, Bernadette is a monster, I hate your sycophantic approach to Kirsten. I will not get into a discussion with you as you are beneath contempt, poorly educated and bored, frustrated pond life. You are fixated on poor Kirsten in a most unhealthy way. Insult back all you want, I'm done”

If I was everything you called me, you would have lots of examples to back it up. I've constantly asked you for them, but you have continued to ignore me and respond with name calling instead.

“I will not get into a discussion with you as you are beneath contempt, poorly educated and bored, frustrated pond life”

Grown women who come here just to call names, talk back and forth to themselves, pretend to be someone who had a connection to Mrs Costas, lash out at someone who knew Kirsten and troll about fish heads, trump and Mr the epitome of poorly educated, bored and frustrated pond life.

“Insult back all you want, I'm done.”

It's you that has been engaging in lots of name calling here. My responses to you have generally been very patient. I don't understand how you don't see that you have portrayed yourself as everything you are accusing me of. Just as well that “you’re done” (even though you're not). Your time would clearly be better spent engaging in other pursuits more suited to your maturity level, such as watching Sesame Street.

At November 28, 2018 at 11:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 28, 2018 at 8:00 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...
Hi Anonymous,

What is this comment you had made?

" There would have to be something wrong with you to sink as low as her"

I wasn't referring to you. Sorry if it came across that way. There's two Anonymous' posting rubbish. One comes back every now and then to write a pointless sarcastic comment and the other one is Stephanie. Stephanie likes to take phrases from old comments and write them as her own. She's done that for years. Can you imagine how miserable a 36 year old must be to behave in this way? The biggest laugh of all is that she portrays herself as a "Christian". Thanks for posting the latest links.

Hi Karen,

I didn't think it was directed at me but I did get a bit confused so thanks for your clarification.

I just don't understand the Trolls (I used the word trolls b/c they only come here to be so negative, nasty or weird). It seems that the owner/creator of this blog is not keeping up with it and I think it is irresponsible of her. I have no doubt she had good intentions in creating this blog, and I understand if she doesn't have the time to keep up with it - but I do wish she'd clean it up and turn off the comments if that is the case. It makes me sad to see all the hateful, odd comments by the Trolls. I honestly feel like the trolls agenda is to just make this blog look crazy rather than being a Supportive Blog to Honor Kirsten and Stick up for her. Such a shame that there are such heartless people commenting here.

I can't imagine how some will freak out once the remake of the movie about this crime comes out. :( I wish people had more decency and respect for an Innocent Murdered Child. Kirsten is gone, she never got to live her life. Yet the trolls don't seem to care. It's sickening that Bernadette was able to get an education while beyond high school while she was put away. There are many young people who are worthy and deserving of receiving help with college and/or further education - Bernadette and others like her simply do not deserve to be rewarded like that - so undeserving of it.

At least one person commented they tried to watch the landscape suicide video so perhaps they are sincere in finding out the facts of this case, hopefully.

Take care Karen. I just ignore the nasty, ugly comments form the trolls. They never respond in any meaningful way and they will never have anything of value to say, their accusations are just them being mean as they can not back it up which is why they don't even try. We have done absolutely nothing wrong is giving a voice to Kirsten by sticking up for her when others choose to be cruel.

At November 29, 2018 at 10:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched Landscape Suicide and apart from the confession I found it very obscure and disjointed. I think he was going more for artistic impact than factual. Very bizarre case.

At November 30, 2018 at 12:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: At November 29, 2018 at 10:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
I watched Landscape Suicide and apart from the confession I found it very obscure and disjointed. I think he was going more for artistic impact than factual. Very bizarre case.

Not true. Every word was taken from the real interview only. They did not change any of it - those were the actual words of the interviewer and the actual words of Bernadette. It is ONLY the Facts.

At November 30, 2018 at 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The interview was factual but the rest a little surreal, just my opinion. Thanks for the link though. Very sad affair.

At November 30, 2018 at 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 30, 2018 at 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
The interview was factual but the rest a little surreal, just my opinion. Thanks for the link though. Very sad affair.

You are welcome. And yes, it is very sad indeed for Kirsten and her family.

At December 2, 2018 at 11:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know, it's every parents worst nightmare. I'm surprised that with all this being discussed there has been no further publicity on Bernadette.

At December 3, 2018 at 4:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know where Bernadette is. On a planet annoying Karen and laughing at her long emails when someone tells her the truth. Yawn Karen

At December 3, 2018 at 5:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only food on this planet is fish heads. Karen should go there.

At December 4, 2018 at 5:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It could very well be a condition of the killer's parole that she never step foot back in Orinda. Many released criminals have that stipulation. The poster who mentioned the college professor was referring to Paul Krueger. He was prohibited from ever coming into Texas since that would have been a parole violation. Her family continues to live there, so she may sneak back and keep a low profile or they may meet outside the city.

At December 4, 2018 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole thing gives me the shivers. I try to imagine how I would feel if one of my trusted friends was found to be a killer. How horrifying it must have been for her friends at the time, especially those she was close to. Scary.

At December 4, 2018 at 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The school should have provided counselors and mental health workers to help the students deal with the murder and the arrest of the killer student. It's odd that the family didn't move out of town due to the terrible stain Bernadette put on the family. The course hero research paper made it sound as if the murderer was not a friendless loner. Bernadette, it claimed, did have friends but not the A-list group that she wanted.

