Monday, October 19, 2015

My interview with Nancy Kane Mark

Let me start off by saying, Nancy is truly an amazing woman and soul. I reached out to her several days ago. And ever since any questions I've had for her she answered them. So thank you Nancy for giving all of us who have followed this case some answers we have been wanting to know. 

So for starters here is how Nancy describes her look at the time: "Just to set the record straight, I was not goth, I was new wave. I liked Madonna, culture club, flock of seagulls, duran duran etc bands like that. "

Do you feel like the atmosphere at Miramonte was cruel and very competitive? 

I wouldn't call Miramonte cruel but it was hard to keep up with the joneses. It was super competitive in every way. I was lucky my dad was a doctor and we had money. Middle class didn't work in Orinda. Orinda wasn't super rich but it was definitely a town where most people lived a comfortable life. I think a lot of what was going on was simple teenage angst. We are all discovering who we are or who we think we are. There were so many cliques and were not told to be nice to each other like they do in school now. Everyone played a sport or had a thing, skiing, tennis, golf. I rode horses along with another very wealthy friend. There was also The Orinda Country Club, not everyone belonged and it was super prestigious to belong. 

And how was your relationship with Kirsten? Would you describe her as "mean"?

Kirsten and I did not interact that much because I didn't like her. I don't think she liked me either. I had changed so much and had kind of a druggy dark reputation (that I created cause I thought it was cool). We had a few classes together but there was no war being waged. She was popular, chatty, cute and social. That whole scene bored me. I just rejected it which wasn't normal for an Orinda girl. 
We were all mean at some point. So yes she was mean and snotty and thought she was better than other people. We were taught to be that way, conceited. I thought I was better than them. Bernadette was just beaten down, couldn't catch up from the beginning. I think her trying to be somebody she wasn't is why Kirsten gave her such a hard time. 

Have you seen the movie based on the case? If so do you think it got it right?

A friend to die for? I have seen it many times. Its pretty accurate except for my portrayal and Kirsten's. A little over done.

We're you shocked that Bernadette admitted to it? Did she seem like she was ever about to explode? Was she really bullied?

Yes I was shocked and mad. We had gone through Catechism together the whole time I was being blamed. She never appeared any different. I wasn't allowed to come back to Miramonte that year so I don't know how she acted at school. Everyone was bullied by someone, thats how life is.

Do you still talk to any old classmates? And was kirsten mean to everybody?

I only catch up with people through Facebook so not a lot of contact with anybody I went to school with. I don't think Kirsten was mean as much as she was cocky. She just had a lot of self esteem, some kids are like that. She did well in everything she tried. She wasn't mean to everybody. 

What's the main thing people get wrong about you? 

That I could really kill someone

Do you think the punishment Bernadette received fit the crime? 

Not really, She got a college education and was completely protected while she was in custody. Then she escapes off to a new life


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At January 5, 2020 at 4:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kirsten was Stuck Up, but no Bully by any means. No call for Murder. I read Articles on her being a Snob, but no Bully.

At January 5, 2020 at 8:29 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

1. I don't hate English people.

2. I don't know what the National Rifle Association (NRA) has to do with anything,

At January 5, 2020 at 11:26 PM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Karen, I wouldn't worry about it. I was directing my Comment to the Person who wrote it. It's Pety. I don't know who wrote it, but it was very Innapropiate. This is to discuss Kirsten, I wanted that Person to know. So sad a life was taken so soon over "Jealously" had nothing to do with how she treated Bernadette. Ever watch Deadly Women episode "Deadly Delinquents", one has Kelly Fuller where she stabbed 15 year old Jessica Lange to death over her boyfriend. Jealousy was the Motive there also, her former boyfriend spotted she was (Unstable), and wanted to break it off. She blamed Jessica Lange and Butchered her 47 times, stating Jessica was throwing it in her face about her boyfriend. So if so, no reason to Murder. Kelly Fuller was Psychotic also. Another one Christine Paillio and her BF killed 4 people. 2 of the people were Popular girls in Texas who befriended her when she was Bullied all her life over Hairloss, they got her even Elected Ms Irrisistable from Classmates, her luck turned around. Her BF played on her Insecurities. And the last one is 2 girls from West Virginia who Murdered thier best friend and took her to the Pennsylvania line. Thats in my area almost, I live in Indiana. Thats another Missy Availa, Karen Severson and Laura Doyle story. Kelly Fuller and Jessica Lange is another Kirsten and Bernadette. They're all Sickos and Sociopaths. I dont care what anyone writes, Bernadette to me will always be a Cold Blooded Murderer. I dont care if Kirsten was a Snob, no excuse. I don't honestly think Kirsten was near as bad as the Movie portrayed her. I think she got irritated at Bernadette for lying and called her on it. Maybe Bernadette kissed or tried to kiss her, and it (freaked her out). It would freak me out to. Most teen girls as I said before are Smart Alecky its Normal, they eventually grow out of it, if Kirsten was, she wasn't the only one, and she would of grown out of it in a few Years. I hear she was real Bubbly and a real Social Butterfly just like Jessica Lange, and those 2 girls who befriended the girl who was an Outcast that killed 4 people with her BF. That was in Clearlake Texas. They were described as Bubbly and Outgoing just like Kirsten. If you not followed those other cases I suggest you do, they're very Interesting, and to know such Psycotic people in this World.

At January 5, 2020 at 11:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen, Skylar Meece was the girl murdered by her 2 BFFS. Another Missy Avalia story. Bright Angel having trouble signing in.

At January 8, 2020 at 9:09 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I first read about Skylar Neese after her "friend's" sentencing trial and saw Kirsten's name mentioned in the comments about other victims who were murdered by a "friend". I knew about the movie, "Death of a Cheerleader," and watched it a couple of times over the years, but I didn't know the real story behind it or anything about Kirsten and Bernadette.

At January 9, 2020 at 8:34 AM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Well alot of sick folks out there. Can't believe it. You sure you're not referring to the Movie a "Killer among friends" similar to the movie "Death of a Cheerleader". I don't know the true story behind any of these people. You hear good and bad in both. I heard good and bad in Kirsten, I heard she was a Bully, then othets say she was Down to Earth. Everyone has an opinion, her Classmates for the most part described her as Outgoing, Bubbly and Vivacious. Beenadette was described as Nice, Quiet and Sweet, but Kirsten was the girl next door. I don't see her being a Bully, she wouldnt of been so well liked. People who are assuming she was a "Bully" they read the Article and "saw the Movie" and they're basing thier opinion on that. And some are going by thier own bullying experience, like some chubby girl with glasses that got made fun of, or some idiot that Stood out in Class and got made fun of, so they're assuming Kirsten was Bullying basing thier facts. Most Bullies run in a group and are not Well liked. Kirsten was to well thought of. I went to School with a group of girls who were always starting trouble and making fun of people tearing thier notecooks up and harrassing, this doesn't sound like something Kirsten did. She may of been Stuck up but most girls are to a degree. I mean she may of picked out Certain ones to be friends with. Teachers loved Kirsten. I read Articles on where Teachers loved her.

