Friday, February 12, 2016

Beautiful photo of Kirsten Costas

Bernadette/Jeannette didn't give Kirsten a chance to grow up into a beautiful woman. The people we are in High School is not who we stay. Thank God for that. 

Hopefully Bernadette is enjoying her new life. Life can be so unfair sometimes. 


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At February 12, 2016 at 9:17 PM , Blogger K said...

There is no one in their right minds that would justify what she did. But she suffered for it, and she still is suffering

At February 12, 2016 at 9:45 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

That is a beautiful picture of Kirsten.


If Bernadette was suffering for what she did, why would she attempt to vilify Kirsten and tarnish her memory on other blogs? Are you attempting to elicit sympathy for Bernadette? She attacked Kirsten from behind and killed her in an unprovoked attack. She said she was able to live with it because "it didn't seem real" and "it was like a dream", she coolly took a walk with her Mother after the murder and was able to nonchalantly discuss the murder in class, the FBI profiler that interviewed her stated that she was without remorse for her victim. All of the above suggests that she most certainly would not be suffering at present for what she did.

At February 12, 2016 at 10:29 PM , Blogger K said...

No, I'm not trying to elicite sympathy. Far from it. Just know that there is not a day that goes by where she is not haunted by what she did. She can't take it back and she can't hide the truth any longer. I'm not asking you to feel sorry for her but I do think it's important that you know that she's not living a happy, carefree life.

At February 13, 2016 at 2:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am certain she is not the only one suffering. The collateral damage inflicted by this blog on the innocent parties, particularly the children, must be truly devastating. Anyone with young children cannot help but feel sympathy for the pain they are going through -- pain they absolutely did not deserve.

At February 13, 2016 at 3:41 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

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At February 13, 2016 at 3:43 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

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At February 13, 2016 at 4:21 AM , Blogger K said...

I posted the "unknown" comment, but not the "anonymous" one. I am not a family member but I do have first hand knowledge. She actually is not a sociopath, but that's not the point. The real victim is Kirsten, her family, and her friends. And their community. But there are victims on the other side, too. Unfortunately, there are no winners. Is Jeannette alive? Yes. Does she get to experience life after taking a life? Yes. Does she suffer? Yes. Is it her fault? Yes. But please remember that she has children and they do not deserve to pay for what she did

At February 13, 2016 at 6:16 AM , Blogger S. said...

Jeannette should have considered this and perhaps not have had children. She knew all of this could come to light one day...but again instead of facing the consequences of her actions she chose to hide behind a new name and have everything that she robbed Kirsten of. Kirsten certainly didn't get to have children.

At February 13, 2016 at 6:59 AM , Blogger S. said...

And furthermore, if Kirsten's murder really was not premeditated as she claims, she flipped out and stabbed someone to death. Is someone who has done that a good candidate for motherhood? I don't think so. I'm more concerned for her children's safety than them being affected by the fallout from the truth coming out.

At February 13, 2016 at 10:10 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"She's not a sociopath".

I referred to her as a psychopath and the examples in my above comment suggests that she is one. I don't wish to repeat myself, but I will to make my point. Bernadette attacked Kirsten from behind in an unprovoked attack and not only stabbed Kirsten with an 18inch knife, but "sliced her" inflicting her with two foot wounds. After brutally stabbing Kirsten to death, Bernadette coolly took a walk with her Mother . She calmly discussed the murder in class with her classmates. She allowed two girls to be blamed for the murder, one of whom was ostracized by her community and was not allowed to return to Miramonte. She attended catechism classes with the girl that was ostracized by the community and would no doubt have noticed the emotional toll it took oh her, but acted like nothing was amiss. A person who isn't a psychopath wouldn't be able to keep up such a pretense. She has shown she is devoid of empathy by posting repugnant comments on this blog. The murder was not a result of bullying, but she perpetuated that lie and tarnished a dead girl's reputation. As written in a previous comment:
“Testimony established that Protti felt rejected. Costas, a cheerleader and varsity swimmer, became a symbol for her of the success and popularity she could not achieve.”

“Oda said Protti was determined to kill Costas if Kirsten did not agree ”to be her friend and get her into the in-crowd.”

“He called Protti’s confession to authorities ”self-serving” and said that she was without remorse until she realized her arrest was imminent.”

“Asked what Kirsten had done to make her angry, Bernadette said: “I have a lot of inferiority feelings — and I really have bad feelings about myself. I lost for cheerleader. I didn’t get into the club I wanted to. I didn’t get on yearbook. So, I don’t know, I just felt bad.”

Bernadette said "she was really good at blocking [what had happened] out of her mind, and I still am,” she said later. “That’s why I can live through every day, because it doesn’t seem real.”

After killing Kirsten, Bernadette said she returned home, hid the knife and took a walk with her mother and the family dog. The following day she washed the knife and returned it to the kitchen.

Your comment does suggest that you are attempting to evoke sympathy by mentioning Bernadette's children and it's a little tasteless to continue doing so.
I feel tremendous sympathy for Kirsten's parents who were robbed of Kirsten's High School graduation, college graduation, marriage and grandchildren. I feel tremendous sympathy for her brother who lost his only sibling. I feel sorry for Kirsten's friends. I feel sorry for Nancy Kane who Bernadette allowed the finger of suspicion to be pointed at. I feel sorry for Bernadette's children. If they are "paying for anything", it's Bernadette's fault. Bernadette and Bernadette alone is to blame for any "fallout" within her family.

At February 13, 2016 at 4:43 PM , Blogger K said...

Like I said, there are many victims and some of them happen to be on the other side. And that's not their fault. I still maintain she is not a sociopath, she is mentally ill, but not sociopathic. And as much as I do not like to admit it, there is a flaw in the defense that was never picked up on or challenged and in my opinion, it would have changed the sentence.

At February 13, 2016 at 4:46 PM , Blogger K said...

To clarify, the prosecution missed a point that could have debunked the crime of passion defense

At February 13, 2016 at 5:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was missed? Not that I want to pile on, especially in this particular forum, but your comment is intriguing.

At February 13, 2016 at 6:25 PM , Blogger K said...

Do you have an email address?

At February 13, 2016 at 6:37 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Unknown, we will have to agree to disagree. I appreciate that you refrained from name calling because we have a difference in opinion, which is not usually my experience with Bernadette supporters. What did the defense miss?

At February 13, 2016 at 6:43 PM , Blogger K said...

I don't resort to name calling. And I'm not necessarily a supporter, but I have sympathy for those affected. Do you have an email address? I don't want to open a can of worms in a public forum

At February 13, 2016 at 6:56 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

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At February 13, 2016 at 6:59 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

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At February 13, 2016 at 7:11 PM , Blogger K said...

All that comes up is Mercedes videos

At February 13, 2016 at 7:19 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

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At February 13, 2016 at 7:27 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi again. Sorry for all the messages. If you click on my blogger name and click on "My web page", my YouTube account comes up.

At February 13, 2016 at 7:37 PM , Blogger K said...

I just subscribed to your channel but I can't figure out how to message you. Can you message me?

At February 13, 2016 at 7:44 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Sure. What's your YouTube account name? Your youtube name is hidden in my subscriptions.

At February 13, 2016 at 7:46 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

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At February 13, 2016 at 7:48 PM , Blogger K said...

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At February 13, 2016 at 8:02 PM , Blogger K said...

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At February 13, 2016 at 8:06 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi. There was an option to send you a message, but it just wouldn't send. Just to clarify, does your youtube name end in va? I'll send you an email. Thanks.

At February 13, 2016 at 8:09 PM , Blogger K said...

No, it doesn't.

At February 13, 2016 at 8:24 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Damn. Your sub is hidden. I'll put an email address on here shortly.