At December 5, 2018 at 12:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounded as if she was popular but she aspired to be part of a more elite group, I believe she was a snob. I am surprised her parents still live there, it can't be easy especially in the early days. I actually looked the name up on white pages and the mother is listed as 89. I'm quite a bit older than Bernadette and my mother is 82 so she must have had her late. Kirsten's old house was quite modest for the affluent family they were supposed to be. I hope her parents have found some peace, I can't even begin to imagine how I would have coped. That would have sent me crazy and on top of that they tried to dishonour her in court over the drug taking allegations.

At December 5, 2018 at 2:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine how her friends felt after Bernadette was finally caught/cornered by the FBI. To think what she did to Kirsten and the other innocent girls that Bernadette let be falsely blamed, going to Kirsten's funeral and all of her actions right after the horrific murder - she acted as if she had no clue about who had done it! I don't believe that Bernadette could ever be trustworthy - even to this day. To say that her behavior afterwards was cold is putting it mildly.

Bernadette certainly comes across as entitled. She bullied Kirsten right into the grave and allowed others to be bullied during the 6 months afterward before she was caught.

I find it amazing that Bernadette's family did not move away. It was either her mother or father who drove Bernadette that night to the house Bernadette lied about having a babysitting job at. She did not yet have her driver's license so it is reasonable to believe that someone waited up for Bernadette to return home safely. What I can not believe even for a moment is that none of her family members ever saw blood on Bernadette, inside the vehicle, and also why didn't Virginia notice the missing knife if it was supposed to have been in the car (which I don't believe that knife came from the car at all, which is why Bernadette washed it and returned it to the kitchen drawer) - she had to have had so much blood all over herself and within the vehicle. Someone had to have helped her clean up and cover up. I suspect Virginia because she lied for Bernadette about the knife and Virginia was the one who drove that car so it makes sense that she would have noticed the interior of that car. Don't forget that there were several people in that home that night and Bernadette and her mother had even gone for a walk after the murder. Very unsettling and disturbed family to put it mildly.

I hope the Costas family has found some measure of peace. To lose a child especially when there was no reason for it, has to be a heartache more than anyone can bear. My heart goes out to the Costas and the loss they continue to live with.

At December 5, 2018 at 2:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Didn't the knife used in the murder goes missing in that the police never did find it? If so, surely Virginia would have said something to Bernadette about that knife that was as Virginia had lied in court, "in her car..."

To me that is just further proof that Virginia not only lied but that she also knew a lot more than she had told. :(

At December 5, 2018 at 3:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree, however if Virginia knew then why didn't she give her an alibi instead? There are many inconsistencies in this sad affair. If the FBI hadn't closed in those 2 girl suspects would have lived with the stigma all their lives. There are times I feel very angry at Bernadette as she was unjustified in everything she did, I do however feel sorry for her kids as they did not ask to be born and any comeback will affect their lives gravely. Is her husband standing by her?

At December 5, 2018 at 3:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

December 5, 2018 at 3:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
I totally agree, however if Virginia knew then why didn't she give her an alibi instead? There are many inconsistencies in this sad affair. If the FBI hadn't closed in those 2 girl suspects would have lived with the stigma all their lives. There are times I feel very angry at Bernadette as she was unjustified in everything she did, I do however feel sorry for her kids as they did not ask to be born and any comeback will affect their lives gravely. Is her husband standing by her?


I have no idea about Bernadette's husband. All I've read on here is that Bernadette got married and had children. I feel very sorry for Bernadette's children, more innocent victims brought into this already tragic story. Very selfish of Bernadette in my opinion as she should have been grateful and humbled by the fact that she at least had a chance to live a life and do many things that she denied Kirsten.

As for Virginia, one would think that she would not carry around such a huge 18" knife to merely cut fruits and vegetables. Ridiculous to the point of not being believable.

Also, one would think that whatever was the actual knife that Virginia would have used, wouldn't she have taken it into the house to wash it on a daily basis? Rather than leaving in wedged in between the seats of the car as Bernadette had said it is where she had found it the night of the murder? This is why I believe that Bernadette took a knife (not THE knife) that Virginia used from the kitchen and then washed it and returned it to the kitchen.

How would Virginia provide an alibi after Bernadette had already made one up when she already lied about having a babysitting job that night?

If only the police had been more thorough and checked out Bernadette's alibi and then her vehicle once they realized she had no alibi - who knows how different it would have been. Perhaps Virginia and /or whoever helped Bernadette that night or the next morning to do a pretty darn good clean up of that car maybe they would have been found guilty of some sort of crime after the fact as well. I can't imagine how Bernadette could have gone with a walk not too long afterwards with her mother if she didn't have help covering things up. Then again - perhaps Virginia isn't the only one who helped? We'll never know for sure now just how many knew after the fact and helped her to cover it up.

Can you even imagine that she had even gone on that walk with her mother shortly after what she did? I always thought that sounded strange, perhaps it was an attempt at some kind of an alibi??

At December 5, 2018 at 4:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is your impression of Bernadette's friend that knew her before they went to high school there? Once she found out that Bernadette was the murderer - why wasn't she confused and afraid of Bernadette? Why didn't she distance herself from all that Bernadette had done? Why put herself out there like that at the trial knowing how people will react based on the horror of what Bernadette did - when Bernadette didn't seem to treat this friend fairly at all.