At January 9, 2020 at 11:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

People.on blogs callimg Kirsten names.esp. when they don't know her shouldn't be commenting. We all have made mistakes. Everyone has said somethig Nasty to hurt one's feelings, or done something wrong to them somehow. No one deserves to die. I don't doubt Kirsten had faults, but you accusers, did you not ever say aomething Nasty to hurt someone's feelings, or do someone Wromg? If you can go on the Ocean and walk across it without falling tell me who ypu are, so I can meet you, and follow you always. In other Words you never ever said anything unkind to anyone, or never did 1 thing Wrong, you're the one I want to meet. Im sure you said alot of Nasty stuff to hurt someone's feelings, I know girls later on say I was always therw for this person, or that person, when they were the Main one's starting Trouble. Some Videos about Kirsten calling her names, the girls that made it look like they were once Bullies and still are now. They are now for bullying a dead girl.

At January 9, 2020 at 2:00 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Kirsten was a Hottie. I would of easily wanted to date her. Bernadette a plain Jane. Saw pics of Kirsten she was beautiful. No wonder the guys were crazy about her and not Bernadette. Bernadette was ugly. I saw on Missy Avais page to she was a hottie also as pretty as Kirsten. Her killers Laura Doyle and Karen whoever were dog ugly. Bernadette looked better than those 2. Jealousy was the angle with those 2 girls who were murdered. Kirsten and Missy were beautiful. My ex oldlady looked alot like Kirsten, but alot more wilder. Dont know where shes at amymore left. The movie death of a cheer leader the girl played Kirsten Tori Spelling was hot to. So were her friends. I wouldnt care if Kirsten was stuck up I would still of wanted to date her. Thats the kind I like.

At January 9, 2020 at 2:10 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Id be alone before Id touch Bernadette. I want to live not die so young. Shes not my type shes not pretty and to unstable. On a scale of 1 to 10 Bernadette is a 3. Kirsten was an 8. 10 would be someone who looks like Ayrie Myers or Brittany Spearz. Bernadeyte is at the bottom of looks just homely.

At January 9, 2020 at 10:45 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

You are an adult calling Kirsten a "hottie"? That's the most disturbing thing you have commented to date and you have written a lot of doozies over the years.

At January 10, 2020 at 7:17 AM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Karen, ignore the Weirdos. There seems to be alot of "them" is it one Person, or possible alot of Weirdos? That was an "insane" remark from that Guy. Had no right saying that. If it is one Persom she must have Multiple Personalities, or bored with Life! Its so hard to say. Aak me the whole Scenario of this Person is very Eerrrie and Disturbing. The ones who are making Comments. Its innapropiate for one. Where is Garret been? I see innapropiate things on here all the time. Just shows how Stupid some people really are, theres lots of Morons out there, don't let them Stress you. My Philosophy is' Lifes way to short for People to be talking Nonesense all the time. In other Words, let them show thier Ignorance'. In another article on one Blog. talked about Kirsten being so Cute and Funny. She was at Camp sticking her Tomgue out at one of her Friends. She was so "full of Energy". Also some of her friends Parents didn't want them interviewed due to the fact thier Story would be taken out of Context! One was a Girl saying she was only mean to people she didn't like. They twisted alot of that around. Don't get me wrong, Im sure Kirsten had people she didn't like, but her being mean to them all the time was taken to far. Im sure at times she said Something to hurt thier feelings, we all have said things to hurt Someone's feelings, or done something Wrong to them, we all made mistakes. None of us are Angels. But for the mostpart Kirsten was a good kid from the Articles I read. I don't believe she was any worse than anyone else. That movie even in the Beginning Stated Conversations have been chamged around. Even Tori Spelling in the Movie wasn't a terrible Bully more a Smart aleck. She wasn't a real mean girl bully, just a big Smart Alwck Snob. I even read Kirsten was nothing like that. In Deadly Womem they said she wasn't really like that either, more to say what's on her mind so to Speak. We read so much this one says this, that one said that, sort of thing. I do believe she was so Cute and Funny, and at times Cocky, but really who isnt! People who didn't like her, won't see any other way. She probaly was teasing them, and they took it Wrong. she probaly didn't mean amything by it.

At January 13, 2020 at 8:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At January 3, 2020 at 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Dec 18th 8:30 AM. What does Purple Haze AKA Karen hating English people, and Sympathetic towards NRA got to do with this site? We don't care. This is to discuss Kirsten so grow up.

At January 14, 2020 at 2:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not NRA you idiot, I.R.A

At January 14, 2020 at 4:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At November 11, 2017 at 5:45 AM , Blogger Purple haze said...
Anonymous, November 8th,

I'll answer your question when I get the chance. My replies tend to be long and I don't have time at the moment to write a long comment or two.

At January 14, 2020 at 5:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I snuck in a few times with Kirsten Costas and we played Nancy Drew games in there looking for clues. There were old boxes of detergent and interesting things from long ago. I just drove by for the first time in years. Great memories but definitely brought me to tears. Nice to see it restored.asn't really like that either, more to say what's on her mind so to Speak. We read so much this one says this, that one said that, sort of thing. I do believe she was so Cute and Funny, and at times Cocky, but really who isnt! People who didn't like her, won't see any other way. She probaly was teasing them, and they took it Wrong. she probaly didn't mean amything by it.

At January 14, 2020 at 11:34 AM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Anonymous,Jan,14,2020 at 5;59AM: You the same girl awhile back on here saying you knew Kirsten? You the one who called out on all Kirstens friends Idenity on here? Where did you sneak in the Costas home? Why did you have to Sneak in if you were Kirstens friend, or did you and Kirsten sneak in somewhere together? I believe Kirsten was so Cute and funny and Cocky at times. Tell us more about Kirsten. Did she really Prank call less popular kids? You the one that told about a girl they ran out of School for accussing Jocks of Rape? Also the one who told about a girl named Joanna and Deanna being outcasts? Well someone awhile back on here has. But do tell us more if you really knew Kirsten, about how Loveable she was and all. Im not Criticizing you or whoever before wrote and told us about Kirsten. We are interested in knowing, some State Kirsten as a (Bully and Snob), and others Stated her as "Charming and Vivacious". They nore described her as a mix of "Nellie Olsen and Blair Warner" and one said Lisa Turtle on :Saved by the Bell". I get she may be like Janet Jacksom who played Charlene (Willis Girlfriend) on Different Strokes. Lets us know more, and hope to hear from you soon.

