Monday, October 19, 2015

My interview with Nancy Kane Mark

Let me start off by saying, Nancy is truly an amazing woman and soul. I reached out to her several days ago. And ever since any questions I've had for her she answered them. So thank you Nancy for giving all of us who have followed this case some answers we have been wanting to know. 

So for starters here is how Nancy describes her look at the time: "Just to set the record straight, I was not goth, I was new wave. I liked Madonna, culture club, flock of seagulls, duran duran etc bands like that. "

Do you feel like the atmosphere at Miramonte was cruel and very competitive? 

I wouldn't call Miramonte cruel but it was hard to keep up with the joneses. It was super competitive in every way. I was lucky my dad was a doctor and we had money. Middle class didn't work in Orinda. Orinda wasn't super rich but it was definitely a town where most people lived a comfortable life. I think a lot of what was going on was simple teenage angst. We are all discovering who we are or who we think we are. There were so many cliques and were not told to be nice to each other like they do in school now. Everyone played a sport or had a thing, skiing, tennis, golf. I rode horses along with another very wealthy friend. There was also The Orinda Country Club, not everyone belonged and it was super prestigious to belong. 

And how was your relationship with Kirsten? Would you describe her as "mean"?

Kirsten and I did not interact that much because I didn't like her. I don't think she liked me either. I had changed so much and had kind of a druggy dark reputation (that I created cause I thought it was cool). We had a few classes together but there was no war being waged. She was popular, chatty, cute and social. That whole scene bored me. I just rejected it which wasn't normal for an Orinda girl. 
We were all mean at some point. So yes she was mean and snotty and thought she was better than other people. We were taught to be that way, conceited. I thought I was better than them. Bernadette was just beaten down, couldn't catch up from the beginning. I think her trying to be somebody she wasn't is why Kirsten gave her such a hard time. 

Have you seen the movie based on the case? If so do you think it got it right?

A friend to die for? I have seen it many times. Its pretty accurate except for my portrayal and Kirsten's. A little over done.

We're you shocked that Bernadette admitted to it? Did she seem like she was ever about to explode? Was she really bullied?

Yes I was shocked and mad. We had gone through Catechism together the whole time I was being blamed. She never appeared any different. I wasn't allowed to come back to Miramonte that year so I don't know how she acted at school. Everyone was bullied by someone, thats how life is.

Do you still talk to any old classmates? And was kirsten mean to everybody?

I only catch up with people through Facebook so not a lot of contact with anybody I went to school with. I don't think Kirsten was mean as much as she was cocky. She just had a lot of self esteem, some kids are like that. She did well in everything she tried. She wasn't mean to everybody. 

What's the main thing people get wrong about you? 

That I could really kill someone

Do you think the punishment Bernadette received fit the crime? 

Not really, She got a college education and was completely protected while she was in custody. Then she escapes off to a new life

Friday, October 16, 2015

Nancy Kane before she turned "goth"

Nancy Kane, the teenager who is the real life inspiration of Monica in the movie A Friend to Die for and the girl who was "Heather Krane" in the Rolling Stone article. Here she is in 1982 before she went goth and was ostracized by her community. 

She was an equestrian and fit in very much with the Orinda scene. As high school rolled around she started dying and cutting her hair and dressing different. She just stopped talking to the popular clique and they stopped talking to her. Then after Kirsten was killed by Bernadette aka Jeannette the community the high school blamed Nancy. Thank God Bernadette was rightfully convicted. If it wasn't for the police work, Nancy could still be taking the blame for this murder. 

Here's a later photo of Kirsten. 

Here's another earlier photo of Nancy Kane. 

Nancy Kane after she went "goth".

Monday, October 12, 2015

Jeannette responds to comments on her YouTube video. She responds to being called a life hacker and her inferiority complex

What's the point of doing the Suzie Homemaker act now? We all know now. 

After years of online web sleuthing I have finally found the ID of the other girl wrongfully accused of Kirsten's murder.

Now let me start off my saying I'm not "outing" her. She herself has put her name and photos out there and has commented about being blamed for Kirsten's murder. She has shared her experience with being accused by the community. Her name is Nancy Kane married name now Mark. 

Here is a photo of her in high school. As you can see she didn't fit into the preppy mold most kids did back in '80s Orinda. She lives in Virginia and is a mother of two and happily married. 

I have current photos of her, but her children are in those and I don't name or post pics of kids. She is active with the student alumni at least online. I'm very happy her life was not ruined by Bernadette/Jeannette. 


Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Friend to Die for

I'll never forget the first time I watched the movie "A Friend to Die for" aka Death of a Cheerleader. I watched it with my dad and at the end of the movie, my father a strong strapping man was reduced to tears for Bernadette. It portrayed her as so homely and needy and wanting. Everywhere you read or everything you watch on this case it's the same narrative. Bernadette was bullied by the rich snobby Kirsten and she couldn't handle it. But as we all know that was not the case. 