At February 13, 2016 at 8:47 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At February 13, 2016 at 9:00 PM , Blogger K said...

Check your email

At February 22, 2016 at 5:54 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At February 22, 2016 at 5:56 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I've researched Bernadette in the past, but it's been a few years, I can't believe I finally know her name. I've never felt that the murder was a crime of passion, there was never any bullying, who isn't bullied anyway? But, for the past two days I've been reading blogs about her and her life now...and that crazy Facebook page. Going back and reading all of the posts that she's made and seeing all of the comments that have been deleted, one of which had 17 comments that are now gone, tells me that people are calling her out and she continues to cover up when clearly her identity is out now. One person commented and asked why and she says FB deleted comments they think are spam, which isn't the case, in another someone basically says, "hey, I know about her past, but let's forgive" that one stays...I don't understand her, I'm not sure I want to though. It just seems to me that if she would come forward and give an interview or apologize (though I'm sure it wouldn't be sincere) she would be left alone and people would quit their research or it would take their interest away from the case. I would find it exhausting to have to troll the Internet looking for comments about myself to find out if more and more people where discovering who I really was.

At February 22, 2016 at 6:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have always hoped for a interview or something from her, maybe Dr. Phil...crime show would be fun too!

At February 23, 2016 at 10:04 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

It's unlikely she will ever do an interview. I'm sure she hopes that people will lose interest and her past will be forgotten. However, that won't happen because people can read about it when they google her name.

At February 25, 2016 at 10:38 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

ok, she doesn't want us to bring up her past mistakes, since she has done her time!!! Even if it was a serious one, such as the death of someone! Did you all read that on her blog?

At February 25, 2016 at 11:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't read her blog, but I looked up what you were talking about. She wrote:

"Don’t keep bringing up people’s mistakes, especially if they’ve paid the price. I don’t like to have my past mistakes thrown in my face, so I try very hard not to do that to others. Even people who make serious mistakes that may have resulted in the death of someone (like drunk driving)"

Murder is as serious as it gets, Bernadette. You had the option to turn back the night you killed Kirsten, but you stalked her and stabbed her from behind. You also leave repugnant comments on this blog, which suggests you really couldn't give a sh** about murdering Kirsten.

At February 25, 2016 at 11:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't look at her Facebook page either, but the person above suggested it was crazy and had a number of deleted comments. I read on her page the other day that someone called her a "hoofwanking bunglecunt", lmao.

At February 27, 2016 at 8:41 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

There's a quote, and you have to go back very far to see it, but it says "Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent." like, that's what she said during the trial, she felt inferior...I need to start using "hoofwanking bunglecunt" daily.

At February 28, 2016 at 2:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud when I read "hoofwanking bunglecunt". I checked her facebook page and it's gone now, though. Wasn't her inferiority problem a reason why she killed Kirsten? I've read comments from people who support Jeannette because have the mistaken belief that she was bullied by Kirsten, and they they insult Kirsten's parents for not "raising her better". What about Jeannette's parents? They failed to instil confidence and self worth within her so she looked for the approval from another person she said "bullied" her.

At February 28, 2016 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before Kirsten as murder, Bernadette was bullied some, not till the trial is when she was really bullied. Joanna and Nancy were bullied victims first, Bernadette wasn't bullied that much at Miramonte till they learned she was the murderer. She wasn't as popular as Kirsten she did have friends though. She had several friends she just wanted Kirsten to accept her that's what the whole thing was about she wanted more and wasn't able to get it.

At February 28, 2016 at 12:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette might of had some people make fun of her before the murder yeah but not that bad, she got into the Bob O Links so it wasn't that bad for her then. She was on the track team and went swimming and was some socially the bullying isn't what did her in it was she was inferior of her self worth caused by some bullying and rejection of where she wanted to be.

At February 29, 2016 at 1:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTH are you talking about?

At February 29, 2016 at 2:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not even Stephanie knows what she is talking about.

At February 29, 2016 at 3:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is a world of her own, lol.

At February 29, 2016 at 11:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you really know Bernadette or Kirsten like you say and know about Bernadette s old boyfriends. I wouldn't post stuff unless it's accurate. Cause Bernadette can see and read all these posts and she can make trouble, not defending her, but you know she s unstable.

At February 29, 2016 at 11:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Stephanie..... you make me laugh!

At February 29, 2016 at 5:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one cares about Bernadette or if she was bullied, humiliation at her trial, You know zilch about Bernadette's bullying and trial and old boyfriend and you don't know a thing about Nancy or Joanna the accussed. You're in some world of dilussion.

At February 29, 2016 at 5:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to write a story book you have one heck of an imagination. Lol

At March 1, 2016 at 12:57 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"dilussion" indeed, Stephanie.

At March 1, 2016 at 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you get online and write a book about Bernadette and the rest. You could create one heck of a story, you imagination is very useful. You may get money for it Stephanie. Write about anything you desire, you have good skills and imagion a lot of stuff on here and post a lot of stuff, so use you writing for something useful.

At March 1, 2016 at 5:22 PM , Blogger Bernadette Protti new ID revealed said...

I completely agree. If you're a killer and you decide to procreate don't be shocked when your kids find out. If you don't want your kids to know you're a killer then don't have them.

At March 1, 2016 at 7:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on. Think about the consequences, and don't murder to start with, then you don't have to worry about a soul finding out your past. It's all about poor Bernadette, well, what about the Costas family, they were the victims in the entire case. Kirsten's mom, it was said on Deadly women, she couldn't hear another girl,laugh, or see other kids without crying, the memory lasted,for years,mid not forever. How would you like to of been Kirsten's mom and have to deal with all that and see teenage girls and hear them laugh or see a girl who favors your daughter, that's the victims here, Bernadette stole that from the family. Missy Availa her mom went through the same she couldn't go shopping and see a girl without thinking of Missy, and that sicko living in her house the whole entire time, watching her mom and family suffer. Well Kirsten's mom will always remember tillt he day she dies.

At March 3, 2016 at 4:34 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"Kirsten's mom, it was said on Deadly women, she couldn't hear another girl,laugh, or see other kids without crying"

That's so sad. I wish her the very best.

"see a girl who favors your daughter"

That must have been agonizing.

I wish Kirsten's family and Missy's family the best. It is very difficult to "get over" a loved ones murder.

At March 4, 2016 at 3:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all due to self esteem and insecurity. Bernadette was insecure, and never satisfied with herself, and she wasn't that pretty at all Kirsten was pretty. Like Karen Severson, she was heavy, and it weighed on her self esteem and Missy was blossoming into a beautiful young lady, it drove Karen insane. Laura Doyle was like Bernadette homely and was a wannabe and insecure to. Kids need to be taught about self esteem instead of pressured and compared to this person, or that person. Kids like that need counseling, and better get it before it leads to murder.or more school shootings. We have school shootings all the time, more than ever since the 80 s.

At March 4, 2016 at 4:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To me, pretty is as pretty does. Not all of us were born to be beauty queens or built like a Barbie doll. If not, do the best you can with what God gave you. I seen popular girls who were not pretty just like a Bernadette, they were popular cause they had the personality, and did the best they could and didn't push themselves on people, and get in peoples way, and had a great personality. Our homecoming queen wasn't pretty, but she was nice and friendly. A lot of that is a persons personality is based on whether or not people like you. Also social skills plays a big part, Bernadette from what I read was socially awkward and didn't know how to act around the popular girls.

At March 4, 2016 at 7:43 PM , Blogger Get over the past and move on. said...

People,were,disgusted,at Gina and her mom defending Bernadette and holding her hands and stroking her hair in court, well it's thier daughter and sister we d done the same thing. The court spectators were outraged at Gina and her mother for defending Bernadette. Family sticks together. Everyone else in there were against her and wanted her to fry and her family was all she had.