At January 14, 2020 at 11:36 AM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Anonymous,Jan,14,2020 at 5;59AM: You the same girl awhile back on here saying you knew Kirsten? You the one who called out on all Kirstens friends Idenity on here? Where did you sneak in the Costas home? Why did you have to Sneak in if you were Kirstens friend, or did you and Kirsten sneak in somewhere together? I believe Kirsten was so Cute and funny and Cocky at times. Tell us more about Kirsten. Did she really Prank call less popular kids? You the one that told about a girl they ran out of School for accussing Jocks of Rape? Also the one who told about a girl named Joanna and Deanna being outcasts? Well someone awhile back on here has. But do tell us more if you really knew Kirsten, about how Loveable she was and all. Im not Criticizing you or whoever before wrote and told us about Kirsten. We are interested in knowing, some State Kirsten as a (Bully and Snob), and others Stated her as "Charming and Vivacious". They nore described her as a mix of "Nellie Olsen and Blair Warner" and one said Lisa Turtle on :Saved by the Bell". I get she may be like Janet Jacksom who played Charlene (Willis Girlfriend) on Different Strokes. Lets us know more, and hope to hear from you soon.

At January 14, 2020 at 11:58 AM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Even if Kirsten was like Nellie Olsem, as I said b4 and I will say it again, no right for Someone to Brutally Murder her or Anyone.

At January 14, 2020 at 7:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In an article awhile back ago, saying murder still haunts Morage residents,a friend of both Kirstens and Bernadettes, her mom spoke out and said Kirsten was a loveable puppy, hugged everyone, wasn't exclusive and liked everyone. Well the Anonoymous who wrote that you and Kirsten snuck in together and played Nancy Dtew, was that fact about her being a loveable puppy? Im sure she was, and probaly snooty towards some, we all have that one we dont like. Some say the Homecoming Queen in the class of 86 was snooty. Maybe to some she was also. The mother of the friend in that one article about Moraga residents still haunted, is she and her daughter still around, or ever get on these sites. Sharom or Sherry was the moms name. Hope to hear back from you also.

At January 14, 2020 at 8:24 PM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

January 14th 7;49 AM, the last few Semtences of your Paragraph looks just like what I wrote. Did you Copy off of me?

At January 14, 2020 at 10:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bright Angel, that other Anonymous is probaly a fraud. Couldn't make a bit of sense on what they was saying. Just about Nancy Drew games. I didn't know what thay person meant and yes looks like the person copied from you.

At January 15, 2020 at 3:29 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Were you on the drink last night?

At January 15, 2020 at 7:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At January 15, 2020 at 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bright Angel you light up the blogs with your intelligence.

At January 15, 2020 at 10:06 AM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Wolfman Jack is back.
I lived in the wrong state went to the wromg high school. Miramonte is where I should of went or amywhee2 in California. Instead stuck in the Mountains. Especiially Californiagirla.

At January 15, 2020 at 10:10 AM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Had to muchh too drink. Hung lover. Sorry. I drijk aloot.

At January 15, 2020 at 5:09 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

You need help.

At January 15, 2020 at 5:43 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Karem yoi know amy nice girs who woukd help me. I need one.

At January 15, 2020 at 6:47 PM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Wolfman, this is a Site to discuss Kirsten, not Match.Com. BTW, what Mental Illness did they diagnose you with? Cant even Spell, you're a "real Winner" for a Woman. So if you wanr to talk about Kirsten, then "good", otherwise get a "Life" and find out what Illness you have, and, get it Treated.

At January 15, 2020 at 9:11 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Stephanie, the conversations you continue to have with yourself under different aliases is nuts.

At January 16, 2020 at 12:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen you need a job instead of obsessing over poor Kirsten Costas. Bright Angel, you are thick!

At January 16, 2020 at 5:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette was homecoming queen at miramonte every year beautiful woman and they was all jelous of her.

At January 16, 2020 at 8:28 AM , Anonymous Susu said...

What in God's name are you talking about?

At January 16, 2020 at 8:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mon dieu. What is happening here? Lunatic zone.

At January 16, 2020 at 8:58 AM , Blogger Susu said...

Clearly,this page has been taken over by trolls

At January 16, 2020 at 10:31 AM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Karen FYI, I am not that Idiot "Stephanie" I don't like being Accussed of stuff I have no part of. Another Whoever wrote Bernadette eas Homecoming Queen everyyear, Hooray for her, we don't care. At least I don't. Why can't ww be Civil on here and talk about Kirsten, this is what this Sote is for, not Shouting Matches or Dating Websites. We are interested in knowing the real Kirsten, what all she liked, and what she was like, we know she was a very Popular girl, and.was " full of energy" around her house, and everywhere she went. Karen, I only have one Alias on here, one Alias only dont appreciate being accussed of being Stephanie, dont know her or care to, she sounds like a Kook. I don't know other Aliases she uses, nor do I care, she isn't using mine I guarantee you that. Have a good day.

At January 16, 2020 at 7:09 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Ok Stephanie.

At January 17, 2020 at 6:45 AM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

I am not Stephanie Karen, really Im not. Believe whatever you desire. You can't accuse people on here of being "Stephanie". You apparantely accussed other's of being Stephanie as well. Im not saying they are, or aren't. Im not arguing with you, about it, ratber discuss this case and talk Rationally on here about Kirsten, not some Eccentric Ebglish Girl, were Adults, come on act it, this is so Lame. No wonder Garret doesn't get on here anymore way to "much Drama" on here to deal with. It's very Disrespectful to Kirsten and her Family. Try being Civil on here Folks.

At January 17, 2020 at 6:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen, stop it.

At January 17, 2020 at 7:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the 'Ebglish' people. Long live the Queen.

At January 17, 2020 at 8:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Stephanie.
Karen, stop it.

At January 17, 2020 at 10:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long live your Butt

At January 17, 2020 at 11:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long live my Arse.

At January 17, 2020 at 11:23 PM , Anonymous B said...

Get a life people. No wonder Britt is wanting to sell the blogs. Drama Drama.

At January 17, 2020 at 11:26 PM , Anonymous B said...

You all need a life. Fussing and fighting on here is insane. Watch a movie or read a book. Teens are.more grown up than yous.

At January 18, 2020 at 5:49 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Ok Stephanie.

At January 22, 2020 at 8:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple Haze, are you "Brittany" and the creator of this blog? If not, you need to be in counseling with the person responsible for this blog, as you are just as mentally off. I don't know anyone on here and stumbled upon this blog today after reading the 1985 story posted in the Ladies Home Journal, and then I looked at the Lifetime Movie with Tori Spelling. So I am not vested with any party - but I will sure give my opinion and I did!

At January 22, 2020 at 9:48 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Ok Stephanie. You need to change your "script" sometimes. I know you like to copy and paste different comments and pass them off as your own, but you have posted the above a couple of times. Change it up a bit. Of course you can give an opinion. Here is my opinion: judging from your sexual comments about Kirsten, you are the type of person that needs to take a seat with Chris Hansen.