It was very strange and curious to me that Bernadette's friend also stood by her during the trial - it seemed to me as if that friend was blaming herself somewhat and acted as if she owed it to Bernadette to stand by her. Her friend did not seem to have any more self confidence than Bernadette because Bernadette basically dropped her like a hot potato in favor of her own selfish pursuits to be in the "in" crowd and moving up the social ladder.

Does anyone know if there was more than friendship between Bernadette and her friend? Or did her friend perhaps know something ahead of time and was fearful of Bernadette if she did not stand besides her? Who knows what the reason was but it certainly was not a healthy situation by any means for Bernadette's friend. So odd.

At December 5, 2018 at 5:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did she treat her friend unfairly? When I mentioned Viginia giving her an alibi I meant actually concocting a story before the police interviewed her. Regarding the knife; people normally prepare their salads from home or in the workplace kitchen. Bizarre that someone would sit in the car cutting vegetables, especially a professional woman.

At December 5, 2018 at 5:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Bernadette is spending her time chasing after who she wishes to be like instead of respecting the friend she already has - that is not very kind at all. I'm sure Bernadette must have had to spend a lot of time trying to get on the yearbook committee, tried but failed to be a cheerleader and etc.. it doesn't seem to me that she had much time for her friend - too busy for her friend/too obsessed with her own agenda.

I understood what you meant about Virginia and a fake alibi - but like I said I think they couldn't unring that bell -it was too late because she had already created her own alibi about the fake babysitting story, even going so far as to have the car placed in front of the house she was lying about babysitting in until she could sneak away with the car. If a neighbor near that house (where she was supposed to have been babysitting at) had seen Bernadette it would clearly implicate Virginia was lying - no way out of that one for Virginia.

And don't forget that a witness saw that car so why would she want to place that car at the scene of a crime when she could just stick to her lie she already had? Bernadette had everyone fooled so perhaps she and Virginia relied on that. I can't even imagine what lie of an alibi Virginia could come up with when she already had to lie about the huge knife Bernadette used. Also, what good is a lie of an alibi without a witness to back it up?

Yes it was very unusual to prepare your salad in the car - how would one wash and clean up afterwards? I don't think she was a professional woman, she was younger - either way it was gross and messy cutting up such juicy things.

Isn't it just highly suspicious that even though Bernadette put that knife back into the kitchen (Bernadette's own words here) - the police NEVER found the murder weapon. Wouldn't one think that someone would notice such a huge 18" knife missing from the home especially if it's the one Virginia allegedly used for cutting up her lunch??

At December 5, 2018 at 6:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that Bernadette was picking Kirsten up at 8 o'clock which means that she would have had to have her parent drive her there prior to that time, then the parent walked home as it was only a short distance away plus it was summertime so it was probably still light out yet.

Had Virginia and Bernadette lied about it and said something else - they were running the risk of Bernadette having been seen in the daylight, or someone seeing her parent walking away, and being that it wasn't far from her home people may have known who Bernadette was or possibly recognized her because she had actually babysat at that house on previous occasion.

At December 5, 2018 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the blue ridge mountains of Virginia on the train of the lonesome protti private. wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

At December 6, 2018 at 5:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an interesting theory that perhaps the killer's mother may have helped with cleaning the car and concocting a story about wandering around after the murder. It does seem strange that the mother wouldn't read the note right away. Most people would tear right into it. Perhaps the commentator is correct: Mother Protti helped dispose of evidence and sweep the crime under the rug. Maybe one of the sisters or mother wrote the note. They did have several months to try to create an alibi for her.

At December 6, 2018 at 5:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kareeeeeen where are youuuuuuuuuuuuu

At December 6, 2018 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently she asked her to wait half an hour, so they say. Who's Kareen?!!!!

At December 7, 2018 at 12:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: December 6, 2018 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Apparently she asked her to wait half an hour, so they say. Who's Kareen?!!!!


Hi That was not me asking for Karen. Karen is a very nice person who also comments on here.

Unfortunately there are some nutters that comment here too. I think that's who is asking for Karen. :(

At December 7, 2018 at 12:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: "December 6, 2018 at 5:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's an interesting theory that perhaps the killer's mother may have helped with cleaning the car and concocting a story about wandering around after the murder..."

I really can't say for sure obviously, but it sure does make one wonder just who knew what in that household the night of the murder.

I find it hard to believe that Bernadette wasn't covered in blood and got into the car like that and all the over things I already mentioned - just makes me believe others had to know what Bernadette did.

Can you imagine that Bernadette's parents /family stayed in Orinda afterwards?? Very strange indeed.

At December 7, 2018 at 1:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no way that there was no blood on her, she threw the knife in the car so that alone would have smeared the seats or the floor. I agree it doesn't make sense. I don't know who assisted and I don't want to point the finger at the mother who may be innocent but something doesn't add up. It is very strange that they carried on living in Orinda with the stigma of what she did unless they moved away and returned years later. Religion alone doesn't make anyone a better person but if her parents were truly oblivious then they have my sympathy, they're quite elderly now I imagine. When the Costas family sued I am certain it was nothing to do with money but frustration at how the system failed them, anger and frustration I think were the driving forces and who can blame them.