At March 5, 2016 at 4:29 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Yes, Bernadette had self-esteem issues. I read that she actually was getting counseling before she killed Kirsten. I'm not getting into who was pretty and who wasn't, although I do agree Kirsten was pretty and it is suggested she was friendly, sociable and knew how to carry herself.

At March 5, 2016 at 5:23 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At March 5, 2016 at 5:28 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"Get over the past", what are you trying to achieve with your comments? Is this an attention seeking thing? Can you not get attention in your own life?

At March 5, 2016 at 10:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gina should be in jail for perjury. She knew Bernadette planned the murder, who uses an 18 inch blade to cut veggies, and who stabs 5 times and not expect to kill. I don't care what the courtroom thought of angina and her mom for sticking up for a Bernadette, how can they talk to her after what she did. They should of been outraged at them, and they needed public embarrassment.

At March 5, 2016 at 10:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gina, you read this, you're a liar and helped a murderer. You should be ashamed of yourself.

At March 6, 2016 at 3:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She should be. I doubt she is ashamed of herself. I'm sure you've read some of her comments defending Jeannette. Does that look like someone who is ashamed of themselves? She is a sick woman.

At March 6, 2016 at 3:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can't believe Virginia said the 18inch knife was left in the car to cut vegetables. She is such a revolting woman who clearly has no conscience.

At March 6, 2016 at 7:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeannette said she only meant to 'hurt' Kirsten by stabbing and slicing her 5 times. Yeah right!

At March 6, 2016 at 8:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if she was mad at Kirsten, she should of just punched her and beat he up, that d shut a Kirsten up, she d been to scared to tell, Bernadette was way out of line, and her sister and mother held her hand and stroked her hair at the trial, how sick and twisted, cause the whole community was there and Miramonte were there and they were,against poor Bernadette. She deserved it if anyone did. They all were there cause they wanted her to pay for what she did, Bernadette said in an article there s 500 people out there who'd love to shoot me right now. Students who s social acceptance Bernadette once craved were angry with the verdict. Bernadette was lucky she was in custody of the police cause they'd probaly of hurt her badly.

At March 6, 2016 at 12:43 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Why should she have punched Kirsten? Because Kirsten didn't like her? If Bernadette punched Kirsten, I doubt she would have been "too scared to tell". Who GAF how Bernadette felt at her trial.

At March 6, 2016 at 9:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Bernadette s twisted mind she felt victimized by Kirsten, all Kirsten did was reject her, not bully her. Bernadette victomized her own self feeling inferior and blaming Kirssten for her failures. Bernadette had the Bobbies the sorority club, she should of been staisfied with that, no she had to have it all to where it was all or nothing, ended up nothing. She s to sick to change, her mind is to sick and twisted. Her sisters are twisted also defending her, how can they defend her let alone have something to do with her. She made her own bed and the consequences at her trial was her choice s she made. You make choices you deal with the consequences, if she acted sensible Kirsten wouldn't of rejected her, from what I gathered Kirsten liked most people and was kind and had a good heart. She was a get along girl and all American girl from what I read. Like Karen Severson she blamed the guy who liked Missy for her murder and the town blamed him, she s as sick as Bernadette and twisted, so is Laura Doyle. Eva her brothers suicide drove her to confess. If her brother didn't commit suicide would she of ever told and that guy would still be getting the blame to. Well same for Nancy with Bernadette, you got twisted and sick people out there, and let jealousy take things over. These girls are as bad as Susan Smith, Andrea Yates and Charles Manson and Bin Laden. They're killers. No excuse for murder unless,it's self defense. They all should be hung or fried.

At March 6, 2016 at 9:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for punching yes if you're getting bullied fight and punch not murder. That wasn't the case with Bernadette only rejection, her case she should of stayed out of Kirsten's way and she d forget it like that other friend told her in the movie. Bernadette couldn't leave her alone, Kirsten knew she wasn't all there she didn't know she was weird.

At March 7, 2016 at 5:39 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"Her sisters are twisted also defending her, how can they defend her"

I don't know. Perhaps you should ask Virginia the next time she posts on this blog.

"if she acted sensible Kirsten wouldn't of rejected her"

What do you mean? It's possible she just wouldn't have liked her which she was entitled to do. You can't be on friendly terms with everyone and that's okay. I got the impression that Bernadette wasn't interested in Kirsten's friendship, but in social climbing. Perhaps Kirsten sensed that. Anyway, it doesn't make sense that Bernadette wanted to be friends with someone she said was "mean" to her.

"Well same for Nancy with Bernadette, you got twisted and sick people out there, and let jealousy take things over"

Nancy? Nancy was a victim too.

At March 7, 2016 at 5:44 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"she should of stayed out of Kirsten's way and she d forget it"

Yes, she should have.

"Kirsten knew she wasn't all there"

Really? How do you know? If Kirsten "knew Bernadette wasn't all there" she logically wouldn't have gotten into the car with her.

At March 8, 2016 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well popular girls struggle to, they're the one s people not only look up to, but expect the most from. Cheerleading you have to keep your grades up,on an average basis and study harder, and you represent your school so your charector has to be morally high, and they always go to you for approval which is good. If a cheerleader messes up like gets pregnant, she is asked to be removed from the squad and not allowed to cheerlead ever again in some schools and people like whoop good girl gone bad. Stuff like that you struggle like keeping up a reputation. Kirsten NAND Bernadette being in the same club and Kirsten thought it was a surprise dinner and Bernadette was sent to pick her up, and figured Bernadette was harmless even though she isn't all together, didn't know how weird she really was. After she called her a weirdo Bernadette flipped out according to articles and afraid she d expose her weirdness to others. I do believe it was planned and she begged Kirsten for popularity , and begged for friendship and Kirsten freaked out. Bernadette she supposedly dated that year maybe a guy on the Miramonte team, or Kirsten's old boyfriend. Not sure if that is all fabricated also. Not saying she didn't, she could have, she had a complex boys didn't like her then she dates someone. We will never know.

At March 8, 2016 at 3:04 PM , Blogger Get over the past and move on. said...

She did have a boyfriend, Bernadette feels remorse, and she asked for the lords forgiveness. Not upholding what Shen did she was guilty she wishes it d never happened many times. She was bullied really. Not just Kirsten others at the other school is why she left. I have a friend in San Francisco that knew about the case it's for real. San Francisco is close to where Bernadete grew up. She didn't know Bernadette personally she heared of her through the papers and word was around there she was a troubled girl with a troubled,past. ,Bullying was some of it.

At March 8, 2016 at 6:27 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"I do believe it was planned and she begged Kirsten for popularity , and begged for friendship and Kirsten freaked out"

I don't know. Maybe she told her how much she admired her and wanted to be her friend which may have been misinterpreted as something sexual. Maybe.

I really don't care if Bernadette dated. The rest of your comment is a bit silly.

At March 8, 2016 at 6:32 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

What's the obsession with Bernadette having a boyfriend?

"She was bullied really. Not just Kirsten others at the other school is why she left"

What are you talking about? What other school?

"I have a friend in San Francisco that knew about the case it's for real"

Are you "for real"? Of course this case is real.

