Monday, October 12, 2015

Jeannette responds to comments on her YouTube video. She responds to being called a life hacker and her inferiority complex

What's the point of doing the Suzie Homemaker act now? We all know now. 


At October 12, 2015 at 7:47 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I also found Bernadette's responses eerie. Please, I would ask everyone on this blog that is defending Kirsten's good name to go to the Aphrodite Jones website. Go to "Contact Us" and fill in the information with a short message. Strength is in numbers. Also, I was wondering if the operator of this blog would research the Paul Cortez case. David Haughn is guilty of this crime. Read the posts on the FreePaulCortez website. Click on "Community" then "Free Paul Cortez Forum". There are some good posts that help you understand the case, especially from a psychological standpoint. This case had corruption on both sides and Paul is having a tough time getting a new trial. Also, research Russ Faria, another innocent man sent to a life in prison. He has been fortunate and has a new trial this November. Pam Hupp clearly is the murderer. Again, corruption on both sides of the case. In all of these cases the victim was brutally stabbed to death. I have given some money to the Paul Cortez Defense Fund and he needs as much exposure and funds as possible. David Haughn is starting to creep around the Paul Cortez Forum as well and leave messages. You have a gift of being able to research these types of cases. It takes blogs like yours to help turn the tables of unjust cases and awaken the beast. I was considering starting my own blog on helping the innocent which would include cases like Bernadette's where the victim's name has been tarnished and the perpetrator is perceived as a victim. Now in Paul Cortez's case, the victim unfortunately gave the Paul Cortez a bad reputation through her pathological lies. This does not turn the victim into a perpetrator. It is just important to give all facts as now Paul Cortez is a victim and justice still has not been served. In Bernadette's case, the lies are about Kirsten starting with the bullying theory, the party and the knife. Kirsten made fun of people. No one is denying that. I made fun of people. Most kids do but grow up and certainly does not make it right. This is irrelevant to the case as she NEVER relentlessly went after people, especially Bernadette. She made ONE slighted comment to her. Bernadette sought after Kirsten. People that are bullied don't want to be friends with the perpetrator. They try to stay away from the perpetrator. The prosecution failed. A new case should have been petitioned for improper representation for Kirsten.

At January 15, 2016 at 5:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very odd.

At February 20, 2016 at 7:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that there are people trying to defend the character of this murder victim. The way that movie- "Death of a Cheerleader" portrayed her was kind of deplorable. I was just a first grader living on the east coast when all of this happened-- and in 1994 I saw the movie with Tori Spelling and Kellie Martin and have been bothered by it ever since. A recent TV series called "Killer Kids" also depicted Kirsten Costas very negatively and I was troubled by that too. I feel for her family and really do not think the sentence Protti received fit the crime at all, but this is a secondary issue. The way this murdered girl's character has been smeared by the media is completely unacceptable and if I were her parents, I might even be inclined to take legal action.

At March 11, 2016 at 1:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Person above: you are very sweet.

At December 16, 2017 at 9:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont understand how the judge believed the vegetable lie. What threat was Kristen? That Bernadette approached her with a weapon if her intentions where not to hurt her? Ok so there was a knife in the car but that doesnt explaine why she grabbed it and got out of the car with it. How was that even a resonabl explantion? I thought there neighborhood was so up class and safe so its not like people get out of cars holding weapons for protection.So its obviously was done to hurt someone.

At March 22, 2018 at 3:40 AM , Blogger Anastasia said...