At January 22, 2020 at 1:36 PM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

I agree Purple Haze has Mental Issues, accussimg everuone of being Stephanie, causimg trouble on here, she's a Bully, amd just as "Off "as Syephanie. Purple Haze either talk about the Case, and discuss it Rationally, and stop Posting about "Stephanie" you're.running it way past the Ground, we're so sick and tired of hearing about Stephanie. Talk about something else, discuss this Case and all, not some Weird Girl from England. Please just stop, you're.making lot's of people mad. Even Bernadette would think you're Mentally Unstable, Im sure.she's heard of you, you're all over these Blogs running your Mouth with your fingers in Sentences. So just try and get along on here, Im not trying to be Harsh, just try and get along, we want to Discuss this without(Drama).

At January 22, 2020 at 1:46 PM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

I was wromg Karen, for saying you had Mental Issues, but as I said, we don't.need to be fighting on here, what if any of the Costas family sees this, this is Disrespectful to them. You don't know who made that Comment about Kirsten, and can't Accuse would you like to be Accused of something you didn't do? No one wants to. I want to end the drama and go on from here. Did my part and apologized. So please keep Peace.

At January 22, 2020 at 6:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Im tired of hearing about Stephanie as well,and I don't even know her. Why this onsession over Stephanie, and no Im definately not her. Go on her FB page, if she has one, probaly does,and tell her your beef with her. I agree, leave the mess off here. People are leary of posting due to accusations of being accused of Stephanie. This site has been turned into a Jerry Springer site.

At January 24, 2020 at 2:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fish heads, fish heads
Roly-poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads
Eat them up, yum
Fish heads, fish heads
Roly-poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads
Eat them up, yum
In the morning, laughing, happy fish heads
In the evening, floating in the soup
Ask a fish head anything you want to
They won't answer, they can't talk
I took a fish head out to see a movie
Didn't have to pay to get it in
They can't play baseball, they don't wear sweaters
They're not good dancers, they don't play drums
Roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappuccino
In Italian restaurants with Oriental women
Ask a fish head anything you want to
They won't answer, they can't talk
Ask a fish head anything you want to
They won't answer, they can't talk

At January 24, 2020 at 9:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous.Jam, 24th get a Life, you have Serious Issues to. What Mental Illness are you Dianosed with? All of them.

At January 24, 2020 at 9:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Jan. 24. I think you're Mentally Retarded, that sounds Retarded. You're whole Poem is Dumb just like you.

At January 25, 2020 at 10:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So so sick.

At February 5, 2020 at 8:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen : ) Why do you hate the English so much? You are racist!
Bright Angel you are thick!
In a nutshell you all need a purpose in life. Sad spinsters.

At March 4, 2020 at 5:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness this is one of the most horrific things I have ever read, not the most horrific. Ironic that even in death Kirsten still commands more popularity than her murderer. I will not start dissecting this case as I believe it has been exhausted but I feel I need to state the obvious; Jeanette's Facebook and other social media accounts are obviously not her. Think of it logically, she's a highly intelligent woman who has taken every measure to remain anonymous. Do you think she would be blatantly antagonising people by referring to herself as a life hacker? I believe that someone has created these accounts to incite further antagonism towards her and keep the hatred alive. If these were her accounts she would have deleted them all the moment she was outed.

At March 4, 2020 at 7:11 PM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Was wondering the same,also on Kirstens death date last June she wrote what a Glorious Day this is. I hear Bernadette suffers from Depression alot, hardly leaves her home anymore, since her dad died she suffer "Depression". Don't know it to be factual. She isn't well, maybe Karma got ahold of her. Wish I knew some real classmates who could give Actual updates on Kirstens family and friends. I highly doubt they know about "Bernadette" or even care. I have read she suffers from Depression, and is sick, and won't leave her home. Can't tell you if she's even still with Garu.

At March 5, 2020 at 1:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that this subject has been exhausted and needs to be laid to rest. She's been outed now, there is no need to hurt her children more. What more can be achieved? Besides, this blog is full of negativity and arguments, the moment anyone posts a comment that the majority disagree with, the insults start. Too vicious I'm afraid.I'm not Bernie or her sister neither her cousin twice removed, I'm on Kirstens side, my point is; she's been exposed, what else is there left?

At March 5, 2020 at 3:48 PM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

Yes she has been exposed, and it's sad for her kids to, I agree, possible she had fake accounts in her name, cause a Student from her School says she suffers from Depression, I don't insult unless Someone insults me. If they don't insult me, I don't insult them. Bernadette we will never forgive what she did, allowed the blame to rest on 2 innocent girls, so she can go free, she made the Choice herself, I didn't chose her decision, not my problem if her kids find out, she should of thought about that before she did it. Im sorry for her kids, but it was her choice. Her depression is probaly Karma. Kirstens friends won't openly discuss anything with anyone, one person said she tried contacting her friends and they disclosed to give any information to someone they don't know. I can't blame them. That was crazy to try and Contact them, they don't even know them. I would be so "Freaked". Who does that.

At March 5, 2020 at 8:48 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Bout time some action picked up on here. I call people I dont know all the time and get to know them then some serious action
Im not called Wolfman for nothing in a nutshell.478-7909 Well if I knew Kirstens friend's and Kirsten 36 years ago Id call them even if I didnt know them and get to know them. Her friends are probaly all married now and some are probaly dead by now. I wanna meet a woman a nice woman anyone interested. Maybe that Stephanie chick is available Ill settle her down. Im older wanting to settle down. Im pushing 50 and mileage is slowing down on me. But to the one who says its stupid to call someone you dont know I use to call bars and exotic dance clubs all the time and get to know them. I was wild Jack then.

At March 5, 2020 at 9:02 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

If Bernadette is depressed she dont get out and get enough action. That is depressing. If she was single Id date her to she and her bff we would have a ball. If Bern has money shes right up my alley. I want a woman with money to support me. This isnt the 1800s where times were more settled were in a fast lane now. My son is in my footsteps while Im slowing down.