"she was a troubled girl with a troubled,past"


At March 8, 2016 at 9:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were not the least bit interested on Bernadette s bullying , we could careless, she s a sociopath. She ain't had it near as bad as some kids, ever see Homeless to Harvard. Liz Murray had it 10 times more rougher than Bernadette did, she overcame tremendous odds and went to Harvard. So stop sympathizing Bernadette s bullying it's nothing and she was in the Bobbies so that don't sound like she did to bad. Bernadette wanted more and was going to get it at any cost. She also let in comet people take the blame, only reason why she s sorry if cause she got caught. If the FBI was t on her I doubt she d confess, FBI knew her stories didn't check out, and also knew she had the Orange Pinto. So he put 2 and 2 together. Bernadette knew it was a matter of time before they'd figure out, and she d been apprehended. If she hadn't got caught, Nancy and another girl would probaly still be getting the blame. You think that's fair to them? No I don't. That's why people are getting mad at you for defending her. They don't want you on here defending her no one does. See it from our stand point not yours and hers. I'm not trying to be rude, whoever you are, we don't want you on here if you're going o tell us about Her troubled life, we d assume you go on another site.

At March 9, 2016 at 2:45 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I agree that Bernadette appeared to want more. I don't understand why Bernadette wasn't suspected by other bobbie members. They knew Kirsten was lured out of her house to a fake bobbies dinner by an alleged bobbie. The description of the girl was a chunky dishevelled stringy haired blonde with an old pinto. Even though Bernadette didn't have a violent reputation, surely it crossed someone's mind that it might have been Bernadette due to the description. So odd she got away with it for as long as she did.

At March 9, 2016 at 2:47 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

They also knew the color of the pinto which surely wouldn't have been a popular color as it was unusual.

At March 9, 2016 at 3:18 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Anonymous, did Bernadette actually say that she was "sent to pick Kirsten up for the dinner"? I thought Kirsten knew there was no dinner before she got into the car?

At March 10, 2016 at 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I think she did, movie said she didn't know on I'd channel deadly women said Kirsten was about to find out there isn't going to be any party. There's articles on this site under alarums Moraga residents still horrified 30 years later and still mourn over her dearh, well one of Kirsten's friends mom said her daughter suspected Bernadette all along she was acting weird, and her car matched the description, and that summer Bernadette went swimming and they discussed the murder how awful a person could be, Bernadette was quiet the whole time. She told her mom she felt it was Bernadette the mom said don't say that Berrnadette was wanting editor of yearbook. She may of informed the police, not sure, but she suspected Bernadete. Myou can see the article under Lapuma residents still haunted over girls death. Tells a great article about it.

At March 11, 2016 at 1:37 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I read that article. It was good. The daughter had "a feeling" and she was right. I thought I read that Kirsten at least had some suspicion there was no dinner before getting into Bernadette's car.

At April 20, 2016 at 7:09 PM , Blogger K said...

Yes, she does feel remorse. If she could take it back she would. Maybe she was bullied. By the time you're 15 years old, pretty much everyone has been bullied. Yes, she was troubled. What makes you think she attended multiple schools?
The sad thing is, what's done is done. It can't be taken undone and there are no winners

At April 21, 2016 at 8:17 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi K.
I'm not convinced. It’s possible that she can still block it out of her mind. If she could do it then, I'm sure she can do it now. I think “multiple schools” refers to elementary, middle and high school. This wasn’t a bullying issue. I don't mean to be insensitive, but I think it’s pathetic that one comment about ski equipment is interpreted as bullying. There is a strong sense of premeditation about this case.

I don't know about that. Bernadette's meagre "jail" term after viscously murdering Kristen, having her records sealed, changing her name and being able to get an education suggests she didn't come out of this tragedy too badly. It could have been so much worse for her and should have been, imo.

At April 21, 2016 at 9:18 PM , Blogger K said...

I agree that she could have continued to block it out, to a certain extent, but now that everyone knows, she can't. Doesn't mean she has to deal with it but she can't block it out anymore. She was receiving counciling for more than just bullying. And you're right, when it comes to Kirsten's death, bullying was not a factor. I think I already know what the counciling was about but I'd give anything to read those files!

At April 22, 2016 at 11:38 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hello K.
I doubt that everyone knows in her community. I'm sure she can live quite happily in anonymity. I don't google people I meet, so I assume most people can't be bothered to do so either, unless your child is going to a friend's house of an unfamiliar parent. I thought counselling was due feelings of despondency.

At April 30, 2016 at 11:26 AM , Blogger send jeannette back to prison said...

Right!!!! If kirsten knew then how come she jumped out of the car and fled to à neighbors house nearby

At May 1, 2016 at 3:38 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have wondered what kind of counseling Bernadette was getting before the murder.

At May 2, 2016 at 12:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 2, 2016 at 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 2, 2016 at 1:47 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

El caballero- she must of had some real issues. From what I gathered her parents were not really "with it". Back then I do not remember counseling being something kids just went to unless there was a real problem.

At May 2, 2016 at 2:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 2, 2016 at 5:41 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

El caballero,

If you've never spoken to Bernadette, how do you know she only got counselling from a priest?

I'm not trying to be rude and really appreciate your input, but you remind me of someone who used to post under different names pretending she knew Kirsten, and wrote fantasy stories about what she remembered about Kirsten at Miramonte.

I know this is a lot to ask, but can you prove it?

At May 2, 2016 at 7:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 2, 2016 at 7:31 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"You can be as rude as you want. That's why we are here"

No, it's not why people are here.

"A mecca for passive aggressive behavior"

Do you think so? It's generally very civilised

"Ask anything you want"

What's your name?

At May 2, 2016 at 8:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 2, 2016 at 9:18 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Your real name, please.

At May 2, 2016 at 9:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 2, 2016 at 9:48 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

So "El caballero" is your first and second name?

At May 2, 2016 at 9:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 2, 2016 at 9:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 2, 2016 at 9:54 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"I have a PHD in Orinda"

Yes, your PHD is in bullshitting from the bullshitting University of Bullshit.

At May 2, 2016 at 9:57 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

A small blog would not a make a difference to a reunion.

At May 3, 2016 at 12:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 3, 2016 at 12:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 3, 2016 at 12:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 3, 2016 at 1:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 3, 2016 at 7:55 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Stop with the repetitive posts "sweetie/get over the past/el caballero/SD". You are pathetic beyond comprehension. Stop trying to derail this thread with your fantasies.

At May 3, 2016 at 10:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol. Funny. Are you a jimi hendrix fan?

At May 3, 2016 at 11:10 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

You know what else is "funny", you post comments around the same as the nonsensical "Anonymous". I got an email notification about one of your comments a short while ago, but it's gone now.

I know you are not who you say you are. What's your problem and what are you trying to achieve here?

At May 3, 2016 at 12:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when she was doing a solo cheer in the quad I think it was a some sort of initiation for the bobbies then she gave a varsity basketball player a hug. I yelled out hey what are you doing and she told me to shut up. It was funny because she's cute

At May 3, 2016 at 6:26 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I know who you are. You are either making stuff up, getting information from someone who went to Miramonte, or making stuff up and getting information from someone that went to Miramonte. Are you aware that you left your real name and picture on a different blog site? It was pointed out to me by another individual that you have a "friend" that not only went to Miramonte, but was in the same class as Kirsten. You are caught out so give up this nonsensical ruse.

At May 4, 2016 at 7:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont feel sorry for. Bernadette. Shes only remorseful cause she got apprehended. She allowed 2 girls to take the blame and didnt bat an eye.

At May 4, 2016 at 7:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You dont know. Bernadette or Kirsten anymore than I know Donald Trump.

At May 4, 2016 at 10:01 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Are you responding to yourself now? I can recall you doing that on a different blog- the one with your real name and picture.

At May 6, 2016 at 10:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really do you all know Bernadette personally or the whole entire story. What makes ypu think I write to myself?