At December 7, 2018 at 7:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: "December 7, 2018 at 1:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
There is no way that there was no blood on her, she threw the knife in the car so that alone would have smeared the seats or the floor. I agree it doesn't make sense...."

Yes I agree, I am not pointing the fingers at any other family members specifically, other than Virginia regarding that knife.I do believe Virginia lied about it so if anyone were to know anything I would think it would be Virginia b/c that was her car that she drove too.

As for religion, I agree on that point too that it doesn't make you a better person. I like this saying I saw one time though that said , " You don't need religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion." If her parents are truly oblivious I also feel sorry for them, Bernadette has truly been a hateful, hurtful person all around - her selfishness clearly knows no bounds.

I do believe Bernadette tries to use religion to escape her accountability as if it were something merely in her past that she could sweep under the rug - reality doesn't work that way.

Most definitely there had to have been blood all over Bernadette and in that car which is why I wonder how she hid it so well so no one else notice - she had to have had help. I just think it's too odd that she was able to compose herself and clean herself up so well to go on a walk with her mother that night. Yet, another reason I believe she had to have help cleaning up.

I do not judge anything the Costas did. I think they were looking for justice and accountability and not the money. I agree with you on that point. The horror they had to endure and continue to endure is gut wrenching and heart breaking. The movie that is out is nothing more than salt in a wound - such a shame that the people who made that movie lack such empathy.

I just feel that if anyone should have had to move away, it should have been the Protti family because of what Bernadette did. I can't imagine why they would not have wanted to move afterwards. Once Bernadette's evil /true colors were exposed you would think they would have been at the very least, humbled by it and moved away.

As for the Costas moving away - I can't say I blame them. They were let down in the worst way imaginable. :(

At December 8, 2018 at 4:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At December 9, 2018 at 3:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette was never punished for the horrific murder she committed. Bernadette spent a mere few years in a juvenile facility and was given a free education, room and board. This is punishment?? It is more like Bernadette got rewarded,

Did Bernadette ever get a psychiatric evaluation? Counseling? How exactly was she punished other than not being able to come and go as she pleased?

Bernadette should have been transferred to an adult prison once she turned 18 and never released - don't ignore her behavior immediately following the murder and the fact that she could have gotten away with it had it none been for the FBI. You can not create a conscience or empathy in a person where none exits. Bernadette is and always will be a dangerous person... tick... tick... tick...

At December 9, 2018 at 6:27 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

It would be great if the blog was cleaned up, but the owner hasn't posted in a few years. I agree about the trolls. They want to disrupt and derail. Judging by the way they have portrayed themselves, it's odd that they don't realise that they don't have a leg to stand on when they call names. Their “trolling” (if that's what you would call it) is eye rollingly pathetic and on par with what a child would write. I'm sure you've noticed how thin skinned they are. It doesn't take much to offend them, even if you are not trying to offend. If they are so easily offended on a small innocuous blog, life in the “real world” must be tough for them.

If some people watch the new movie and come here to support Bernadette, it would be great if they read through the comments on the blog and don't ask questions that have probably been answered about 100 times at this stage (for ex, what is the purpose of this blog?)I'm not concerned about them. The remake mightn't even receive much attention.

I gave up long ago trying to understand why some people wrote such nasty things about Kirsten or her family because what else can you expect from the dregs of the internet? Lamenting over why they do what they do is about as useful as counting raindrops falling from the sky. One person recently wrote we were sycophantic. How odd that empathy for Kirsten's murder which shouldn't have happened is considered to be sycophantic, but I wouldn't expect anything else from a person like that. I agree with the rest of your comment.

“Take care Karen. I just ignore the nasty, ugly comments form the trolls.”

Thank you. I do. They are embarrassing more than anything else.

“ they can not back it up which is why they don't even try.”

Yes. They make accusations and call names, but when they are asked for examples there is only silence. Or more name calling, which is very becoming of grown adults.

I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. All the best.

At December 10, 2018 at 1:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was one of the people questioning your integrity. I AM NOT A BERNADETTE SUPPORTER but need to question what all this blogging will achieve. In the early days it would have been understandable, if Kirsten's family were doing this, again, I would understand. If it was my child I would make it my life's mission to get revenge. You, have nothing to do with the Costas family so what are you hoping to achieve? Bernadette hasn't re offended in 35 years and scum that she is has young children who will suffer dreadfully. Spreading hate is not the answer so get off your high horse. My name is Jennifer Weston NOT Protti.

At December 10, 2018 at 4:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

NB I have never called you names or been disrespectful of Kirsten or her family and I agree that those who do are despicable. I just don't get why people are still so fixated on this case. She did get off lightly, she was despicable in every way but unfortunately there can be no positive outcome out of this apart from regurgitating sad memories and attracting hateful trolls. Jenni.