At March 5, 2020 at 11:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, you are a "Sicko". Who would want your perverted Butt. Go to Plenty of fish.Com if you want to look for "Romance", this is s Site to talk about Kirsten Costas and the case'. Doubt even Bernadette would want you even if she was ,
"Single" she is to Smart for you. So don't come back on this Site if you're gping to talk and act like a "Moron". Well Kirsten loved to play Nancy Drew, she loved looking for Clues. I read that, didn't know Kirsten, I live in Sunny LA. There is alot of Crime in LA and in the Ghetto area it's not unusual to see Homeless people (begging for money) and robberies all the time, some even seen people get Murdered in the rough Section. I never seen it, I live in North Hollywood where its nice for the last 12 years. Im a Caregiver for Elderly people. Been in LA the last 25 years love it. Big Cities higher rate Crime. Orinda was a bedroom City to San Francisco, a nice town, never been there, been to San Francisco to Fishermens Warf its a great place. Its along the Coastline. San Francisco is nice but highly expensive. Orinda is highly expensive more so. So how was Bernadette poor? In Orinda cheapest home is 1 million so her family has to be well off. Never bought the Storyline she was poor and struggled for Popularity, she was in that Sorority Club that was "so hard to get in". Also they went by your familys income. There's alot in the Movie that didn't add up in reality. Kirsten I was told was Caddy and Snooty.(but she was far from a Bully), they portrayed her wrong. Regardless she didn't deserve to be Murdered no matter what she did, no one does. I do hope the Costas family is well now. Anyone know the true facts on this actual case? Someone who knew both girls? I hear they were friends, and I heard they were aquainted, and I hear a Mutual friend. I hear Kirsten was mean to Bernadette, and I hear harmless teasing, and I hear they didnt communicate hardly (only through that Mutual friend). Well it will never be over, Costas family will always remember it. Well hope someone gives us some update. Bernadette she's in Texas or Washington. She isnt in California, she moved away years ago. Best to the Costas family.

At March 6, 2020 at 12:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRIGHT ANGEL: " I didn't chose her decision, not my problem if her kids find out"
You mention KARMA, well, Karma has dealt it's blow. Who are you to get on here and carry on rehashing this case? If you were perhaps more literate I may take you more seriously! I believe this site gives people like you a raison d'etre! Look it up. I can find no other reason. I repeat, I'm not Bernie etc etc. When I saw the original movie I even felt sorry for the awful Stacey Lockwood but I still maintain that her kids should suffer no more, they didn't ask to be born and she's exposed now!

At March 6, 2020 at 10:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't care if you are Bernie. This case is old. All people do on here is rehash BS and fight. Someone ought to disclose this Site. Its been what 36 years ago, Bernie has moved on, Costas's have moved on, everyone in Orinda has moved on. So maybe we all should.

At March 6, 2020 at 10:43 AM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

That is no one but Bernadette or her Sister. How else would you know her kids have " suffered enough". Sorry if they did, but that goes with bad decisions in "Life". Some things aren't past or ever will be. Some things stay with you the rest of your life and Murder is one. I dont care if it's been 100 years its going to always be remembered. If you don't like it being brought up then remove this Site. If you're not Bernadette, then you're Virginia or a close friend or Relative. People are allowed to get on here and discuss this Site and form thier Opinion otherwise they would take it down. If you are indeed a Stranger then why are you so worried about Bernadettes kids? What would it be to you? Lots get on here and discuss all the time if not on this Particular Site then other Sites. You seem to be worried so much over Berns kids for Someone who doesn't know Bernie. Im not going to harass them if that's your fear, Im an adult. The kids I agree are "innocent" but Bern isn't and you know it.

At March 6, 2020 at 10:49 AM , Anonymous JS said...

Well that goes for allowing 2 innocent girls to take the blame, and you're worried about her kids taking the heat. Those 2 innocent girls weren't asked to be brought into that horrible ordeal and be shunned either. I agree karma collects.

At March 6, 2020 at 11:02 AM , Anonymous JS said...

Remember Bern 1 bad decision can change your life forever. It almost changed 2 "innocent girls". It affects them to this day, the abuse they took cause of your selfishness. I will agree, Bernadette is paying for it (big time now). Maybe Im a relative of one of the accused girls. So don't tell me about Berns kids being innocent when 2 innocent girls suffered at the Cross by the Community and Bern did absolutely nothing about it.

At March 6, 2020 at 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Kathy.

At March 6, 2020 at 8:11 PM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

It's no one but Bernie or her Sister's or family. If you don't know Bern then why is it so important that her kids suffered enough? How do you know that they even suffered at all? What is the big Concern "over her kids" to start with if you don't know Bern. Shouldn't be a thing to you. How is that your problem? I know it's not my problem, and Ill rehash all I desire. We all will like the above Comment said you watched 2 innocent girls suffer at the Cross and did absolutely nothing about it, Nothing. Maybe this is your Karma you put 2 innocent on the Cross and helped People torture them, now its hit home, and continues to hit. Its not illegal to discuss your case, and lots on here discuss it. We're not threatning you or harrassing you speaking our minds. Yes its old and time to put an end to this, do you have remorse for Joanna getting the heat, left an impact on her and Nancy both, sorry your kids were the ones exposed to your Karma, it is what it is. Karma paid ypu triple. But no reason to discuss this further. You paid more than enough. Think it was easy for Joanna.

At March 6, 2020 at 8:14 PM , Anonymous Bright Angel 768 said...

I am lost who is Kathy?

At March 7, 2020 at 3:07 AM , Blogger Hh said...

Understanding that children can suffer in various situations is called empathy but I'm not insulting my intelligence further by arguing with someone of your calibre. Having studied this and other blogs I have to agree with Karen, you have multiple profiles. Your writing style confirms this. If it makes you happy I am Bernadette Protti. So long Stephanie/Wolfman et al.

At March 7, 2020 at 6:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathy is the woman.

At March 7, 2020 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

H.H Kathy,Bernadette. Ill be whoever you want me to be baby. Are you guys single. If so lets chat.

At March 12, 2020 at 6:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

H.H has a swampy fanny

At March 21, 2020 at 6:58 PM , Anonymous Sara Dunn said...

Kirsten was a nice girl. The movie was way "off base". That's Hollywood and Celebrities, (to sell the Story) and make Money off the "Movie" and they Profit from it. Im in the Culver City area in Los Angeles. San Francisco is 5 hours North of me. Never stepped foot in Orinda, or been there, but I have Cousins in San Francisco near Fishermans Wharf. They don't know anyone from Orinda, but Jill my Cousin has a Facebook friend who claims she knew "Kirsten". She claims Kirsten was a Beautiful " force of Nature", and Beaitiful (inside and out). That tragedy affected the enitire " Community of Orinda". Kirsten was no bully by any means. She may of been "self absorbed" but no Bully. She wasn't entitled to Bernadettes friendship. If Bernadette would of left her alone, she wouldn't of been so mad over it. Kirsten was nice, from what I heard and would of "forgiven her". Kirstens parent's are in Hawaii, and it took more than a huge toll on them (and her brother). Bernadette I also heard had money and was Popular as well. She wanted to be Kirsten. She didn't struggle as hard as she made it out to have. This Facebook friend knew both girls, and got along with them. She wasn't what you say "friends" with either, she knew them, and liked them both. She said the Movie was so not accurate on Kirstens Account. Tori Spelling wasn't a thing even close to being like Kirsten. Kirsten hugged people and was just so Adorable. She was nice to mostly everyone, maybe a few she didn't like. Ahe was so much a (Force of Nature) Bullying was out of her realm.