At May 6, 2016 at 11:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are ypu still discussing and rehashing a 30 year old crime? Its over done with Bernadette s doing well leave her to do well. Im not defending her, sorry for the Costases, but leave it alone from Lori Slocum Brittany to Purple Haze, why wait 30 years later to out someone who has tried to rebuild thier life, and found. God and, regrets what she did, I know it wont bring. Kirsten back, and. Im sure Bernadette already knows its to late for Kirsten and her family, but she wabts to rebuikd her life and she has suffeted persecution enpugh and thise who want to know about the trial and tge petsecution, why is it so important to ypu? As for her okd boyfriend and guy who came to see her whats with all that, and her wanting to go to her 30 year reunion why? It d be best to let it go and go on. She did a terrible thung, yeah, look at Casey Anthony tge. Orlando case she got off scott free, where, Bernadette did her tine

At May 6, 2016 at 11:59 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Anonymous/Stephanie Durney/Mystical delusion/El Caballero/Miranda/sweetie/get over the past,

I have already answered your above question many times when you were posing as "sweetie" and "getoverthepast". Go back to supporting Bernadette on her FB, or start an appreciation thread for her.

Have some dignity and stop your trolling under your many guises asking your many, many repetitive questions.

You are a grown woman and it's quite unfortunate for you that you seem to derive pleasure out of pretending to be many people in order to derail a thread.

Stephanie, stop this now and move on. Stop it.

At May 6, 2016 at 12:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 6, 2016 at 12:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 6, 2016 at 1:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 6, 2016 at 1:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 6, 2016 at 1:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And for the record that girl that portrayed Nancy's character in that lame movie to die for didn't do Nancy any justice. That actors face looks like my ass. Kristen Stewart would be a perfect actor to portray Nancy's character

At May 6, 2016 at 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

El gwapo, you know Nancy personally? Did you know the otget gal blamed, as well. There were 2 one was punk rich style, other was goth. Who was homecoming queen in tge photo s on the Mirmonte page? Bernadette was as popular as Nancy till they found out she was the killer. Give us a huge input on that story we d love to hear it. Homecoming queen was it Diane McDonald or Stacy Bennett are they in the elected royalties? Thanks give us some input.

At May 6, 2016 at 3:09 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

There is no need to refer to anyone's face as an ass. Seriously...where are you getting this information? It's seems a bit too detailed to be a concoction of someone's imagination.

This is highly irrelevant and insignificant, but as a person who also has Irish heritage, I wondered if Kane was a diminutive of the Irish surname "Keane". You've answered that I guess.

At May 6, 2016 at 3:16 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I thought a reason why Nancy was blamed for the murder was because it was well established that Kirsten and Nancy despised each other, and engaged in public spats with each other at school.

At May 6, 2016 at 3:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

El Gwapo. I believe you, come and give us on the input I suggested earlier. Nancy and I think Joanna was the other girl blamed, what was she like? I doubt she was popular like Nancy, Diane, Stacy, Kirsten or even. Bernadette. Homecoming queen would of been. Kirsten senior year.

At May 6, 2016 at 5:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 6, 2016 at 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the input. So Carolyn was one of Kirstens friends, is. Stacy. Bennett or Diane Macdonald in the years elected rotalty? I doubt Nancy got bullied much, she was from a rich family and had fit in, and didnt return to. Miramontevthat year, and Joanna finally dropped out, you attend. Bernadette s trial? I hear all of Orinda and Miramonte attended, and in the movie her best friend Jill, one of. Kirstens friends went to ger, and said why are ypu here this os for Stacy"Kirstens friends. Did that happen in real life? Movies exagerrate things
Bernadette dsted to after she became a Bobbie but that was short lived, and wjen he found out she killed Kirsten. je was against her, and je was at the trial, and Kirstens boyfriend, he was thete and he and otgets jeered at Bernadette. Thanks so much, and tell us more. We d love to know all tge above questions. Take Care El Gwapo. Bernadette became like Joanna at the end, and during her sentencing. Stacy and Diane were in the elected royalties I bet, I read on them and. Joanna didnt have money she was more line Monica in the movie.

At May 6, 2016 at 7:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remeber Protti Private Bernadette s sister El Pwapo. Hear about that?

At May 6, 2016 at 7:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 6, 2016 at 7:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was pretty, it was probaly mostly Orinda parents and students that went to. Bernadette s trial to humiliate her, I doubt they could harrass her in court, they d get arrested but they humiliated her probaly students. Diane McDonald and. Stacy Bennett were probaly in the moramonte photo of this years elected royalty. The movie maybe they played the part of Kirsten s friends one dark haired blonde hair and one curly haired stocky gal was a friend. Bernadette got Kirsetens place for awhile and. Kirstens boyfriend one said and another said he never lined Bernadette and neither did Kirsten the movie was great, but how accurate was it?

At May 7, 2016 at 12:48 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Anonymous..stop naming Kirsten's friends. There is no need to use their full name. Call them "x" or "y" or something.

At May 7, 2016 at 11:56 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 7, 2016 at 12:00 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I don't know why you deleted your posts. I knew you were going to that, so I copied and pasted.

El gwapo said.............

Nancy was blamed because of a over bearing country club pretentious mother of a water polo john Kennedy looking son named Steve. Steve and Nancy were an item in 8th grade and the mother caught them fooling around so Stevens mom hated Nancy for that so when Kirsten was killed she spread the false rumors about Nancy because Kirsten liked Steve too and Stevens mom thought nancy killed Kirsten over her precious son

At May 6, 2016 at 12:56 PM , El gwapo said...
to be fair Stevens mom did a great job raising her sons they never got in trouble or did drugs. A lot of people were jelous of that family and they always responded with a smile that says there superior they never showed anger and are very successful today

At May 6, 2016 at 1:04 PM , El gwapo said...
To be fair to Nancy. Nancy was a very pretty Irish girl who went out with whoever she wanted
she was in charge and never got dumped she always broke it off. She also never discriminated against any race if she liked him she would go for it. A strong women even in her early teens

At May 6, 2016 at 1:33 PM , El gwapo said...
And for the record that girl that portrayed Nancy's character in that lame movie to die for didn't do Nancy any justice. That actors face looks like my ass. Kristen Stewart would be a perfect actor to portray Nancy's character

At May 7, 2016 at 4:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

El. Gwampo I dony doubt you went to. Miamonte, were interested in tge Bernadette Protti case. I hooe she was humiliated at her trial and Orinda and. Miramonte students were there. Im sure Bernadette knew they were against her I hear atudenta got mad at tge verdict with her there in tge court room. Also Bernadettes friend go on her behalf, and Kirstens friends balled her out. She probaly had to leave. Mitamonte also, tge heat was probaly to much for her to. Was the movie accurate? I believe the goth girl in the movie they blamed and hatrassed was Joanna and tge girl who went sking and tgey readbher diarh was. Nancy. They combined those 2. Bernie s best friendbin the movie was Kristin. Johnson. I bet. Tell us more nothing to hide I enjoy hearing from you.

At May 7, 2016 at 4:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

El. Gwapo, why did you delete you comments? Is this some joke about knowing these people for pubilicitg. No one knows your name, and if this is accurate what are you hiding from?

At May 7, 2016 at 5:14 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Oh, I see you're still typing your comments with your feet. I don't always review my comments and have often made mistakes, but you are just taking the piss with your constant gobbledygook.

At May 7, 2016 at 5:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At May 7, 2016 at 6:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a site that discusses the case, so why are you here, Stephanie? Why do you write under different names? Why did you create a Facebook page "exposing" Bernadette? Your state of mind is quite interesting to observe.

At May 7, 2016 at 6:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not Stephanie its so so lame discussing this and rehashing. GET A LIFE FOLKS LET IT GO. ABOUT NANCY ALSO. Its already done and over with.

At May 7, 2016 at 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can detect your crap a mile away, Stephanie. "Get a life", "let it go", "rehashing" are phrases you used to use under "getoverthepast". As I said above, this is a blog to discuss the case. Are you really in a position to tell someone else to get a life when you have written comments under many aliases on this bog either supporting Bernadette, supporting Kirsten, pretending to have known Kirsten, pretending to be Bernadette, insulting Bernadette, pretending to have known Bernadette, pretending to be different American women. As I said above, your state of mind is interesting to observe.