Bernadette was insanely jealous, so much so that even when she was incarcerated it's been documented she had outbursts of jeolusy towards her boyfriend. Yes you read that right she was in a youth facility that allowed her to have a boyfriend. Ironic isn't it? By killing Kirsten she got the life she always wanted. The parole officer said he wondered how she would have handled it had she not been incarcerated. Basically he felt if this was on the outside she would have stalked him. 

Also he felt and several experts that she has poor impulse control and basically can't take no for an answer. As you can tell by her erratic and crazy comments she leaves. Side note Bernadette don't you realize you can't hide your anger when you're posting under "anonymous". You killed a girl, and around these parts we feel like the punishment did not fit the crime. 

If you don't want this blog or Lifetime to have the final say Bernadette why don't you go on Iyanla fix my life or do an Oprah special really telling your side. But you're not going to do that because you know and everybody else knows you had no damn good reason to kill her. 

God help us all the day somebody offends you or your kids. You are mean to people on your fake ass stupid ass Betty Crocker Facebook page. And you're mean as hell to the commenters on this blog and on Wordpress. I bet your mean as hell in real life too. Lol.  

The movie and the Rolling Stone article got it wrong. You were not "bullied" no more then anybody else. You were jealous and you could no longer contain it. I do not believe Kirsten offered you pot. First off yall wasn't friends, let's be real. People who smoke pot know what I'm talking about. That's like breaking bread. You're not about to share a joint with somebody you bullied. 

There was never a party to go to, she was dressed casually, and she had a butcher knife. It doesn't take Einstein to recognize we have a first degree murder case. She pre planned it, in her crazy ass mind she probably felt like if Kirsten wasn't here then she could shine. But you can't be a better "Kirsten" or anybody else. You can only be yourself. What I hope people take from this case is not the fake bullying part. But how to accept yourself as you are and stop trying to compete where you can't. 

I'm really suprised a major magazine hasn't done an update on this case. I think the world would be interested to know where little miss Bernadette Protti ended up. Nobody would have guessed she moved to Oklahoma after she was released, so she is smart for that one. 

I liked her old nose better she should have left it. 

Creepy ass fake Betty Crocker avatar she uses. You she is known for using other women's pictures and tagging them Jeannette Tomanka so when people Google it that's what they see. Why would you use another person's photo when your a known killer? How disrespectful to them and their families. You're better off not posting fake pictures at all. Especially since you can look them up on Goole images and find out exactly where they originally came from!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Well known First 48 Detective shares Mistress with slain Houston Officer Darren Goforth

Officer Darren Goforth was gunned downed outside a Houston gas station 42 days ago. The only witness to the shooting as been confirmed as a woman Officer Goforth had an on going affair with. 

Well known Detective Craig Clopton, best known for covering high profile cases in Houston on A&E hit show The First 48 has lost his job after it was discovered he too was carrying on an affair with the witness in the Goforth investigation.

Side note, I'm so curious who this woman is. Not trying to judge but clearly she is what my southern Grandmother would refer to as a Jezebel. Lol. What is so alluring about this woman Officer Goforth lost his life meeting up with her at the gas station and Detective Clopton risked his stellar career. 

I digress, the suspect Shannon Miles is in custody. I doubt this with effect the Trial or the verdict. But it's just another case of questionable morality by the people who police morality. 


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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bernadette Protti name change court document

Proof Bernadette changed her name to Jeannette Butler. Then she married and became a Tomanka. Here is the irl to get to the document online.

Yeah we cite our sources around here. 

Jeannette and Sister Virginia Varela look like twins! Yeah the sister whose knife killed Kirsten.

Jeannette aka Bernadette looks just like her banker sister Virginia Varela. Virginia testified that she used a large knife in her car to cut veggies. If that's true how do these people live with themselves? 

In my opinion she perjured herself. I do not believe it was her knife, I feel she was covering for her sister so the prosecution couldn't charge Bernadette with first degree premeditated murder. If she was found guilty of that maybe she would still be in jail. 

I truly believe she planned to kill Kirsten. And thought she would get away with it. 

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Jeannette Tomanka's quote of the day

'Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what could be' 

Great mantra for a killer. Let's all forget you viciously and violently killed a child. Yeah easier said than done. 

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George Zimmerman is the most hated man in America, if that's the case why isn't anyone raising money for Matthew Apperson? The man who shot Zimmerman?

Matthew Apperson should get a Medal of Honor. It was his bullet that almost ended the life of scum bag George Zimmerman this past May. He is currently being charged with attempted murder. Now he is claiming Stand Your Ground. Obviously ironic figuring that's what got Zimmerman off. 

But I digress. Shouldn't there be more public support for Apperson? I mean a Gofundme or #blacklivesmatter hold rallies for this guy? Every time Zimmerman posts racist tweets or retweeted photos of Trayvon's dead body, there should be more money given to Apperson.  

I'll keep you posted when the trial starts, I just think it's interesting there is no real tangible support for Apperson. 

George Zimmerman got away with murder. But just like Bernadette they will always be known for what they did. Always looking behind their shoulders. Just like OJ, karma is coming. 

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