It's really difficult when you a teen and trying to find yourself. I have been bullied myself growing up I remember soo bad wanting to be popular. But I just got picked on by the popular girls. My mother has been disabled much of my life so she couldn't work and my dad was never around , my mom did the best to put food on the table but when you have 3 kids it's not easy with just social security checks as your only source of income. I never had name brand anything and the popular girls would tease my and say Kmart blue light special. I never told my mom because I knew she was already doing her best. We have all seen the movie mean girls and in every high school movie ever made the popular girls pick on the ones who don't fit in. Look at the movie Carrie or she's all that.....the list goes on. Kids now get cyber bullied and it's not right. Some kids are even driven to suicide. With that being said no one deserves to die just for being mean.but when you are in the 13-17 age range you think that your status in school is the most important defining thing in your life, you don't realize that it doesn't matter what clique you are in now or who is or isnt popular, it won't make a difference at all after your 18. You won't get made fun of anymore and there is life after high school although it might suck now you just have to endure.I'm a mom and no one should ever have to feel the pain of losing their child. I feel for Kristen's parents for the pain they went through losing their daughter. I also feel for the parents of Bernadette i know there is nothing in this world my child could ever do to make me love him any less and I would absolutely love and stick by him no matter what he ever does. I think parents really need to teach kids acceptance and that words can really have a profound effect on someone. We are all entitled to our opinions but until we can walk a day in someone else's shoes we dont know how someone really feels or how our actions can seem simple enough but leave a lasting impact on the lives of others.

At April 10, 2018 at 3:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? One is dead and the other is happily making YouTube videos and making snarky replies to comments such as the one you see above. I wouldn’t feel bad for Jeanette one bit. I was viciously bullied growing up by the popular kids but you don’t see me murdering anyone. Playing devils advocate and feeling sorry for someone who really doesn’t give a flying shit about the victim nor the victims family, is absolutely disgusting.

At April 13, 2018 at 9:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anastasia, Bernadette wasn't a bully victim.Please read the facts of the case. You are extending sympathy to someone who killed for extremely selfish reasons and happily blocked it out of her mind for months and would continue to do so if the FBI profiler didn't catch up with her. Fortunately Kirsten's parents hired the profiler as it looks like she would have gotten away with it otherwise. As someone else has mentioned on here a are projecting your own bullying experiences onto this case and that's not fair on Kirsten.

At May 2, 2018 at 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Protti's/Jeanette Tomanka's father Raymond was a retired city engineer, so the family wasn't destitute and working class. Kirsten's mother worked part-time at the local community center while Protti's mother was a housewife. If Kirsten had nicer things it's because her parents worked and chose to give their daughter as many advantages as they could.

At October 2, 2018 at 11:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette deserves no sympathy. If someone is truly bullying you, you would never set up a fake date with them and lure them out of their home under false pretenses just to be alone in the car with them at night! That makes no sense whatsoever!

Bernadette is evil, her family (or some member of her family who helped her cover up the crime), are also not good people. How many people were homely with stringy blonde hair driving the car described?

I feel so sorry for Kirsten and her family - they are forced to live without Kirsten every day. The pain never goes away.

Bernadette should have been put behind bars a lot sooner than 6 months - the cops really botched that one! Thank goodness the Costa's hired a PI and the FBI got involved or else Bernadette would have killed another child if she ever thought that someone was on to her secret of having killed Kirsten. Bernadette would have done anything for her so called image - and now the very thing Bernadette wants she can never have and it's the thing she wanted the most - Karma!

At October 22, 2019 at 12:19 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

You're probably Bernadette

At May 12, 2021 at 9:39 AM , Blogger Maggie said...

What is to gain by harassing that woman?

At June 17, 2021 at 2:04 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Maggie, we don’t even know where Jeanette is at. She is still in hiding and doesn’t want her identity revealed. Her sister is a friends CEO at the bank and she likes Virginia and says she is really good with customers when they come in. She hardly talks about (Bernadette) but does say Bernadette is long gone like I. The Midwest somewhere like Illinois. She isn’t coming to Orinda and if she does, she won’t go and visit people. Virginia hears from her but don’t want to talk about her. She only fells this close friend and this close friend don’t know anymore than what she is told. Bernadette isn’t to well from what I hear, she suffers from depression and this outing only made it way worse. But there are( consequences) in life with bad choices to. But chances anyone will see her in Orinda let alone California is very slim. She is done here and don’t care about here any longer. Just her family.

At June 21, 2021 at 12:36 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Also Maggie most teenage girls are caddy, don’t give anyone the right to murder them. Bet you weren’t any “Angel” yourself when you were a teen. But we didn’t murder that is the difference.


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