If you nothing of nothing of use to add, why do you continually come here? Do you get some sort of thrill from trolling this blog? I counted my email notifications and you have written up to 40 comments in the last few days.

At May 7, 2016 at 7:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephanie, you would be a psychologist's wet dream.

At May 8, 2016 at 10:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why this outing Bernadette all thr time. she paid more than enough. She s been publically humiliated since her attesy and trial bevan. anx you all found her identity and harrass her on herblogs she paid more than emouhh. Youre destroying her kids lifemore
Im not defending her she is a murderer shes wamting to lixe a normal life now.

At May 8, 2016 at 10:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its fine to disciss her case but outong her amd harrassing her is another thong

At May 8, 2016 at 3:25 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Stephanie, do you read comments before responding to them? You continue to ask the same questions again and again and again.

People can discuss this case if they wish and you don't get to dictate to people what they can and can't do.

What is this "outing" nonsense you continue to spout. As I've answered many times, Bernadette's identity was available on the internet before this blog.

The only person that appears to be harassing Bernadette on her FB page is you. You have also created two FB accounts to harass her. You are even pretending to be Bernadette on one of the FB accounts.
I've never come across anyone quite like you on the internet, Stephanie.

At May 8, 2016 at 10:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 8, 2016 at 10:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 10, 2016 at 1:41 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Bernadette / Jeannette must love th negative attention. If not, she would not be all over social media. I know I keep going back to this point. If someone wants to disappear and live a normal life, they are not deleting negative comments on many social media sites.

At May 11, 2016 at 11:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elgawpo were yojbyhere at. Bernadettes trial and there. Miramonte students outing her back then I hear Miramon t e and. Orinda oacked her trial humiliating her and. Kirstens friends tell us mote about it and. Kitstens boyfriend was there jeering het to.

At May 11, 2016 at 11:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you daye. Kirsten also.

At May 11, 2016 at 3:02 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I agree, Kmaham.

" If someone wants to disappear and live a normal life, they are not deleting negative comments on many social media sites"

She is just attracting negative attention to herself and encouraging suspicion.

At May 11, 2016 at 3:08 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


Diu yow finx et annuyn wen yox haft te fegurs owt whoot anobher pirsob as wretriung? Whaz is yorb ubsessin witx Bernadette's treel aud hir beung humilertid?

At May 11, 2016 at 5:23 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- I am dying laughing right now! Your last post is hilarious!

At May 11, 2016 at 6:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Stephanie, Mystical delusion,and. Purple Haze. What is any of ypur obsession with. Bernadette period. She us off living her own life, and. I doubt she obsesses over you guys, so please just give it all up.

At May 11, 2016 at 6:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The. Costas family needs peace and closure as well, but. Bernadette does have a family, yhink about her kids, they are innocent parties in this. I hope they never find out, if. Bernadette is doing well leave her alone, justice will prevail, if not hete another life as. God is her judge. Ever thought Bernadette has severe remorse and regret, and cant changd what she did, and would give anything to take time backward s and do things differently. What she did was unforgiving and horrible and so sorry for the Costas family, but hatred wont solve a thing. Sincerely, a student in the 80 s who knows more about this than you all do. Bernadette wad yhe nicest girl at Miramonte who just wanted accepted by the in crowd, and was for awhile but wanted to be more, she tried to be the best and wanted to succeed and she went about it all wrong. Murder was very tragic, and she went way put of line to do thaf, but she never put anyone down, abd was kind to everyone. You dont know what she ead before that.

At May 12, 2016 at 12:31 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous- I am just finding out about this case. Why, why, why does she keep these social media sites open and going if she wants to live a normal life. I can't get past this.

At May 12, 2016 at 6:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's worth noting she did not start the social sites until she was outed, probably as a way to sow confusion about her identity and influence search results. She was apparently quietly living a "normal life" until then.

At May 12, 2016 at 9:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shes been outed since they found our she was the one who murdered Kirsten and let 2 innocent girls take the blame, didnt bat one eye. she only confessed cause they were closing in on her. I dont want to hear about her trial, and who was all there and against her, and its past, not to. Kirsten s family. To late to be remorseful now, won't bring Kirsten back. Do you have kids? If so, how would you like to hear it's in the past? I lost a son ro a train accident I dont went to hear it's in the past or Ill go off on you. I have a son and daughter left the other was ran over in 2007 of. July, I seeked counseling and had nervous breakdowns over it. I know what Mrs and. Mr. Costas went through. There son. Peter is married with a girl. I read it.

At May 12, 2016 at 1:21 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Kmaham,

I thought if I also wrote an incoherent comment it would encourage her to take some time to write her comments properly, but it didn't make a bit of difference as you can see from the comments below yours.

At May 12, 2016 at 1:40 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"Anonymous" May 11, 6:09pm/6:22pm

“Anonymous, Stephanie, Mystical delusion,and. Purple Haze. What is any of ypur obsession with. Bernadette period. She us off living her own life, and. I doubt she obsesses over you guys, so please just give it all up”


People discuss this case in an attempt to try and make sense of such a senseless, savage and tragic crime. The questions this case raises: why was Bernadette’s alibi not checked out? Why did Bernadette get away with it for as long as she did considering the very clear description of the murderer? What induced Bernadette’s murderous rage? Did she exhibit signs of being dangerous and unhinged before the murder? Can analysing this crime help people to detect dangerous signs in others?...amongst many other questions.

“I doubt she obsesses over you guys”
Well, that goes without saying, Stephanie.

“so please just give it all up”

As I have written many, many times to you under your different pseudonyms, this a blog that discusses the case and you don’t get to dictate what people should or shouldn't do and it’s rather insolent of you to attempt to do so.

“ Bernadette does have a family, yhink about her kids, they are innocent parties in this. I hope they never find out, if. Bernadette is doing well leave her alone, justice will prevail, if not hete another life as”

If you cared about Bernadette or her children, you wouldn't have created two FB pages with the explicit purpose of taunting Bernadette.

“Justice will prevail”

Do you know something other people don’t?

“Ever thought Bernadette has severe remorse and regret, and cant changd what she did, and would give anything to take time backward s and do things differently”

Is that right? How do you know?

“What she did was unforgiving and horrible and so sorry for the Costas family, but hatred wont solve a thing”

Who is sorry for the Costases? You or Bernadette? What has given you the false impression that I hate her? Hating Bernadette will do nothing to Bernadette, so I wouldn't waste my energy.

“Sincerely, a student in the 80 s who knows more about this than you all do”

Are you pretending to be a Miramonte student again?

“Bernadette wad yhe nicest girl at Miramonte who just wanted accepted by the in crowd, and was for awhile but wanted to be more”

She just so badly wanted to be accepted that she only committed a heinous murder is all…

“She went about it all wrong”

Your astute insight is enviable.

“Murder was very tragic, and she went way put of line to do thaf, but she never put anyone down, abd was kind to everyone. You dont know what she ead before that”

Why should I care about what she was apparently like before the murder? Are you suggesting that people should be sympathetic towards her, or diminish the seriousness of her crime because she was supposedly a “nice” person before the murder? Nice people don’t murder others by attacking them from behind and inflicting them with two foot wounds.

At May 12, 2016 at 1:42 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Anonymoys, May 12

That's exactly why she created her social media sites,imo.

At May 12, 2016 at 2:59 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous- I am sorry to read about your son. That is something you will never get over. I have not lost a child. I know many people who have. They are still devastated by it.

