Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Friend to Die for

I'll never forget the first time I watched the movie "A Friend to Die for" aka Death of a Cheerleader. I watched it with my dad and at the end of the movie, my father a strong strapping man was reduced to tears for Bernadette. It portrayed her as so homely and needy and wanting. Everywhere you read or everything you watch on this case it's the same narrative. Bernadette was bullied by the rich snobby Kirsten and she couldn't handle it. But as we all know that was not the case. 

Bernadette was insanely jealous, so much so that even when she was incarcerated it's been documented she had outbursts of jeolusy towards her boyfriend. Yes you read that right she was in a youth facility that allowed her to have a boyfriend. Ironic isn't it? By killing Kirsten she got the life she always wanted. The parole officer said he wondered how she would have handled it had she not been incarcerated. Basically he felt if this was on the outside she would have stalked him. 

Also he felt and several experts that she has poor impulse control and basically can't take no for an answer. As you can tell by her erratic and crazy comments she leaves. Side note Bernadette don't you realize you can't hide your anger when you're posting under "anonymous". You killed a girl, and around these parts we feel like the punishment did not fit the crime. 

If you don't want this blog or Lifetime to have the final say Bernadette why don't you go on Iyanla fix my life or do an Oprah special really telling your side. But you're not going to do that because you know and everybody else knows you had no damn good reason to kill her. 

God help us all the day somebody offends you or your kids. You are mean to people on your fake ass stupid ass Betty Crocker Facebook page. And you're mean as hell to the commenters on this blog and on Wordpress. I bet your mean as hell in real life too. Lol.  

The movie and the Rolling Stone article got it wrong. You were not "bullied" no more then anybody else. You were jealous and you could no longer contain it. I do not believe Kirsten offered you pot. First off yall wasn't friends, let's be real. People who smoke pot know what I'm talking about. That's like breaking bread. You're not about to share a joint with somebody you bullied. 

There was never a party to go to, she was dressed casually, and she had a butcher knife. It doesn't take Einstein to recognize we have a first degree murder case. She pre planned it, in her crazy ass mind she probably felt like if Kirsten wasn't here then she could shine. But you can't be a better "Kirsten" or anybody else. You can only be yourself. What I hope people take from this case is not the fake bullying part. But how to accept yourself as you are and stop trying to compete where you can't. 

I'm really suprised a major magazine hasn't done an update on this case. I think the world would be interested to know where little miss Bernadette Protti ended up. Nobody would have guessed she moved to Oklahoma after she was released, so she is smart for that one. 

I liked her old nose better she should have left it. 

Creepy ass fake Betty Crocker avatar she uses. You she is known for using other women's pictures and tagging them Jeannette Tomanka so when people Google it that's what they see. Why would you use another person's photo when your a known killer? How disrespectful to them and their families. You're better off not posting fake pictures at all. Especially since you can look them up on Goole images and find out exactly where they originally came from!


At October 12, 2015 at 12:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA, HA!! RIGHT ON!! EVERY WORD YOU SAID IS TRUE!! Bernadette/Jeannette is STILL allowing INNOCENT women to be blamed, just by the mere fact that she and her lying sister, Virginia Varela, are CONSTANTLY posting photos of unsuspecting random women on google images. So every time someone google images Bernadette Protti or Jeannette Tomanka, they do not see the real pictures. (But I have NEWS for you, Protti sisters: The cat is out of the proverbial bag, and Jeannette's current photos are starting to circulate the internet EVERYWHERE!!) Jeannette's actions are just DIRTY. I hope a local newspaper near her hometown in Coleyville or Grapevine, (or the Dallas News) does a news story about her. It's just a matter of time before someone contacts the Television shows; "48 Hours Mystery, On The Case With Paula Zahn, or Aphrodite Jones" . Hopefully somebody will reach out to them, so they can do a segment about this AWFUL murder. The local newspaper in Moraga,CA. did a news story recently about this heinous sad case. In addition to Bernadette/Jeannette being insanely jealous and obsessed with Kirsten, I kind of think that Jeannette may have tried to hit on Kirsten the night of the murder. That is probably why Kirsten RAN out of the car, and wanted to get away from Bernadette/Jeannette. Kirsten did tell the neighbor that her "Friend had gone weird on her." I wonder.

At October 12, 2015 at 5:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Great investigative work!! I have already contacted Aphrodite Jones. Just to let you know not just for this case but two others in which these people were found guilty of a crime they did not commit and the actual killers need to be brought to justice. I just wanted to add that so Bernadette does not think I am solely focused on this case. I would also just like to note that I will refrain from any name calling as Bernadette's crime speaks for itself. We don't need to add fuel to the fire. Kirsten needs her good name back and the facts need to prevail.