At March 21, 2020 at 7:15 PM , Anonymous Sara Dunn said...

Again I never stepped foot in Orinda, Jill lives in SF I asked her if she knew about the case, she said she has a Facebook friend in that area and she would ask her. Well her FB friend told her everything I told you. I dont know her FB friend, I dont think she knows her really, they're just friends by Mutual Aquaintance and she friended her. Well thats all I can gather up now. Kirstens friends are all moved on out of State, or in another City. Can't tell if they keep Connected now or not. Sure some of them still do.

At March 21, 2020 at 9:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You livr in Los angeles. Did you know Missy Availa shw was murdered by her 2 best friends in Los angeles. Karwn. ISeverson and Laura Doyle. You know about that one sim8lar to Bernatte and Kirsten. I always wondered on that one as well. It wasnt long after Kirstens murder wonder if thier mums ever met. Is California as nice as people say.Let me know if ypu know about the Missy Abaila case or know the girls theyrw from Los angeles.

At March 22, 2020 at 6:50 PM , Anonymous Sara Dunn said...

Anonymous, March,21at 9;47 PM. Los Angeles has over 2 million people, and Murder everyday here happens (esp to young girls) so no I dont know any of those girls you "mentioned" its not uncommon here. Big Cities more Organized Crimes. I live in a safe "Suburb" of LA. I don't mix with to many here other than my family and ( close friends). Safe that way.

At April 1, 2020 at 9:22 PM , Anonymous Where is its about time? said...

It's about time, where are you? Get on here and tell us about Kirsten? Her friends mom Sharon described her as Beautiful Soul. Lots of people did. Her friends mom said her daughter was as fun as Kirsten. Is Sharon and her daughter still around? Ok hope to hear more.

At April 15, 2020 at 6:34 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Don't let the worldwide pandemic get in the way of a bit of trolling, eh?

At April 17, 2020 at 3:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear Hear. People are dying the world over and she's obsessing over a 36 year old case. Leave the girl's friends alone, you don't know what they are going through. Do something useful, buy food for food banks or reach out to your neighbours who may be vulnerable and need some errands running.

At April 19, 2020 at 10:06 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

Is this Hh?

At April 19, 2020 at 3:46 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Karen Hh lets have somr dun before the world ends. Ill take Kistwns friends and mom. Hh or annoymous dont care about this case care aboit seeing you. Need a Kirstwns friends do and maybe even Bern we ll have a ball a great timw.

At April 19, 2020 at 3:48 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Karen how old are you and are yoy single. I am we can go out.

At April 19, 2020 at 5:52 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

No thanks, Stephanie.

At April 19, 2020 at 6:26 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Awee Karwn dont know what youre missing. Ill be Stephanie if ypu want me to be. The girl is probaly dead by now. Lets get together. Ill date Kirstwns friends to. Why not morw tge merryer. Youre scared youll fall for me. Ill go out with Bern and call it a killer night. How old are you Karen. Sound like my kind of woman. Love fiery spunky women.

At April 19, 2020 at 6:28 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Ill go out with Stephanie to.

At April 19, 2020 at 7:37 PM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I see that the Government imposed Quarantine in the UK has driven you madder.

At April 19, 2020 at 8:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ask me you're all foolish. We're under Siege, and all you guys can do is talk foolish.. Wolfman get a "Life". You sound like a (Perve). Talk about (dating Women) on a Site for discussion of the "Costas Case".. You get off on that? Well Id be worried about this COVID 19 that's killing people Worldwide. Karen, tge more you Comment to this Joker, the more he will add. That's up to you. Good day and God Bless.

At April 20, 2020 at 1:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Karen, the 17 April comment is from me and I am from the UK. Don't tar us all with the same brush as I find it offensive. I am nothing to do with the illiterate morons who post on here. I wouldn't even waste my time acknowledging them. I am of Greek origin but born and raised in the UK and have respect for both cultures.

At April 20, 2020 at 10:05 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

What invisible brush did I tar you with?

At April 20, 2020 at 11:06 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

I also didn't ask you where you are from. I mentioned the UK to the resident troll.

At April 20, 2020 at 1:25 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

Karem Stephanie Im Jack Baker. Want to get togwther soon.I can handle 2. We can double daye. Me and you 2.

At April 20, 2020 at 1:31 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

No Om not Stephanie. I dont wear dresses make up Im not a fairy. I will be whoever you want me to be.

At April 20, 2020 at 11:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Karen, you didn't ask, just make sweeping statements about English people. Enough now, there are bigger issues out there and arguing with a jumped up defensive woman is not productive. I actually agreed with you, you need to wind your neck in.

At April 21, 2020 at 9:42 AM , Blogger Karen : ) said...

What sweeping statements about English people? And what do sweeping statements about English people have to do with people living in the UK when the UK is made up of four different countries (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)? If you are going to get annoyed about someone who apparently made "sweeping statements" about your nationality, perhaps you shouldn't make them yourself, such as when you assumed I was Irish and therefore a supporter of the IRA. That's quite a sweeping statement, isn't it? As for your "wind your neck in" statement.....I'm not annoyed or upset. Far from it.

At April 21, 2020 at 10:56 AM , Anonymous hh said...

Karen, I don't want to argue and I have never accused you of being an IRA supporter, I don't even know where you're from.

At April 21, 2020 at 5:45 PM , Anonymous Wolfman. Jack said...

How about a date ladies. Are you as pretty as Mrs Costas.

At April 21, 2020 at 8:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wolfman FYI. Mrs.Costas wouldn't give you the "time of day" so to Speak. Neither would Kirstens friends, they're married, and even if not, they want somebody "with Brains". I doubt Bernadette would want you.

At April 22, 2020 at 7:15 AM , Blogger Garret 1962 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At April 22, 2020 at 7:17 AM , Blogger Garret 1962 said...

Some of these later comments are so disrespectful on so many levels, it shows a complete lack of respect towards Kirsten's memory and her family. It also shows what a lack of class some of you have. I'm surprised you have no shame in displaying such stupid behavior on a public website. It's too bad Brittany doesn't remove them and clean up this blog a little.


At April 22, 2020 at 9:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garrets right, this blog alot of these comments are (isrespectful), to Kirsten and her family. It's time to be (Adults) now. Talk about this Rationally, "without fighting". This is a blog for Kirsten and " her memory". Some of you, where did you get your Education? Your Grammar is poor. It is best to talk about "Kirsten only" on here, not "Bernadette" not dating,or (fighting) and other nonsense. Don't forget we are Adults.

At August 6, 2020 at 1:28 PM , Blogger Myshawne said...