At May 12, 2016 at 3:13 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- I agree with your comments to anonymous. I find this case interesting, tragic, horrific, eye opening etc. I have learned a lot through discussing it. The Protti family and their amount of involvement and knowledge is something we could discuss over and over. Not to mention the last few years. From the movie, I got the impression Kirsten was a snob. I have learned she was not.

At May 13, 2016 at 2:01 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Kmaham,

"The Protti family and their amount of involvement and knowledge is something we could discuss over and over"

I agree. The case really wasn't thoroughly investigated at all.

"From the movie, I got the impression Kirsten was a snob. I have learned she was not"

The movie is based on the very scathing and one sided Randall Sullivan article. Did you read it? Kirsten was a teenage girl wit teenage girl faults. It's not unusual that she may have been perceived as negative by some and nice by others. We all have our supporters and detractors, no matter who we are.

At May 13, 2016 at 2:37 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have not read it. I will google it. The movie does seem to be one sided. Poor Bernadette was so needy and was treated so badly. Even the actresses they used were so wrong. Just from the pictures I have seen, the casting department should have switched the actresses. From the pictures, Kirsten looks very tiny and Bernadette looks taller and blonde. That is just my opinion.

At May 13, 2016 at 3:16 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I agree, Kamahan,

If the actresses were switched, the murder scene would have been so much more horrific with the Tori spelling character towering over and lunging at petite Kelli Martin, which would have corroborated with the real murder scene.

The article was sent to me and I can email it to you if you want.

Let me know when you will be on the blog and your time zone and I will post my alternative email so you don't have to reveal your email on this blog.

At May 13, 2016 at 7:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you.Purple Haze, you dont expect to bury your children, you expect them to take care of you as you get older, and them to bury you. I can identify to the Costas family,and never forgive Bernadette for all the grief and trouble she caused the Costas s. I cant understand people defending her, they obviously didnt have kids or if so, they.were like Susan Smith and. Andrea Yates,or unfit patents who gave up thier children for drugs.

At May 13, 2016 at 7:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kirsten was one month shy of her 16th Birthday a very important Birthday to a teenager, Kirstens family probaly had big plans for her, and Bernadette robbed them of that and thier daughter. Losing a child is the worst trust me, lost parents and a brother but my Sons was the worst, still haunts me today, had reoccurring nightmares over it. I did once experience he came to me and told me he was better than ever. God has him I know. People told me hope he s not in Hell, I cursed the lady well 2 years later her Son committed suicide I said hope he s not on. Hell suicide s a sin my Son was drunk on the tracks. So cant understand why people uphold Bernadette as far as Im concerned she needed life without parole. Mrs Costas and husband and Son wont forgive her, I understand that and dont blame them. Drug dealers get more time people ask for drugs, who asks to be murdered or even raped.

At May 14, 2016 at 2:03 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- just looking at the photo they use for the movie makes you think Kirsten was a big old bully. From the pictures I have seen, she looks tiny with dark hair. And of course Bernadette looks taller and blonde. Was that intentional to try and justify the murder? I feel like the movie was sending the wrong message. I would love to see a remake of this movie. The right casting of the girls, parents and facts. I am someone who knew nothing of this case. If I had not found this blog and just saw the movie, I would thought Kirsten was a big blonde bully. I would have pictured Bernadette as a tiny, sweet, victim. I would also love to see what detectives would say today with the technology they have now. I am not sure when I will be on this weekend. We will be with family. Is there a way you could send it through a private message on FB? I live on the east coast. I am sure anyone can google and find me like our friend did.

At May 14, 2016 at 11:51 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Kmaham,

Yes, Kirsten appears to have been below average height (avg height for a western white woman is suggested to be 5'5). I have conversed with someone who has met Bernadette and he told me Bernadette was about 5'9. She towered over Kirsten.

"Was that intentional to try and justify the murder?"

Yes, I think it was. It was also to elicit sympathy for Bernadette and portray her as the lost little self conscious lamb who just wanted to fit in. The movie absolutely does send the wrong message and I think Randall Sullivan is quite reprehensible amongst many other things to vilify a murdered child.

"I would love to see a remake of this movie. The right casting of the girls, parents and facts"

That would be great if it did happen.

" Is there a way you could send it through a private message on FB? I live on the east coast"

I'm not on FB anymore. I don’t think I could send it over FB anyway because it’s over 12 pages long.
You don’t need to reveal any info on the blog. I will leave an email address and you can contact me if you wish and I’ll send you the article via an attachment. I asked about your time zone because I want to know when to leave the email address as I don’t want to leave it on this blog for long for obvious reasons.

Let me know when you will be on the blog again and we can figure something out.

Have a great weekend.

At May 14, 2016 at 11:52 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


It was Kmaham who sent you the comment.

Sorry for your loss.

At May 14, 2016 at 7:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Purple Haze. Someday someone will come on this site and tell us exactly what went down exactly, Im sure Kirstens friends get on these sights. Wouldnt trust Virginia Protti she d turn it all around and make Kirsten the bully or wouldn't trust Bernadettes comments.

At May 14, 2016 at 8:10 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


Only two people know what went down that night.

At May 15, 2016 at 3:17 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I agree that only 2 people know. I would bet the surviving person has yet to tell the whole truth. Not even to her family.

At May 15, 2016 at 7:38 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I agree, Kmaham. If she was the upstanding Catholic she attempts to portray herself as, she would come clean about everything.

At May 16, 2016 at 5:23 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- many people like to portray they are religious. Maybe they feel better about themselves. Maybe they hope others will think they are better than they really are. Maybe , just maybe they will start living a better life. I really doubt many people would believe Bernadette at this point. In my opinion, she will take what happened that night to the grave. She may have even been coached. In my opinion (once again), she told just enough to make it sound like she was the victim.

At May 17, 2016 at 5:06 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Kmaham,

"I really doubt many people would believe Bernadette at this point. In my opinion, she will take what happened that night to the grave. She may have even been coached. In my opinion (once again), she told just enough to make it sound like she was the victim"

I agree. I find it sickening that people still view her as a victim. It just goes to show that many people believe what they see and read without giving it critical thought, which is so lazy.

At May 19, 2016 at 1:04 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- "lazy" is a great way to put it. I guess the family has chosen to block it out like Bernadette claims she does. I would bet Kirsten's family did not block it out. I bet for years they wondered what Kirsten's last night was like. I hope Kirsten's family did not believe the statements about the pot and Kirsten being a bully.

At May 19, 2016 at 7:02 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Kmaham,

I'm sure imagining Kirsten's last night was gut wrenching agony. Something like that would understandably drive a parent insane with grief and anguish. When Kirsten's family and friends heard Bernadette state on her taped confession that Kirsten wanted to smoke pot, there was a shocked gasp in the court room. No, her family and friends didn't believe Bernadette’s account.

At May 22, 2016 at 4:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- I do not believe for one minute that Kirsten was on drugs or smoking pot. I think things might not have happened the way it did if she was high. I don't think she would have been so freaked out by Bernadette.

At May 23, 2016 at 1:03 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Kmaham,

I think she would have been more vulnerable if she was high. As someone else stated, if she was stoned she wouldn't have been able to get away from Bernadette to the neighbor's house. I think if she didn't get away when she did, Bernadette would have continued to stab her.

Kirsten's parents have been through such a horrific ordeal. Not only did they lose they only daughter and eldest child to murder, but their child was also lied about in court (pot, cocaine), she was vilified in a rolling stone article read by people around the country, vilified in a movie that has been shown around the world and will continue to be vilified by the movie as long as it is available to be watched. It's horrendous, cruel and sickening what she, her parents and brother have been through.