At December 10, 2018 at 12:18 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Jennifer,

I'm sure you've read through the comments and you understand why people write on this blog. It's to counteract the one- sided bias presented in the “death of a cheerleader” movie, the Rolling Stone article it was based on, and the negative comments written about Kirsten as a result. If some people are going to write malicious rubbish about Kirsten anyway, why shouldn't other people who don't agree with it express their opinion? Why should people not say something if they don't agree with the hate filled bias towards Kirsten, or the unrealistic innocent portrayal of Bernadette, or how badly this case was handled, or the many questions left unanswered? Bernadette's comment that alluded to Kirsten's murder on her FB page shows that she cares about what she did to Kirsten as much now as she did then (i.e. she doesn't give a shit.) I believe that is Bernadette’s FB page and not an impostor because I don't think a troll would go to the trouble of creating multiple generic social media profiles, or create a generic FB and delete the comments if they are insulting Bernadette, or create a generic blog. What would a troll get out of creating non-controversial or non-provocative content about Bernadette? That defeats the purpose of trolling.

Please don't misinterpret this as an insult, but you shouldn't be concerned or attempt to question what people should or shouldn't write on the internet, especially on a small blog that most people aren't aware of. I understand your point about it attracting idiots, but it really doesn't matter what subject or what opinions are discussed on the internet because fools and trolls will be attracted anyway and will write rubbish in an attempt to provoke, even if it was an innocent YT video about kittens and bunnies hugging. That's one of the many joys of the internet. Can you point out what comment I wrote that was hateful? I didn't call you Bernadette and if you have recently written opinions here but haven't called names, I can't recall your comments because most comments over the past month or so have either been trolling or name calling.

All the best.

At December 10, 2018 at 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have not called me Bernadette and I apologise if I sounded harsh. This case has provoked some very strong emotions in a lot of people, myself included. When I read about the court case I was raging and if I had been Mrs Costas I would have physically attacked her. I found out about Kirsten after watching Death of a Cheerleader and when I found out about the real story I wanted to cry. It still makes me sad that this girl was killed and was villified in court. There is no justification for what Bernadette did and as I said if I was her mother I would hunt Bernadette down until she paid. My point is that all these feelings surface with all the different blogs and they are serving no real purpose. I have read this whole blog and it turns into something like a virtual Jerry Springer show. All I can think is how innocents like the Costas family or Bernadette's children must feel. Her kids are blameless and is it worth ruining their lives? I'm sure now she's been exposed she must be suffering. I have no sympathy for her but those kids didn't choose to come into this world. That's just my opinion. As you said yourself Bernadette sympathisers will not be swayed.

At December 10, 2018 at 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FBI agent Gerald Diedrich who Jeannette or Bernadette confessed to died a few years back. His obituary is online. Too bad he never wrote a book about it. Parts of the FBI report were mentioned on the Deadly Eighties crime show.

At December 10, 2018 at 3:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lifetime is set to air the remake on February 2, 2019. Maybe People magazine and some newspapers will an article on the murderer. The newspapers of Grapevine, Texas may learn that they have Protti/Tomanka living there.

At December 10, 2018 at 9:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: At December 10, 2018 at 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
You have not called me Bernadette and I apologise if I sounded harsh. This case has provoked some very strong emotions in a lot of people, myself included.

No offense but you really are not making much sense. Karen just politely told you in such a kind and patient way why there are comments here on this blog in support of Kirsten. You said you read the whole blog - so that is why you are not making sense.

You already have the answer to your question.

Bernadette knew she was a murderer before she had children. Bernadette chose to commit murder and she chose to have children. That is all on Bernadette and she alone is responsible - with all her and her family's talk of religion she ought to have known, You Reap What You Sow. Bernadette did all the sowing with help from Virginia.

At December 11, 2018 at 1:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand the nature of this blog but judging by a lot of the nasty comments about Kirsten etc I don't believe it is serving any purpose other than inciting hate. Yes, Bernadette chose to have children but those kids are innocent in all this. Neither of us is responsible for what our parents may have done before we were born and it would be unfair if we had to "reap what THEY sow". I imagine that now she's exposed her life in her community must be over, we just don't hear about it.

At December 11, 2018 at 8:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette lovely Bernadette I love her and will marry her lalalalalalalalalalalala

At December 11, 2018 at 1:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen Severson the murderer of Missy Avila has written a book, called My Life. I Lived It. She tried to peddle it on Dr. Phil but he saw through her bs. How long will it be before Kirsten's murderer self published a book with her version of events? Maybe her husband, Gary Tomanka, could write one to about living with the life hacker.

At December 11, 2018 at 2:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah Dugdale is playing Kirsten and Aubrey Peebles is playing Bernadette/Jeannette but in the film is called Bridget. The press release does mention the Randall Sullivan article so I think it's going to be another propaganda piece for the poor misunderstood murderer.

At December 12, 2018 at 12:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I very much doubt if Bernadette can live with going public, I don't imagine she will ever write a book. I have a feeling this film may be based on Sullivan's article but will be less pro Bernadette, otherwise what will be the point? They need a different angle if it will compete with the original.

At December 12, 2018 at 3:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ERIC Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads ERIC Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads ERIC Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads ERIC Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads

At December 12, 2018 at 4:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: " December 11, 2018 at 1:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
I understand the nature of this blog but judging by a lot of the nasty comments about Kirsten etc I don't believe it is serving any purpose other than inciting hate. Yes, Bernadette chose to have children but those kids are innocent in all this. Neither of us is responsible for what our parents may have done before we were born and it would be unfair if we had to "reap what THEY sow". I imagine that now she's exposed her life in her community must be over, we just don't hear about it."