I agree. I was getting ready to enter high school in '84 so I was nearly the same age as Nancy, Kirsten, and Bernadette. My school was I described it at the time was like "Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Chips." I loved it there but it was very upper middle class. I initially felt out of placeand bullied. I stayed away from my bullies as much as I could. I never tried to befriend them.

At August 6, 2020 at 1:32 PM , Blogger Myshawne said...

I agree. I was getting ready to enter high school in '84 so I was nearly the same age as Nancy, Kirsten, and Bernadette. My school was I described it at the time was like "Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Chips." I loved it there but it was very upper middle class. I initially felt out of placeand bullied. I stayed away from my bullies as much as I could. I never tried to befriend them.

At October 30, 2020 at 7:56 PM , Blogger MissKiwi said...

Can’t believe all the Chaos in the World today, and you’re all still stuck in a rut over a case 36 years old. Bernadette is gone and not returning, so it’s pointless. She was horrible for what she did, but it can’t be changed.. It’s just crazy to go after People long gone for good, and just talk about Misery on it.

At October 30, 2020 at 7:59 PM , Blogger MissKiwi said...

Kirsten’s family and friends don’t want to be reminded of this painful memory. They would want to move on. Kirsten’s family “from my gathering of it“ don’t want to discuss the murder. Can you blame them, it was thier daughter.

At October 30, 2020 at 10:33 PM , Blogger MissKiwi said...


At October 30, 2020 at 10:37 PM , Blogger MissKiwi said...

Friend of mine said nothing was ever the same ever again. Kirsten’s death took a toll on everyone, and later finding out their friend Bernadette killed her, it just was awful, and Senior Year one Gal didn’t want to go back cause to many memories of Kirsten and Bernadette. She was hoping things would go back to the wya things were, and they could have fun again, but it wasn’t ever going to happen. Bernadette kept the Bobbies together, and it helped some, but when she got arrested and all, that changed a lot of lives. Like they lost 2 people, and it was very hard on one of my friends. But they got through it. You woukd if had to been there to experience it.

At December 26, 2020 at 5:30 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Merry Christmas and Happy new year

At December 26, 2020 at 5:31 PM , Blogger Missy said...

We’re all up there is years now, we moved on in our lives, Bernadette is up there in years as well.

At May 19, 2021 at 4:39 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

It was a figure of speech

At June 8, 2021 at 8:32 PM , Blogger Missy said...

What is a figure of speech? To the above comment (Miss Kiwi) yes it was hard for al, of us, but we “got by” we had to. It’s something no one should ever have to experience ever. Kirsten was just a direct person who told how it was, and “ how she felt”. Some people couldn’t handle that in her. Bernadette to this day is still keeping a low identity, she does not want to be (found). No one misses her to start with, we don’t want to ever see her again, The movie with Tori Spelling was way off base, 2 nd movie wasn’t as bad, kind of like Kirsten to a degree, it would pass to me more than the first movie. This girl was more like Kirsten and kind of had her personality, what I liked about Kirsten even if she didn’t care for you, if you needed help she would of still helped you. She tried to look for good in people, and didn’t single people out, unless you made her upset, she didn’t hold any grudges, I guarantee if Bernadette would of left her alone she would of forgotten all about it, if she was going to out her she would of told Alex Arnold who it was on the way home. She should of though and Bernadette would of been caught sooner. Kirsten was just that kind of person, she would of forgotten all about it in a week if Bernadette left her alone. As I said, Kirsten didn’t hold a grudge against anyone, she was forgiving along with her( bluntness).

At June 17, 2021 at 1:57 PM , Blogger Missy said...


At July 5, 2021 at 9:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy didn't deserve what happened. It was cruel. Her comment about wanting to see Kirsten's blood drip, drip, drip is disturbing, though. That sounds like something someone would write about a person they really hate. She said her interactions with Kirsten weren't as bad as in the movie, so why write such a thing about Kirsten? She admitted she looked down on the "popular group" and talked badly about them, so what kind of a response did she expect she would get back? What kind of a response did Nancy expect she would get from Kirsten by flipping her off in front of her family? Lots of people knew Nancy hated Kirsten, yet she said she expected the band to play when she returned to Miramonte. That was unrealistic. I'm sorry she went through hell, though. It wasn't a big deal that Nancy didn't want to be popular anymore and dress in black. It also wasn't a big deal that Kirsten liked being popular and wanted to be a cheerleader. Live and let live.

At July 11, 2021 at 3:30 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Anonymous I agree, Nancy didn’t deserve what happened, and neither did Joanna. Nancy did want to see Kirsten’s blood drip, she admitted to that, and in a class once she rolled her eyes at Kirsten and said to another friend, God I hate her. Nancy didn’t like what Kirsten represented, and she just got tired of the popular girls cause they were (boring) to her and made choices to run with the (new wave) crowd. He’s there was an incident where Nancy flipped off Kirsten, and Joanna, Kirsten just said to her why does she want to not be like everyone else and do drugs and be strange, and Joanna cussed her out. Yes their lives were hell at school and they left there. When Nancy returned she just wanted people to run up and hug her and tell her they missed her, well got news, people don’t care if you stay or go, there not going to cater to you, they want you to be a grown up, “ not a baby” and that was childish for Nancy to get offended over the teachers and students not talking to her, they let her come back and the case was already solved, she just wanted to be welcome with open arms. They were facing the real world and the real world don’t welcome you.

At July 11, 2021 at 3:38 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Besides that Anonymous, she shouldn’t be worried now over it, that is past, been to many years, she still is hurt over that ordeal, well you got to let the past go and “go on with your life”. Cause time doesn’t stand still, to many places to go things to do and see, no matter what or how much money is given, “ Kirsten isn’t coming back” and Nancy finished school and her rehashing all the people who didn’t talk to her, that is not important, wouldn’t be to me. I can see at the time, and it wasn’t a big deal then about her returning to school, no one cared either way. The class of 86 had graduation to look forward to and the prom, and trying to decide what College they were going to attend at that time, “they weren’t thinking about Nancy.” Some people get offended if someone doesn’t talk to them or look at them wrong. I would tell Nancy to her face to just let it go, and go with the future and present.

At July 16, 2021 at 7:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you say Joanna cussed Kirsten out? Wanting to see a person's blood drip because you were bored of the popular scene is a bit much. If Nancy openly said something about a person's blood dripping at the school I went to, she would have had her ass handed to her. Fortunately for Nancy Kirsten wasn't the violent type.