At May 23, 2016 at 1:30 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- I was thinking Kirsten (if high) might not have been so freaked out by Bernadette. More mellow, maybe would have let some things she heard go. It makes me sick how the poor victim in almost every case you hear about is blamed. Like I have said before, if you just watched the movie, you would feel sorry for poor Bernadette. All she wanted was to be popular. Oh boo-hoo! Follow that up with the Rolling Stone article and you are pulling for Bernadette. Makes me sick. There will always be those people who will defend the killer. Those who will think the killer was provoked or maybe just "lost it". Those people we need to fear. They may be on a jury one day and may let a killer go.

At May 23, 2016 at 7:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, I was a Miramonte student in 1986 graduated I never saw. Kirsten bully anyone. She was always sweet and kind, talked to all social groups such as jocks, popular kids esp cheerleader and Bob o links, geeks and nerds. She was nice to people nobody liked even. There was one girl np one liked, not. Nancy or. Joanna, another and. Kirsten tried to help her she was pitiful didnt have moce clothes skinny and. Kirsten felt bad for her. She was alot like. Sue Snell in the movie. Carrie. Kirsten was favored Sue to this girl was alot like. Carrie and. Kirsten wanted to help her she even wanted to take a collection up to help this girl get nice clothes and include her in her clique of girls. Dont know why she coukdnt get along with. Nancy or Joanna. This girl was lonely and didnt have stuff like others at. Miramonte came from a family that worked. They werent rich and for. Bernadette she wouldnt leave Kirsten alone just stalked her. She was even told by friends to leave her alone and not bother her so much and Bernadette just wouldnt listen. Kirsten freaked out that night thought Bernadette was gay. Back then gays werent accepted. Kirsten had a secret thatd ruin Bernadette and. Bernadette wanted to be. Kitsten. I liked Bernadette and. KJB and JG her other close friend. Bernadette tried hard to get to the top a nice quiet girl she was I remember when they were wondering who murdered Kirsten, Bernadette wasnt a suspect she was so nice and quier last one that anyone suspected. Joanna she was the top suspect she and. Nancy in fact Nancy never returned to. Miramonte that year and and Joanna dropped out for other students harrassing her. Bernadette knew those 2 were outcasted and blamed she did nothing to stop it and she confessed after tge FBI was onto her over her unverified alibi.

At May 23, 2016 at 10:14 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Kmaham,

"I was thinking Kirsten (if high) might not have been so freaked out by Bernadette. More mellow, maybe would have let some things she heard go"

Yeah, it's possible. It depends ,though. One can either be mellow, or paranoia can be induced or exacerbated. If Kirsten was stoned and freaked out, she may not have been able to get away from the car or run to her neighbor's house.

"if you just watched the movie, you would feel sorry for poor Bernadette"

It's disappointing that adults would believe something like that without engaging in critical thought and researching it.

"There will always be those people who will defend the killer. Those who will think the killer was provoked or maybe just "lost it". Those people we need to fear. They may be on a jury one day and may let a killer go"

I think those that support murderers or are fans of murderers are either mentally ill, or pathetic beyond comprehension. I agree. Some people are just ridiculously and naively pathetic. The OJ trial came to mind when I read your comment.

At May 23, 2016 at 10:25 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


Can you prove it? Otherwise it looks like you are engaging in fantasy behavior.

At May 23, 2016 at 10:43 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...


Are you confusing "Sue Snell" from the movie with Kirsten??

At May 24, 2016 at 12:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- OJ is a perfect example. I think a lot of people watch movies and take them at face value and move on. Now, I question every movie I have watched that are along the same lines.

At May 24, 2016 at 12:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous- there are no words!

At May 24, 2016 at 12:55 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Kmaham,

I agree. Every movie based on a "true story" should be taken with a grain of salt. It is an awful shame that so many people appear to take movies or articles at face value. Like I said above, it's so, so lazy.

Regarding the comment by Anonymous, I bet Kirsten also asked her prom date to take the "lonely girl" to the prom and all hell broke loose when a bucket of pig's blood dropped on "the lonely girl".

At May 24, 2016 at 1:06 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- I have googled some of the movies but not enough. I googled the cheerleader movie that was based in Texas. The one mother tried to set up a hit man to beat up her daughter's rival. I googled another about a couple who wanted to commit suicide together. There are a couple from a few years back that I looked up after I watched them. They were disturbing. I need to check a lot more out.

At May 24, 2016 at 8:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze no. Kirsten didnt ask her date to take this lonely girl to the prom, she just wanted to help her and include her in her circle so she wouldnt be so lonely. People say Kirsten was stuck up and snooty to people beneath her that is so not so. Kirsten practially liked everybody and felt sorry for others less fortunate. I was a rebel and. Kirsten always talked to me. Her friends were all nice also, I never thought of. Bernadette as ber friend, Bernadette was nice and quiet and ran with KJ her bestie most the time, and a couple girls from the Bob O Link's. Bernadette wasnt as social as Kirsten she wouldnt of gone out of her wau to help the underdog of course Bernadette didnt have the pull Kirsten had everyone liked and listened to Kirsten she was top dog. I never could figure out why she didnt like. Joanna and Nancy. Joanna was quiet but she could cuss and Nancy coukd have a mouth on h ed also. Joanna would figbt to guys and gals, but they didnt respect Joanna enough to leave her alone. This other girl was pitiful lonely backroad and quiet. So thats how Kirsten put me in mind of. Sue. Snell from. Carrie except Kirsten never teased this girl whete Sue started teasing. Carrie and felt bad. Kirsten was a all American girl who got along with evrrybody loved everybody.

At May 24, 2016 at 8:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also Purple Haze why is it so impossible for students from Miramonte home of the mats, to be on this site. Wete actually tge first to know cause we lived through it, believe what you desire to believe, we all knew before anyone.

At May 24, 2016 at 9:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You fron Oinga.Tell usbout Bernadetteztrial. Who was all tgere were you. So Kirstem nevee bullied Bernadette that w s all made up. Was tgere people at tge trial againsy Bernadette and what was her high scjool boyfrievx lije. What happemed to Nancy during tge avcusarins. Id loke to know more please.

At May 24, 2016 at 10:09 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

FGS, my quote about the prom was clearly a reference to the movie, "Carrie".

At May 24, 2016 at 10:13 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"Also Purple Haze why is it so impossible for students from Miramonte home of the mats, to be on this site"

It isn't, but you're clearly not one of them. You indulge in so much fantasy that it's difficult to believe anything you write.

At May 24, 2016 at 10:18 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Hi Kmaham,

I'm familiar with the Texas cheerleader movie. It had a ridiculously long title like: the positively true adventures of the Texas cheerleader murdering mom. Didn't the woman get a very light sentence? Crazy.

At May 24, 2016 at 11:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanna know about Bernadettes tral I wasnt there knew people whp were all I can tell you they were against Bernadette and hollared at her as she eas brougjt in and hollared life for yhe.murderess B and Nancy took heat from it before Bernadette did both were done like. Joanna was. anything else you want to know contact the family not. Kirstens ask her friends on Facebook or ask. Vorginua. Protti.Vatela or Nancy Mark Kane they can tell you a whole lot more.

At May 24, 2016 at 12:58 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

"they were against Bernadette and hollared at her as she eas brougjt in and hollared life for yhe.murderess"

Are people supposed to be surprised by that??

"anything else you want to know contact the family not. Kirstens ask her friends on Facebook"

Is that what you have been doing?

"or ask. Vorginua. Protti.Vatela or Nancy Mark Kane they can tell you a whole lot more"

Vorginua Protti Vatela? Yes, I'm sure Virginia would be very forthcoming about the trial and her sister.

Nancy should be left alone.

At May 24, 2016 at 1:32 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous - I am not meaning to be rude but it is hard to take you seriously.

At May 24, 2016 at 1:34 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Purple Haze- yes, she did get a light sentence.

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