Disbarred Attorney Michael Dershem

Bernadette's Attorney Michael Dershem who represented her in her Oklahoma name change petition was disbarred by the state of Oklahoma. In a nut shell he was just a whack job who was a terrible attorney. It's no suprise the only person who would represent her was a janky lawyer. Here's a little highlight from the Supreme Court's ruling against her Attorney Michael Dershem.
From the Supreme Court of Oklahoma: "The Tribunal viewed Respondent's lack of interest in this Complaint as clear evidence of his inability and unwillingness to practice law.
¶ 3 Due to the serious nature of the uncontested allegations against Respondent and his apparent abandonment of the practice of law and disregard for the authority of the bar association and this Court, Respondent is disbarred and ordered to pay costs associated with this investigation in the amount of $315.51".

Also here is the court document showing Jeannette's name change and the lawyer representing her.
Wow. Attorneys do not get disbarred very often...you have to be a real loser.
LOL; that's hilarious!! Everyday of Bernadette Protti Tomanka's life, she should get on her knees and thank the lord that she had such a weak liberal judge who basically gave her a "slap on the wrist"; instead of a REAL prison sentence!! She was almost 18 years old for chriisakes!! This lawyer sounds like a clown; too bad he didn't represent her in her murder trial!!
Wow. You are all over this case! Keep up the good work.
That's interesting.
Brittany, have you gotten any harassment from Bernadette or her family after recently publishing pics of Bernadette?
No, they just comment under anonymous handles defending her. Which is their right too. They are crazy and so is anybody else who thinks that "enough" time has passed to let her leave in anonymity. Taking a life is the ultimate sin. I don't know how her family lives with themselves.
Hi. Thanks for your reply. It is quite amusing when her family members comment though, isn't it.
LMAO. That is so hilarious
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