At August 7, 2021 at 5:45 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Joanna just told Kirsten she would “get her” if she didn’t stop asking her why does she do drugs, and to “get a life” and told Kirsten she hated her...:Nancy wrote she wanted to see her blood drip, that’s why she was the Chief Suspect in Kirsten’s Murder. Then Kirsten’s blood did drip, and that’s why it was so obvious to blame Nancy for it. Joanna was bullied, so was Nancy, but they wasn’t the only one there, there were several girls there who were bullied, one was called names cause of bad choices she made and left School over it. The were horrible to her as well and another one who refused to come to the Reunion. They weren’t blamed over Kirsten’s death, but it left an impact on all their lives the ones bullied. The wounds of adolescence can take many years to heal, (if ever). But it left a huge impact on Nancy’s life. She dealt with drug and alcohol abuse to deal with the pain. I think Joanna and Nancy are ok now and went on with their lives. Joanna came to their reunion and seemed fine to be there. But others won’t come cause high school years wasn’t the best for them. Kirsten wasn’t violent at all , (or a bully).

At August 7, 2021 at 5:54 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Joanna did cuss Kirsten once, they didn’t get along at all. Everyone isn’t going to ‘ get along... I thought Joanna was alright! Nancy to. Kirsten would let you know if she didn’t like you. She didn’t like people who came across the wrong way. There were outcasts who said they didn’t like Kirsten, well one stared at her and Kirsten told her about it. Just like she told Bernadette she was weird for luring her out under false pretenses. Kirsten liked most people, and she would help those girls she didn’t like, if they needed her help. She didn’t hate them, she didn’t hate anyone. She just didn’t want to hang out with that kind.,.,

At August 12, 2021 at 4:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy's comment about blood makes me feel uncomfortable. Did Kirsten know about that comment?

At August 24, 2021 at 7:44 PM , Blogger Missy said...


At August 24, 2021 at 8:01 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Well Joanna and Nancy both told Kirsten they were going to “get her“. Not together at once but on ( separate occasions). That’s why it was so easily to believe it was mostly Nancy cause she had words with Kirsten and let it be known she despised her to (no end). Joanna just told Kirsten she,would get her if she didn’t keep her mouth off her. Kirsten if she didn’t like a person she let them know it. She liked mostly everyone. We all have people we don’t see eye to eye with, were not perfect. I personally thought Nancy and Joanna were alright, didn’t know them that well. Joanna goes to the reunions they have every 10 years, so she’s supposedly moved on from it, and let it go. It’s best for her to, we were kids, and it’s all way distance past, I seriously doubt they bring that up to her, and I doubt she reminds them of the past. They all moved on, I think to a degree Nancy has moved on as well. It’s really best they did, cause it’s already done and over with, were all adults with kids and jobs and we have things like our kids and paying bills to worry about now. Nancy and Joanan both are in their 50s now, and have kids to worry about, I seriously doubt they care anymore about what happened, Nancy once said she wants to ensure her kids have a good school life, not like the one she had, I’m sure Joanna just wants to ensure her kids a good school life to, I know a lot of Miramonte kids who were treated badly and ran out, not just them, it’s uncalled for, but it’s also (high school) and that stuff happens. Some don’t want anything to do with going to reunions cause they’re experience in high school was terrible. It’s not just Miramonte, it’s schools all over. Bullying goes on all the time, it has been, but that’s the breaks, and it’s not right though. That’s why there is a lot of school shootings and suicides, they’re cracking down on bullying now.

At August 25, 2021 at 11:43 AM , Blogger Missy said...

Nancy and Joanna both are doing well, just talked to a friend of mine form the class of 1986, they went on with their lives and put it all behind them. That is great. Berit and Art Costas have moved on as well, lived in Hawaii and loving it, their Son has a daughter, so they just decided to go on with their lives, they’re both up there in years and want to enjoy the rest of their time, forever what time they have left to a degree they forgave (Bernadette) they just don’t “harbor hate” any longer, no need to cause it won’t bring Kirsten back, what’s been done is done now. Kirsten will always be remembered, and we will never forget her (Vivaciousness) and lovely smile, but we also know “time marches forward “ and so do we.

At August 25, 2021 at 11:47 AM , Blogger Missy said...

As a (matter of fact) were all getting up there in years. The class of 1986 and 1987. Were not spring chickens anymore, lots of classmates and schoolmates went before us as well.

At September 2, 2021 at 7:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're wrong and just speculating. I guarantee you that Kirsten's parents and brother still think about her. So do her close friends. Your comment about them moving on isn't true at all. They had to get used to Kirsten not being around, but they still miss her. That's a fact.

At September 2, 2021 at 7:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have preferred to go to a school like Miramonte over my garbage Catholic school.

At September 9, 2021 at 7:30 PM , Blogger Missy said...

Miramonte was a great School. Had lots of advantages for all kinds of people. Some didn’t like it there, and some didn’t feel accepted, that’s in any School. There will always be someone who doesn’t f”it in” that as I said, is everywhere. Kirsten s parents and brother haven’t forgot that “tragic ordeal” nor I doubt they (ever will), they just had to deal with the fact their daughter is gone and isn’t ever coming back. They have adjusted to being without her to a degree. They forgave Bernadette to a degree but they don’t like her.

At October 26, 2021 at 5:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's best not to make assumptions about Kirsten's parents, or mention them at all really.

At June 22, 2022 at 9:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sad i remember when it happened it was sickening Pray for Kirstin and her family

At August 1, 2022 at 2:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the worst kind of humiliation a person could ever go through!

At August 1, 2022 at 2:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette probably still lives with what she did every single day.

At August 5, 2022 at 11:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gree

At August 5, 2022 at 11:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernadette/ Jeanette is killer/ psicopata

At January 19, 2024 at 12:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of these people were working class. I don’t know why these articles wanted to paint everything as so black and white. Bernadette’s dad was an engineer. Nancy’s dad was a doctor. Kirten’s dad was an executive at a large corporation. They were all wealthy. I grew up in a town a few miles away from where this occurred. The town of Orinda is a very wealthy community. It’s been listed as one of the wealthiest communities in the US for decades. All of the houses are large and surrounded by rolling hills. In the 80s the only time you saw anyone of color was when someone’s housekeeper drove through the gates. These articles and movies also tried to paint Nancy as a hard core punk. She was a new waver. I graduated the same year all of these girls should have graduated, lived in the same area, so I’m very aware of how even someone who listened to British Pop was considered a “weirdo.” All of the popular girls had poodle perms, like Kirsten. Even having a straight bob like Nancy or I had instead made one an outlier, suspect, “weird.” The teachers and administrators were involved in the bullying back then. They encouraged conformity. They actively showed preference for the popular jocks. The adults weren’t looking out for bullying at that time, they were some of the worst bullies. I never felt like I could go to adults for help, I was on my own. And even though I was blonde and cute I felt very much like I wasn’t accepted just because I liked European fashion and British pop, in a town where everyone loved Bruce Springsteen and had bad perms, yes even in upscale California. Yes of course it’s no reason to murder. I chose to feel superior and look down on everyone. But I definitely understood Bernadette’s motives.

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