My reap what you sow comment was saying that Bernadette is reaping what she sowed and her decision to have children is the very reason that they will one day have to face the reality that their mother is a heinous murderer.

No one is to blame except for Bernadette - she wasn't grateful enough to have a life to live, she felt entitled to behave as if she can do whatever she wants and pretend it's all okay (eerily the same attitude she had immediately after the murder until she was caught by the FBI)- Bernadette only thinks of herself - did she really think that her kids would never know the truth??

At December 12, 2018 at 4:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who knows how the remake of the movie will be? The most I can say about it is it probably is a useless rehash of BS that favors Bernadette.

It truly makes me wonder about Randall Sullivan. Does anyone know anything about him, like what is the chip on his shoulder that he would ignore facts and side with a murderer?? Perhaps he's just for sale to the highest bidder in that looking to make $$$ and not caring about the truth? Certainly no empathy for all the damage he has done is misrepresenting what actually happened.

At December 12, 2018 at 4:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that he converted to catholicism, ironic. When I read his article Kirsten's friends were quoted as admitting that she teased people and laughed at them. He said Bernadette's friends were smarter and more sensitive.

At December 12, 2018 at 5:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Randall Sullivan became a born again Catholic and hosted a show called the Miracle Detective. He focuses on religion quite a lot so it wouldn't surprise me if he did write a pro Protti book. He also grew up in Portland. Maybe he is behind the fake FB page. Stranger things have happened.

At December 12, 2018 at 6:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps he changed his name to Gary Tomanka and married her lol

At December 12, 2018 at 8:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow I wonder how much of an influence it was on Randall Sullivan that he converted and Bernadette's family is allegedly so religious? How ignorant to think that Bernadette is actually a person of faith. Not to say that people of faith have to be perfect but Bernadette doesn't even know how to be a decent human being, never mind a religious one.

At December 12, 2018 at 8:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also I guess his conversion was empty because Randall Sullivan never bothered to tell all the facts of the case - he cherry picked and intentionally made the victim (Kirsten) into a bad person in his story.

One would think Randall Sullivan would tell the truth but I guess the truth is not in their religion that he and Bernadette's family practice.

At December 12, 2018 at 9:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't particularly care to mention Randal Sullivan or his religion, but I don't think Sullivan converted. Maybe he just went back to Catholicism. Sullivan is an Irish surname, so it's highly likely that his Irish ancestors were Catholic because that was the case for the thousands of Irish people who emigrated to America in the early to mid 1900's. They came from a traditionally Catholic conservative country, which still to this day has a majority Catholic population.

At December 12, 2018 at 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My point is Irish people and people of Irish descent are often Catholic. An example was/is Nancy Kane- an American of Irish descent.

At December 12, 2018 at 9:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't care about discussing religion either. My initial thing was how he could write a story that he did that got turned into a movie that did NOT tell the facts of the case as they are known.

Also that Bernadette uses her religion as if no one is able to judge her other than God as if she has no accountability for what she had done and the way she had acted afterwards. Of course people are going to think that was horrific and be upset over it.

At December 12, 2018 at 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just some interesting information that Bernadette should have gave an honest look into before deciding to have children. Bernadette has no issue with others being victims of her crime in more ways that one. I feel sorry for her kids to have her as their mother. No child deserves to be the child of a murderer. Very sad.

At December 13, 2018 at 12:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that why I had hoped they'd be spared because they are blameless and their lives could be ruined. She was exposed as Jeanette a few years ago so surely by now her community must be aware.

At December 13, 2018 at 1:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: " December 13, 2018 at 12:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
And that why I had hoped they'd be spared because they are blameless and their lives could be ruined. She was exposed as Jeanette a few years ago so surely by now her community must be aware."

Yes I agree with you. Which is exactly why I think Bernadette should have thought about all of this, and not just herself, BEFORE having children.

At December 13, 2018 at 1:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point is she didn't and those kids will suffer for her sins. They are who I pity NOT Bernadette. I don't want 2 innocent kids to suffer because we despise Bernadette.

At December 13, 2018 at 2:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fish heads fish heads Bernadette eats fish heads Fish heads fish heads Bernadette eats fish heads Fish heads fish heads Bernadette eats fish heads Fish heads fish heads Bernadette eats fish heads Fish heads fish heads Bernadette eats fish heads yummo yummo yum yum YOU ARE ALL UGLY ON HERE.

At December 13, 2018 at 3:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: "At December 13, 2018 at 1:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
The point is she didn't and those kids will suffer for her sins. They are who I pity NOT Bernadette. I don't want 2 innocent kids to suffer because we despise Bernadette."

I don't believe that anyone wants her children to suffer. I was simply making the point that Bernadette cared so little about her children that she didn't think about their emotional/psychological well being - that is how selfish and lacking in empathy Bernadette is that she would even have children in the first place.

Bernadette is all over the internet, not just in this blog, but in many searches that include various sources from other blogs, to factual records of newspaper archives, wikipedia, etc... Considering this blog has only defended Bernadette's children by stating that they are indeed innocents plus has never (to the best of my knowledge) never exposed by pictures or names or any information about her children. So I fail to see how this blog is doing anything at all to Bernadette's children.

I think the blame should be solely placed on Bernadette's shoulders - she created the situation. Randall Sullivan's Rolling Stone article that was turned into a movie was no help either - ironically although favoring Bernadette - it did her no favors except add to her notoriety.