At October 12, 2015 at 5:54 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, I have to agree, it is so shocking to me that this case hasn't been blown wide open and a story more in depth done such as on ID channel. I am interested in all crime stories but this one is interesting to me since she has started a bogus blog and won't ever post any pics of herself! Big red flag.

At October 12, 2015 at 5:54 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At October 12, 2015 at 6:26 AM , Blogger Bernadette Protti new ID revealed said...

I found it thank you so much for that tidbit, I had never heard that before.

At January 30, 2016 at 2:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This woman should still be in jail. I wonder if her neighbors will find out about her. If I lived near her I would post some flyers. The community have a right to know about the murderess living amongst them.

At February 20, 2016 at 7:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree that this case needs to be re-examined by someone in the media, and friends and classmates of Kirsten Costas should be interviewed. I've wondered for years if I am the only one bothered by it. The way this poor murdered girl has been portrayed is offensive. I cannot imagine how her family must feel. There was a somewhat similar case in South Australia involving a very disturbed teen girl who murdered a younger teenage dancer who she was obsessed with, and the movie 'In Her Skin' showed this for what it was-- a beautiful and talented girl tortured and killed by someone who became fixated on her. 'A Friend to Die For/Death of a Cheerleader' was a powerful movie which distorted the truth. The family of Kirsten Costas continues to be in my prayers.

At March 10, 2016 at 9:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Death of a Cheerleader' was based on a rolling stone article by Randall Sullivan. Randall is truly a disgusting individual to ruin a murdered child's reputation. He said he felt no sympathy for Kirsten and the despicable character of Staci Lockwood based on Kirsten certainly shows that. She had no positive qualities at all and many people who have watched the movie wrongly assume Kirsten was really like the Staci Lockwood character. Shame on that man.

At April 3, 2016 at 7:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

She (bernadette) has evil eyes!!I bet she'll kill again if she faces a similar situation....

At April 9, 2016 at 8:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree and think so too.

At February 21, 2017 at 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That movie was so one sided, we know the real story, it is so wrong about Kirsten, she was a ball of joy, and so much fun to be around. She was so cute and funny. Her friends and fellow classmates adored her, living through that evil time, no one knew who the killer was we suspected a lot of people, actually there were 6 suspects, but there was 2 that were mostly blamed, and was, ran out of Miramonte.! Bernadette was quiet the whole entire time, she'd discuss it with friends and tried to come up with a good idea of who it was, and she wanted the Bobbie's to continue on with the group, cause it was so much fun being a Bobbie member. She even hugged one of Kirsten's best friends in summer school saying it will be alright, everything will work out the way it should. They had the faintest idea it would be her, we were all in dismay and non belief over Bernadette. We suspected 2 other's, one made a threat to Kirsten to leave her alone, or she would kill her cause she and Kirsten didn't get oaken, the other was once in the group, but she separated herself apart from that group, and, they stopped liking her and resented her, she would do crazy talk a lot, it was easy to believe she was the killer also. The other goth girl was never liked or fit in, she had so much resentment and hatred towards the students, and she'd fight back with the students, she didn't care, she'd attack the boys who were mean to her, that didn't scare them, they kept on picking on her, and Kirsten and she were nemesis. I felt sorry for her even though she was mean, I still felt sorry for her, I feel she had a rough life, and a hard time being socially accepted, and that caused retaliation towards the students.

At February 21, 2017 at 8:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That movie was pro Bernadette and anti Kirsten.

At February 24, 2017 at 5:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you watched Deadly Delinquents that was more the real Bernadette, she planned the murder and well. Kirsten was almost like the girl in deadly delinquents, she was upbeat like that Kirsten and confident, but, the real Kirsten could be more snippy at times, and this Kirsten was altogether not snippy at all, and the real Kirsten told funny jokes around school, and had a lot of laughs and was so funny, and, so cute. She was nothing like the Stacy Lockwood portrayed in the Death of a Cheerleader Movie. Bernadette was not like Angela Delvecchio in the movie she was nice and friendly like that, she didn't struggle as hard as Angela Delvecchio did in that movie. She wasn't willing to confess, she was backed in a corner and had to finally confess in real life. She wasn't wanting to. She didn't care who got blamed, as long as she didn't. I believe it was first degree murder, I beleive her sister knew she preplanned the murder.

At February 25, 2017 at 12:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kirsten didn't go around intimidating people like this movie said she did. She didn't victimize people either, they had her portrayed as the Mean girls movie Regina George, also Pretty in Pink, they had her portrayed as one of those rich snobs and Chris Hargensen in the movie Carrie.

At October 11, 2018 at 5:06 PM , Blogger Miriam Comito said...

At October 15, 2018 at 5:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously? The movie is being re-made? I bet it will still be one sided and biased. Thank you for the info.


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