Saturday, September 21, 2019

I'm BACK!!

Oh we have so much to talk about! Did you guys see Lifetime's remake of Death of a Cheerleader?! What did you think? Also to the people that think I should clean up the comments, I don't believe in censoring dissenting ideas. If somebody wants to sound foolish let them. In the coming days I'll be discussing why I feel Bernadette's mother knew way before hand that she killed Kirsten. I believe she knew from day one. But that will be another post. Also, international news sites have quoted my site. Others have questioned why I outed Jeannette Tomanka aka Bernadette Protti vice versa.She is a remorseless killer. If you touch a child you get put on a registry. But if you kill a child you deserve privacy?! Hell no! This is Bernadette's registry! The community deserves to know who they live amongst. Keep checking back for updates!