Frankly, I don't understand why you keep mentioning this blog in expressing your concern for Bernadette's kids when this blog has done nothing to them in any way. I have no idea about any information regarding her children. I would think that her kids may be all grown up by now considering that Bernadette has to be in her 50's by now, unless she had them late in life? Honestly I have no clue when it comes to her husband, marriage or children as they are of no interest to me. It's a moot point to keep going on about her kids because that is truly Bernadette's responsibility and I will not accept anything that is not mine as I have never done or said a word against her children. So kindly put the responsibility and accountability where it squarely belongs which is entirely on Bernadette.

This blog is for Kirsten and in defense of Kirsten against all the misinformation out there, that's never ending thanks to that movie based on Randall Sullivan's inaccurate article.

Kirsten never had a chance to grow up, get her education, build a life for herself and get married and have children if that is what she chose to do - but Kirsten never had a choice because Bernadette ripped all of that away from her. THAT is a FACT and that is where my empathy lies.

It's getting old hearing about concern for Bernadette's kids when no one on this blog is doing a darn thing to them or revealing anything about them. Not going to take any responsibility when I have done nothing wrong - Bernadette created the situation for her kids.

You can't keep excusing Bernadette's selfish choice of having children by saying, oh but she didn't think about it and they are here. What Bernadette was reckless and now we are all at fault because we stand up for Bernadette's murder victim? So we are all supposed to be hush hush about what Bernadette did and just let people blame Kirsten for Bernadette's lack of empathy when heinously murdering Kirsten for no reason other than the fact that she was jealous of Kirsten?? I don't think that is even appropriate to expect - it sounds to me like you going on about Bernadette's children when nothing is even being said /revealed about them - starting to sound like manipulation to me. Well not buying into that guilt trip when it belongs to Bernadette even if she lacks the empathy to understand that.

At December 13, 2018 at 5:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quit the paranoia please, I have accused nobody of harming her children, just my concern at the repurcussions. How on earth am I being manipulative? I have not laid the guilt trip on you so if you can't have an intelligent discussion please go away.

At December 13, 2018 at 5:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At December 13, 2018 at 5:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Quit the paranoia please
Well said anonymous. You have not accused anyone, anonymous protests too much.

At December 13, 2018 at 6:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quit the paranoia please, I have accused nobody of harming her children, just my concern at the repurcussions. How on earth am I being manipulative? I have not laid the guilt trip on you so if you can't have an intelligent discussion please go away.

Please calm down. You both come across like logical and decent women.

At December 13, 2018 at 6:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said anonymous. You have not accused anyone, anonymous protests too much.

You are here too often and write comments throughout the day multiple days in a row. You don't contribute anything and just write snarky comments. Why do you as an adult woman have nothing better to do?

At December 13, 2018 at 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ichabad what a name kinda odd but nice just the same funny man funny face ichabad ichabad crane

At December 13, 2018 at 8:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

whos that walkin down the street are they shovels or are they feet its Ichabad Crane from Sleepy Hollow

At December 13, 2018 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: December 13, 2018 at 5:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Quit the paranoia please, I have accused nobody of harming her children, just my concern at the repurcussions. How on earth am I being manipulative? I have not laid the guilt trip on you so if you can't have an intelligent discussion please go away.

You are the one that keeps bringing it up about her children.

I think perhaps you should go away, it seems that when you write a comment I notice the nutty ones popping up - I don't know if that is you or not repeating things and being nutty - just an observation.

At December 13, 2018 at 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you are the one posting the stupid comments. If you can't accept someone elses opinion and start throwing around silly paranoid accusations then you are blinkered and I wish to have no further communication with you. The poster who said this is like the Jerry Springer show wasn't far wrong. Please do not initiate any further contact with me, I only converse with intelligent people.

At December 13, 2018 at 6:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: December 13, 2018 at 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Perhaps you are the one posting the stupid comments. If you can't accept someone elses opinion and start throwing around silly paranoid accusations then you are blinkered and I wish to have no further communication with you. The poster who said this is like the Jerry Springer show wasn't far wrong. Please do not initiate any further contact with me, I only converse with intelligent people.

You are a strange one getting so upset. I meant manipulation in the way that your repetitive concerns for Bernadette's children as if we should feel guilty for having any opinion of Bernadette - which we have no need to feel guilty for.

I have been conversing very nicely with you but if you are so easily offended I won't bother. No loss for me if you are going to get fresh.

I have no problem with your concern about her kids but it's all you seem to be saying.

Perhaps the nutty comments are from this nut job named Stephanie that comes here to stir the pot and adds nothing but strange comments and copies other people's comments. I believe she is not right.

At December 13, 2018 at 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The movie is based off of Randall Sullivan's article in Rolling Stone. The irony is that he tried to make Kirsten the villain and did not tell a factual story based on the truth - so now Bernadette has received much undesired attention because of him and that movie.

That is called Karma.

At December 14, 2018 at 1:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a strange one getting so upset. I meant manipulation in the way that your repetitive concerns for Bernadette's children as if we should feel guilty for having any opinion of Bernadette - which we have no need to feel guilty for.
I apologise if I spoke out of turn but I assure you I have no agenda regarding the kids, I'm naturally very protective of children.
As for the one who posted about the movie; Yes, he immortalised this case. If the movie had not been made this would have been forgotten. The movie prompts people to investigate it's source and 35 years later it still evokes strong emotions.

At December 14, 2018 at 2:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: At December 14, 2018 at 1:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous

I apologize as well for any misunderstandings as well.

I wrote that about Mr. Sullivan and the movie/karma. The fact they are going to remake one is of no benefit to poor Kirsten and her family.

Have a nice day.

At December 14, 2018 at 2:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must still be unimaginably painful for Kirsten's family. Regarding the movie, let's see. If it's along the same lines as the original it's pointless making it. This one may be surprisingly more accurate. Either way it will generate more unwanted attention for Bernadette. I wonder if she's still with her husband in Texas now the cat is out of the bag!

At December 14, 2018 at 3:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll drink a drink a drink
To Lily the Pink the Pink the Pink
The saviour of the human race
For she invented medicinal compound
Most efficacious in every case.

Mr. Frears
had sticky-out ears
and it made him awful shy
and so they gave him medicinal compound
and now he's learning how to fly.

Brother Tony
Was notably bony
He would never eat his meals
And so they gave him medicinal compound
Now they move him round on wheels.

We'll drink a drink a drink
To Lily the Pink the Pink the Pink
The saviour of the human race

At December 14, 2018 at 10:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: December 14, 2018 at 2:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
It must still be unimaginably painful for Kirsten's family. Regarding the movie, let's see. If it's along the same lines as the original it's pointless making it. This one may be surprisingly more accurate. Either way it will generate more unwanted attention for Bernadette. I wonder if she's still with her husband in Texas now the cat is out of the bag!

It would be refreshing to see an accurate movie based on facts regarding this story. I agree it would be pointless and I would be be very surprised if they remade it based on the actual facts of the case.

I can't imagine Bernadette would be too happy either way - especially since it will bring more attention to her. However, it would be wonderful if the truth were actually told for once. At least there are some people intelligent enough to not take a movie at face value, but to research the real story and learn the truth.

At December 16, 2018 at 8:33 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi J/Annoymous,

That's ok. No matter what blog you write on or read, trolls are everywhere and I don't think it should stop people from writing on blogs. There is plenty of valid information on this blog if people are willing to sift through the manure. I think the blogs serve a purpose for bringing it to people's attention that all was not as innocent with Bernadette and that Kirsten wasn't as bad as portrayed. For example, if Kirsten was the heinous bitch portrayed in the movie, why was Bernadette so desperate to be friends with her? Why did Bernadette idolise her? Why didn't Bernadette mention examples of bullying at her trial which would have strengthened her case and possibly affected the outcome of her trial? It doesn't make sense. I haven't watched Jerry Springer in a long time. What an outrageous show that was. I don't think this blog is so outrageous that it is on level with Jerry Springer, but you're obviously entitled to think otherwise. I've read a lot worse on Youtube. Bernadette's new identity was available online long before the creation of this blog, so I don’t agree that this blog is ruining her children's lives. I'm not interested in making her children suffer, but I don't think my sympathy for Kirsten would make them suffer. If I mentioned Bernadette’s children's names, their ages, the schools they go to and contact whatever organisations they are involved in to reveal Bernadette's past, well yes, that would have a negative impact on her children, but I would never do anything like that. If Bernadette's children are negatively affected, I think it is Bernadette's responsibility to bear and her responsibility alone. What makes you so sure her identity has been exposed in her community? The people in her community could very well be living in blissful ignorance of Bernadette's past. Bernadette is most likely doing A- OK.

At December 16, 2018 at 8:38 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"Perhaps you are the one posting the stupid comments. If you can't accept someone elses opinion and start throwing around silly paranoid accusations then you are blinkered and I wish to have no further communication with you. The poster who said this is like the Jerry Springer show wasn't far wrong. Please do not initiate any further contact with me, I only converse with intelligent people."

Is this Jennifer or is it a different Anonymous? Different people writing under Anonymous can get confusing sometimes.

At December 16, 2018 at 9:13 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Anonymous,

“When I read his article Kirsten's friends were quoted as admitting that she teased people and laughed at them. He said Bernadette's friends were smarter and more sensitive.”

The only incident I can recall is about a diary being read. That's not ok, of course. However, if a diary is left unattended, teenagers will read it. They're swell like that. Wasn't it something about a girl looking at Kirsten and her friends and writing in her diary, and when the diary was left unattended, Kirsten and her friends read what was written about them and laughed? It's not ok, but I would have been a nosy ass and did the same thing as a teen. Let's be honest, everyone is guilty of laughing at someone in their teens at least once. It's not ok to laugh at others, but teenagers are immature scallywags and that's the type of behaviour they engage in. I laughed a lot at people. I didn't tease them, but I laughed when someone fell on their ass, or when someone ditched school and got caught, or when someone got caught leaving the school campus, or when people argued over stupid trivial things, or when a teacher scolded a student, or when two students physically fought over something ridiculous, or when I got in trouble...etc. I also got laughed at if I fell, got in trouble...etc. If Bernadette and her friends were smarter and more sensitive, Bernadette and one of her friends wouldn't have joked about their fellow bobbies in a cabin getting attacked by someone with a knife, especially in light of what happened to Kirsten. My point is all teenagers are jerks to a degree.

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